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Hypsilurus geelvinkianus (PETERS & DORIA, 1878)

IUCN Red List - Hypsilurus geelvinkianus - Least Concern, LC

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Higher TaxaAgamidae (Amphibolurinae), Sauria, Iguania, Squamata (lizards)
Common NamesE: New Guinea Forest Dragon 
SynonymGonyocephalus (Arua) geelvinkianus PETERS & DORIA 1878: 381
Gonyocephalus geelvinkianus — BOULENGER 1885: 294
Gonyocephalus geelvinkianus – DE ROOIJ 1915: 114
Goniocephalus geelvinkianus – LOVERIDGE 1948: 316
Gonocephalus geelvinkianus — WERMUTH 1967: 59
Hypsilurus geelvinkianus — BAUER et al. 1995: 53 
DistributionIndonesia (Irian Jaya), Numfoor Island, Biak Island; Papua New Guinea: East Sepik Province

Type locality: Isole di Mafor e Misori nella Baja del Geelwink (Nova Guinea sept.)  
TypesSyntypes: ZMB 9729-30, MSNG 9588, NMW 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Small slender, long–tailed species with homogeneous dorsal scalation and discontinuous vertebral crest. Scales below the tympanum not enlarged; no row of enlarged submaxillaries; upper part of the anterior edge of the gular pouch with enlarged scales.
Similar to Hypsilurus modestus. H. geelvinkianus differs from modestus and bruijnii by a comparatively large gular pouch with acute base on the chest (vs. small with rounded base near the clavicular region); additionally from modestus by the presence of low dorsal crest (vs. absent) and from bruijnii by the absence of a row of enlarged submaxillaries and absent enlarged scales below the tympanum (vs. present) as well as an extremely low dorsal crest (vs. normally developed); auritus and nigrigularis by an extremely low dorsal crest (vs. normally developed); additionally from auritus by the absence of dark spots on either side of the neck (vs. present) and a monochrome gular pouch (vs. weakly dark striped) and from nigrigularis by significantly smaller, granular to rhomboid anterior scales on the gular pouch (vs. larger with elongated, as well as broader scales); boydii, dilophus and spinipes by a homogeneous dorsal scalation (vs. heterogeneous) and a longer tail, TL/SVL ≥ 3 (vs. < 2.3); all other species by the absence of enlarged scales below the tympanum and an absent row of enlarged submaxillaries (vs. present) (Manthey & Denzer 2006: 9). 
CommentReference images: see Uetz et al. 2024 for high-resolution reference images for this species. 
EtymologyNamed after its type locality in the Geelvink Bay (now Cenderawasih Bay) which was spelled “Baia del Geelwinck”, “Baja del Geelwink”, “Baia del Geelwink”, and “Baja del Geelvink” by Peters & Doria in various places of their paper. 
  • Bauer, A.M.; Günther,R. & Klipfel,M. 1995. The herpetological contributions of Wilhelm C.H. Peters (1815-1883). SSAR Facsimile Reprints in Herpetology, 714 pp.
  • Boulenger, G.A. 1885. Catalogue of the lizards in the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) I. Geckonidae, Eublepharidae, Uroplatidae, Pygopodidae, Agamidae. London: 450 pp. - get paper here
  • de Rooij, N. de 1915. The Reptiles of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. I. Lacertilia, Chelonia, Emydosauria. Leiden (E. J. Brill), xiv + 384 pp. - get paper here
  • Gemel, R.; G. Gassner & S. Schweiger 2019. Katalog der Typen der Herpetologischen Sammlung des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien – 2018. Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, B 121: 33–248
  • Loveridge, A. 1948. New Guinean reptiles and amphibians in the Museum of Comparative Zoology and United States National Museum. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 101 (2): 305-430. - get paper here
  • Manthey, U. & Denzer, W. 2006. A revision of the Melanesian-Australian angle head lizards of the genus Hypsilurus (Sauria: Agamidae: Amphibolurinae), with description of four new species and one new subspecies. Hamadryad 30 (1-2): 1 – 40 - get paper here
  • MANTHEY, U. & W. DENZER 2016. Melanesian anglehead lizards of the genus Hypsilurus Peters, 1867 – Part 1: Species from New Guinea. Sauria 38 (3): 11 - 36 - get paper here
  • Peters, Wilhem Carl Hartwig and G. Doria. 1878. Catalogo dei retilli e dei batraci raccolti da O. Beccari, L. M. D'Alberts e A. A. Bruijn. nella sotto-regione Austro-Malese. Annali del Museo Civico de Storia Naturale di Genova. ser. 1, 13: 323-450 - get paper here
  • Uetz, P.H.; Patel, M.; Gbadamosi, Z.; Nguyen, A.; Shoope, S. 2024. A Reference Database of Reptile Images. Taxonomy 4: 723–732 - get paper here
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