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Geophis hoffmanni PETERS, 1859

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Higher TaxaColubridae (Dipsadinae), Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
Common NamesE: Hoffmann's Earth Snake 
SynonymColobognathus Hoffmanni PETERS 1859: 276
E(lapoides) Hoffmanni — JAN 1862: 21
Elapoides Hoffmanni — JAN 1865
Geophis hoffmanni — BOCOURT 1883: 529
Geophis hoffmanni — BOULENGER 1894: 319
Catastoma hoffmanni — AMARAL 1929: 192
Geophis hoffmani — DUNN 1942: 4 (in error)
Geophis bartholomewi BRATTSTROM & HOWELL 1954
Geophis acutirostris TAYLOR 1954: 391
Geophis hoffmanni — DOWNS 1967: 155
Geophis hoffmanni — PETERS & OREJAS-MIRANDA 1970: 120
Geophis hoffmanni — VILLA et al. 1988
Geophis hoffmanni — MYERS 2003
Geophis hoffmanni — WILSON & TOWNSEND 2007: 10
Geophis hoffmanni — WALLACH et al. 2014: 302
Geophis hoffmanni — CURLIS et al. 2020
Geophis hoffmani — BARRIO-AMORÓS et al. 2023 (in error) 
DistributionHonduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia (possibly), elevation 18-1670 m.

Type locality: Costa Rica, by implication.  
TypesSyntypes: ZMB 1868 (2 specimens), 1869, 1870, 4003, 4106, BMNH 1946.1.6.54 (formerly BMNH, ZMUC 138
Holotype: CAS 91202 (was: UCLA 6163) [bartholomewi]
Holotype: KU 34670 [acutirostris] 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Geophis hoffmanni is distinguished from all other Geophis found in
eNCA (except G. damiani) by having 15 dorsal scale rows present throughout the length of the body (17 dorsal scale rows in G. dunni, G. fulvoguttatus, G. nephodrymus, and G. rhodogaster). Geophis hoffmanni can be differentiated from G. damiani by having a uniform dark dorsal coloration with a pale nuchal band in juveniles (dark dorsal ground coloration with a red nuchal band and red partial bands and laterally offset red blotches in G. damiani), 114–131 ventral scales (136–143 in G. damiani), 23–32 subcaudal scales (34–41 in G. damiani), five or fewer supralabials (six in G. damiani), and posterior chinshields in moderate contact (posterior chinshields separated by first medial gular scale in G. damiani). 
CommentSynonymy that of PETERS & OREJAS-MIRANDA 1970. 
EtymologyNamed after Carl Hoffman (-1859), collector of the types. 
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  • Barrio-Amorós, Cesar Luis, Michelle Quiroz, Cristian Porras-Ramírez, Rene Villanueva-Maldonado, Alejandro Estrada-García, Abel Batista 2023. Amphibians and reptiles encountered during an expedition to Panama. Reptiles & Amphibians 30 (1): e18359 - get paper here
  • Bauer, A.M.; Günther,R. & Klipfel,M. 1995. The herpetological contributions of Wilhelm C.H. Peters (1815-1883). SSAR Facsimile Reprints in Herpetology, 714 pp.
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  • Bocourt, M. F. 1883. In A. Duméril, M. F. Bocourt, and F. Mocquard, (1870-1909), Etudes sur les reptiles, p. i-xiv, 1-1012. In Recherches Zoologiques pour servir a l'Histoire de Ia Faune de l'Amérique Centrale et du Mexique. Mission Scientifique au Mexique et dans l'Amérique Centrale, Recherches zoologiques. Part 2, sect. 1. Imprimerie Impériale, Paris - get paper here
  • Boulenger, George A. 1894. Catalogue of the snakes in the British Museum (Natural History). Volume II., Containing the Conclusion of the Colubridæ Aglyphæ. British Mus. (Nat. Hist.), London, xi, 382 pp. - get paper here
  • Brattstrom, B. H., & HOWELL, T. R. 1954. Notes on some collections of reptiles and amphibians from Nicaragua. Herpetologica 10: 114-123. - get paper here
  • Curlis JD, Fisher EC, Muhic WK, Moy J, Garro-Cruz M, Montero-Ramírez JJ 2020. A survey of the reptiles and amphibians at the University of Georgia Costa Rica field station in San Luis de Monteverde, Costa Rica. Check List 16(6): 1433-1456 - get paper here
  • Downs, F. L. 1967. lntrageneric relations among colubrid snakes of the genus Geophis Wagler. Misc. Publ. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan 131: 1-193. - get paper here
  • Dunn, Emmett Reid 1942. New or Noteworthy Snakes from Panama. Notulae Naturae 108:1-8.
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  • Jan, G. 1865. Iconographie générale des ophidiens. 12. Livraison. J.B. Bailière et Fils, Paris - get paper here
  • Köhler, G. 2008. Reptiles of Central America. 2nd Ed. Herpeton-Verlag, 400 pp.
  • Lips K R. Savage J M. 1994. A new fossorial snake of the genus Geophis (Reptilia: Serpentes: Colubridae) from the Cordillera de Talamanca of Costa Rica. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 107 (2): 410-416. - get paper here
  • López-Maroto, V., Sunyer, J., & García-Roa, R. 2023. The herpetofauna of Cerro Jesús María (Cordillera Dipilto-Jalapa), the second highest mountain in Nicaragua. Bol. Asoc. Herpetol. Esp. 34 - get paper here
  • McCranie J R 2011. The snakes of Honduras. SSAR, Salt Lake City, 725 pp.
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  • Mendenhall, Chase D.; Luke O. Frishkoff, Georgina Santos-Barrera, Jesús Pacheco, Eyobed Mesfun, Fernando Mendoza Quijano, Paul R. Ehrlich, Gerardo Ceballos, Gretchen C. Daily, and Robert M. Pringle 2014. Countryside biogeography of Neotropical reptiles and amphibians. Ecology 95: 856–870 - get paper here
  • Mora, J. M., Arrieta, J. A. P., Marín, P., Chaves, G., & López, L. I. 2022. A Case of Albinism in the Common Earth Snake (Geophis hoffmanni (Peters, 1859))(Serpentes: Dipsadidae) in the Caribbean Lowlands of Costa Rica. Caribbean Journal of Science, 52(1), 108-113 - get paper here
  • Myers, C.W. 2003. Rare Snakes—Five New Species from Eastern Panama: Reviews of Northern Atractus and Southern Geophis (Colubridae: Dipsadinae). American Museum Novitates 3391: 1-47 - get paper here
  • Pérez-Santos,C. & Moreno, A.G. 1988. Ofidios de Colombia. Museo reegionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino, Monographie VI, 517 pp.
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  • Ray, Julie M. and Patty Ruback 2015. Updated checklists of snakes for the provinces of Panamá and Panamá Oeste, Republic of Panama. Mesoamerican Herpetology 2 (2): 168-188 - get paper here
  • Restrepo T J H; Wright J W 1987. A new species of the colubrid snake genus Geophis from Colombia. Journal of Herpetology 21 (3): 191-196 - get paper here
  • Santos-Barrera, Georgina; Jesus Pacheco, Fernando Mendoza-Quijano, Federico Bolaños,<br>Gerardo Cháves , Gretchen C. Daily, Paul R. Ehrlich & Gerardo Ceballos 2008. Diversity, natural history and conservation of amphibians and reptiles from the San Vito Region, southwestern Costa Rica. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (2): 755-778 - get paper here
  • Savage, J.M. 2002. The Amphibians and Reptiles of Costa Rica: A Herpetofauna Between Two Continents, Between Two Seas. University of Chicago Press, 934 pp. [review in Copeia 2003 (1): 205]
  • Savage, Jay M.; Watling, James I. 2008. Not so rare snakes: a revision of the Geophis sieboldi group (Colubridae: Dipsadinae) in lower Central America and Colombia. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 153(3):561-599 - get paper here
  • Solís, J. M., L. D. Wilson, and J. H. Townsend. 2014. An updated list of the amphibians and reptiles of Honduras, with comments on their nomenclature. Mesoamerican Herpetology 1: 123–144 - get paper here
  • Solorzano, A. 2004. Serpientes de Costa Rica - Snakes of Costa Rica. Editorial INBio, Costa Rica, 792 pp.
  • Sunyer, Javier 2014. An updated checklist of the amphibians and reptiles of Nicaragua. Mesoamerican Herpetology 1 (2): 186–202. - get paper here
  • Sunyer, Javier & José́ Gabriel Martínez-Fonseca 2023. An updated country checklist to the amphibians and reptiles of Nicaragua. REVISTA NICARAGÜENSE DE BIODIVERSIDAD (100): 1-25 - get paper here
  • Taylor,E.H. 1954. Further studies on the serpents of Costa Rica. Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 36: 673-800. - get paper here
  • Wallach, Van; Kenneth L. Williams , Jeff Boundy 2014. Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species. [type catalogue] Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, 1237 pp.
  • WILSON, L.D. & J.H. TOWNSEND 2007. A checklist and key to the snakes of the genus Geophis (Squamata: Colubridae: Dipsadinae), with commentary on distribution and conservation. Zootaxa 1395: 1-31 - get paper here
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