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Erythrolamprus cursor LACÉPÈDE, 1789

IUCN Red List - Erythrolamprus cursor - Critically Endangered, CR

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Higher TaxaColubridae (Dipsadinae), Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
Common NamesE: Martinique Groundsnake, Lacépède's Ground Snake 
SynonymColuber cursor LACÉPÈDE 1789: 96 (nomen rejiciendum)
Coluber cursor BONNATERRE 1790
Coluber cursor — SHAW 1802: 510
Herpetodryas cursor — SCHLEGEL 1837: 199
Dromicus cursor — DUMÉRIL, BIBRON & DUMÉRIL 1854: 650
Dromicus cursor — GARMAN 1887: 280
Dromicus cursor — LAZELL 1968
Dromicus cursor —  MAGLIO 1970
Liophis cursor — SCHWARTZ & HENDERSON 1991: 622
Liophis cursor — POWELL et al. 1996: 88
Erythrolamprus cursor — GRAZIOTIN et al. 2012
Liophis cursor — WALLACH et al. 2014: 381
Erythrolamprus cursor — THORPE 2022 
DistributionMartinique, Rocher du Diamant (Lesser Antilles)

Type locality: Martinique.  
TypesSyntype: ANSP 5580; MNHN ?, other syntype(s) unlocated. This specimen also is the holotype of Liophis putnami Cope, 1862. 
DiagnosisAdditional details, e.g. a detailed description or comparisons (1348 characters), are available for collaborators and contributors. Please contact us for details. 
CommentFor illustrations see Maglio, 1970; Dixon, 1981.

Abundance: rare (Lazell 1968).

Reference images: see Uetz et al. 2024 for high-resolution reference images for this species. 
EtymologyNamed after Latin: cursor, ‘runner’ (Fretey 2023). 
  • Dixon, J.R. 1981. The neotropical colubrid snake genus Liophis: the eastern Caribbean complex. Copeia 1981 (2): 296-304 - get paper here
  • Dixon, James R. 1989. A key and checklist to the neotropical snake genus Liophis with country lists and maps. Smithsonian Herp. Inf. Serv. (79): 1-40 - get paper here
  • FRÉTEY, T. 2023. Etymology of nomina of Amphibians and Reptiles of the French Antilles. Bionomina 35 (1): 20-50 - get paper here
  • Garman, S. 1887. On West Indian reptiles in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge, Mass. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. 24: 278-286. - get paper here
  • Grazziotin, Felipe G.; Hussam Zaher, Robert W. Murphy, Gustavo Scrocchi, Marco A. Benavides, Ya-Ping Zhang and Sandro L. Bonatto 2012. Molecular phylogeny of the New World Dipsadidae (Serpentes: Colubroidea): a reappraisal. Cladistics DOI: 10.1111/j.1096-0031.2012.00393.x - get paper here
  • Henderson R W & Bourgeois, R.W. 1993. Notes on the Diets of West Indian Liophis (Serpentes: Colubridae). Carib. J. Sci. 29 (3-4): 253-254
  • Jowers, Michael J.; Stephane Caut, Juan Luis Garcia-Mudarra, Samer Alasaad, and Ivan Ineich 2013. Molecular Phylogenetics of the Possibly Extinct Martinique Ground Snake. Herpetologica 69 (2): 227-236. - get paper here
  • Lacepède, B. G. E. 1789. Histoire Naturelle des Quadrupèdes Ovipares et de Serpens. Vol.2. lmprimerie du Roi, Hôtel de Thou, Paris, 671 pp. - get paper here
  • Lazell, J.D., Jr. 1967. Wiederentdeckung von zwei angeblich ausgestorbenen Schlangenarten der westindischen Inseln. Salamandra 3: 91-97 - get paper here
  • Maglio, Vincent J. 1970. West Indian Xenodontine colubrid snakes: Their probable origin, phylogeny, and zoogeography. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 141 (1): 1-54 - get paper here
  • Powell, R., R. W. Henderson, K. Adler, And H. A. Dundee. 1996. An annotated checklist of West Indian amphibians and reptiles. In R. Powell and R. W. Henderson (eds.), Contributions to West Indian Herpetology: A Tribute to Albert Schwartz, p.51-93. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Ithaca (New York). Contributions to Herpetology, volume 12. [book review in Salamandra 36 (2): 136]
  • Schlegel, H. 1837. Essai sur la physionomie des serpens. Partie Descriptive. La Haye (J. Kips, J. HZ. et W. P. van Stockum), 606 S. + xvi - get paper here
  • Schwartz, A. & Henderson, R.W. 1991. Amphibians and Reptiles of the West Indies. University of Florida Press, Gainesville, 720 pp.
  • Shaw, G. 1802. General Zoology, or Systematic Natural History. Vol.3, part 2. G. Kearsley, Thomas Davison, London: 313-615 - get paper here
  • Thorpe, R.S. 2022. Reptiles of the Lesser Antilles. Chimaira, Frankfurt, 608 pp. - get paper here
  • Uetz, P.H.; Patel, M.; Gbadamosi, Z.; Nguyen, A.; Shoope, S. 2024. A Reference Database of Reptile Images. Taxonomy 4: 723–732 - get paper here
  • Wallach, Van; Kenneth L. Williams , Jeff Boundy 2014. Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species. [type catalogue] Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, 1237 pp.
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