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Lioheterophis iheringi AMARAL, 1935

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Higher TaxaColubridae (Dipsadinae), Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
Common NamesE: Ihering's Snake 
SynonymLioheterophis iheringi AMARAL 1935: 187
Lioheterophis iheringi — PETERS & OREJAS-MIRANDA 1970: 174
Lioheterophis iheringi — WALLACH et al. 2014: 385
Lioheterophis iheringi — NOGUEIRA et al. 2019 
DistributionBrazil (Parahyba)

Type locality: Campina Grande, Estado da Parahyba, Brazil.  
TypesHolotype: IBSP (= IB) 8362 
DiagnosisAdditional details, e.g. a detailed description or comparisons (1826 characters), are available for collaborators and contributors. Please contact us for details. 
CommentAbundance: very rare: only known from the type specimen (PETERS & OREJAS-MIRANDA 1970: 174).

Type species: Lioheterophis iheringi AMARAL 1935 is the type species of the genus Lioheterophis AMARAL 1935. 
EtymologyNamed after ornithologist Rudolpho Teodoro Gaspar Wilhelm von Ihering (1883-1939), son of Dr. Hermann Friedrich Ibrecht von Ihering (1850-1930), German-Brazilian zoologist, malacologist, and geologist, and founder and long-time director of the Museu de Zoologia, São Paulo (1894-1916). 
  • Amaral, A. 1935. Collecta herpetologica no nordeste do Brasil. Mem. Inst. Butantan 8 [1934]: 185-194 - get paper here
  • Beolens, Bo; Michael Watkins, and Michael Grayson 2011. The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, USA - get paper here
  • Nogueira, Cristiano C.; Antonio J.S. Argôlo, Vanesa Arzamendia, Josué A. Azevedo, Fausto E. Barbo, Renato S. Bérnils, Bruna E. Bolochio, Marcio Borges-Martins, Marcela Brasil-Godinho, Henrique Braz, Marcus A. Buononato, Diego F. Cisneros-Heredia, 2019. Atlas of Brazilian snakes: verified point-locality maps to mitigate the Wallacean shortfall in a megadiverse snake fauna. South American J. Herp. 14 (Special Issue 1):1-274 - get paper here
  • Rodrigues, M.T. 2003. Herpetofauna da Caatinga. In: I.R. Leal, M. Tabarelli & J.M.C. Silva (eds.). Ecologia e conservação da Caatinga, pp. 181-236. Editora Universitária, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brasil.
  • Wallach, Van; Kenneth L. Williams , Jeff Boundy 2014. Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species. [type catalogue] Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, 1237 pp.
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