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Bronchocela celebensis GRAY, 1845

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Higher TaxaAgamidae (Draconinae), Sauria, Iguania, Squamata (lizards)
Common NamesE: Sulawesi Bloodsucker 
SynonymBronchocela celebensis GRAY 1845: 241
Calotes celebensis — BOULENGER 1885: 318
Calotes celebensis — DE ROOIJ 1915: 122
Calotes celebensis — WERMUTH 1967: 35
Bronchocela celebensis — MOODY 1980
Bronchocela celebensis — BARTS & WILMS 2003
Bronchocela celebensis — AMARASINGHE et al. 2022 
DistributionIndonesia (Celebes = Sulawesi)

Type locality: Celebes  
TypesHolotype: BMNH 1946.8.11.48 (, fide Amarasinghe et al. 2022; other specimens: ZMB, RMNH 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: A moderate species with a SVL of 83.8 - 119.4, (mean = 103.26, n = 19), largest specimens (SVL: 119 mm male, 110mm female). Ratio tail length SVL 347.35 (n = 17). Tympanum relatively small, smaller than half diameter of orbit, ratio diameter tympanum diameter orbit: 0.35 - 0.5, n = 19). There are 5 - 6 scales along canthus rostralis between nasal scale and front border of orbit. Upper head scales small, those on the supraorbital region larger. Small gular sac, covered with small, keeled scales. Nuchal crest spines composed of erect flatted scales, as long or little longer than diameter of orbit. Dorsal crest much lower than nuchal crest continuing back to base of tail. Body scales relatively small, keeled in 57 - 76 rows (mean = 60.05, n = 18), 1 - 4 upper dorsal scale rows pointing upwards, 2 - 4 straight backwards, others downwards. Ventrals large, strongly keeled. It can be distinguished from other congeners by the combination of a tympanum with a diameter less than half diameter of orbit, only 2 - 4 upper scales rows pointing upwards, a low dorsal crest. 
EtymologyNamed after the type locality. 
  • AMARASINGHE, ; A.A. THASUN; IVAN INEICH, AWAL RIYANTO, JAKOB HALLERMANN, NOVIAR ANDAYANI, A. ABINAWANTO, JATNA SUPRIATNA 2022. Taxonomy and distribution of a common arboreal lizard, Bronchocela jubata Duméril & Bibron, 1837 (Reptilia: Agamidae), with designation of its lectotype from Java, Indonesia. Zootaxa 5150 (1): 065–082 - get paper here
  • AMARASINGHE, A. T., CAMPBELL, P. D., RIYANTO, A., HALLERMANN, J., HAMIDY, A., ANDAYANI, N., ... & SUPRIATNA, J. 2024. Taxonomy, distribution, and conservation status of a rare arboreal lizard, Bronchocela celebensis Gray, 1845 (Reptilia: Agamidae) endemic to Sulawesi, Indonesia. Zootaxa 5424 (2): 189-202 - get paper here
  • Barts, M. & Wilms, T. 2003. Die Agamen der Welt. Draco 4 (14): 4-23 - get paper here
  • Boulenger, G.A. 1885. Catalogue of the lizards in the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) I. Geckonidae, Eublepharidae, Uroplatidae, Pygopodidae, Agamidae. London: 450 pp. - get paper here
  • Das, I. 1993. nan Jour. Sarawak Mus., 44 (65): 128
  • de Rooij, N. de 1915. The Reptiles of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. I. Lacertilia, Chelonia, Emydosauria. Leiden (E. J. Brill), xiv + 384 pp. - get paper here
  • GLÄSSER-TROBISCH, A. & TROBISCH, D. 2020. Begegnungen mit Hydrosaurus & Co. in der Wallacea. Teil 1: Drachen im Reich der Schmetterlinge – Sulawesi Sauria 42 (3): 1-25 - get paper here
  • Gray, J. E. 1845. Catalogue of the specimens of lizards in the collection of the British Museum. Trustees of die British Museum/Edward Newman, London: xxvii + 289 pp. - get paper here
  • GRISMER, L. LEE; P.L. WOOD, JR., CHEOL HAENG LEE, EVAN S. H. QUAH, SHAHRUL ANUAR, EHWAN NGADI & JACK W. SITES, JR. 2015. An integrative taxonomic review of the agamid genus Bronchocela (Kuhl, 1820) from Peninsular Malaysia with descriptions of new montane and insular endemics. Zootaxa 3948 (1): 001–023 - get paper here
  • Hallermann, J. 2005. A taxonomic review of the genus Bronchocela (Squamata: Agamidae) with description of a new species from Vietnam. Russ. J. Herpetol. 12 (3): 167-182 - get paper here
  • Koch, A. 2012. Discovery, Diversity, and Distribution of the Amphibians and Reptiles of Sulawesi and its offshore islands. Edition Chimaira, 374 pp. [ISBN 978-3-89973-432-4] - get paper here
  • Malkmus, R. 2000. Herpetologische Beobachtungen auf Sulawesi. Sauria 22 (2): 11-17 - get paper here
  • Manthey U 2008. Agamid lizards of Southern Asia, Draconinae 1. Terralog 7, 160 pp.
  • Moody,S.M. 1980. Phylogenetic and historical biogeographical relationships of the genera in the family Agamidae (Reptilia: Lacertilia). PhD thesis, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor, 373 pp.
  • Müller, F. 1895. Reptilien und Amphibien aus Celebes. (II. Bericht). Verh. naturf. Ges. Basel 10: 862-869 - get paper here
  • Wanger, T. C., I. Motzke, S. Saleh & D. T. Iskandar 2011. The amphibians and reptiles of the Lore Lindu National Park area, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Salamandra 47 (1): 17-29 - get paper here
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