Glaphyromorphus punctulatus PETERS, 1871
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Higher Taxa | Scincidae, Sphenomorphinae (Sphenomorphini), Scincoidea, Sauria, Squamata (lizards) |
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Common Names | E: Fine-spotted Mulch-skink |
Synonym | Lygosoma (Lygosoma) punctulatum PETERS 1871: 646 Lygosoma heterodactylum GÜNTHER 1876 Sphenomorphus punctulatus — COGGER 1983 Glaphyromorphus punctulatus — COGGER 2000: 498 Glaphyromorphus punctulatus — WILSON & SWAN 2010 Glaphyromorphus punctulatus — COGGER 2014: 570 |
Distribution | Australia (Queensland and offshore islands including Bailey, Dent, East Shelby, Hayman, Hinchinbrook, Lindeman, Magnetic, Shaw) Type locality: “Port Bowen (N.O. Australien)” [= Port Clinton, Queensland] |
Reproduction | oviparous |
Types | Holotype: ZMB 7295 |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis (genus): “The genus Glaphyromorphus is a group of small pentadactyl-limbed skinks associated with damp conditions in coastal northern Australia. They are characterised by the following features; supraoculars 4; prefrontals separated; nasals separated; adpressed limbs either fail to meet or just contact; body scales smooth, highly polished in 25-32 rows at mid-body; supralabials 6 to 7; lamellae smooth to bluntly keeled; post-mental contacts, one to two infralabials on each size; SVL 50-90 mm; inhabits tropical savannah woodland and monsoon forest communities.” (WELLS & WELLINGTON 1984: 95) |
Comment | Synonymy after COGGER 1983. Type Species: Lygosoma (Lygosoma) punctulatum PETERS 1871 is the type species of the genus Glaphyromorphus WELLS & WELLINGTON 1983. Phylogenetics: see Singhal et al. 2017 and 2018 for a phylogeny of Australian sphenomorphine skinks. Synonymy: Kaiser et al. 2013 considered the generic name Rhiannodon Wells 2009 invalid and rejected its use instead of Glaphyromorphus. Limb morphology: 5 digits, 5 toes (Limbs reduced). The phalanges in the manus and pes are and, compared to the primitive count for skinks of and (Singhal et al. 2018, Cogger 2014) Morphology: Hutchinson et al. 2021 present a table of morphological character states across 20 Australian sphenomorphine skinks, including this genus. Reference images: see Uetz et al. 2024 for high-resolution reference images for this species. |
Etymology | Presumably named after the Latin punctula (small spot), plus the suffix -atus (having), in reference to the numerous small dark spots in this species. (G. Shea, pers. comm., 9 Feb 2024) |
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