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Hypsilurus spinosus (DUMÉRIL & DUMÉRIL, 1851)

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Hypsilurus spinosus »

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Higher TaxaAgamidae (Draconinae), Sauria, Iguania, Squamata (lizards)
Common Names 
SynonymLophyrus spinosus DUMÉRIL & DUMÉRIL 1851: 91
Calotes marmoratus — BOULENGER 1885: 318 (partim)
Calotes marmoratus marmoratus – BRYGOO 1988: 45
Gonocephalus sophiae – HALLERMANN 2005: 173
Hypsilurus spinosus — DENZER et al. 2020 
DistributionIndonesia (West Papua)

Type locality: probably “Triton Bay, New Guinea”, see comment  
TypesHolotype: MNHN 6896 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: see Table 1 in Denzer et al. 2020: 49 for diagnostic characters. 
CommentThe type locality was given as “Zamboanga, Mindanao, Philippines” apparently in error considering the distribution of Hypsilurus; corrected to “probably Triton Bay, New Guinea” by Denzer et al. 2020. 
EtymologyNamed after Latin spina, spine; -osus/-a./-um, adjectival suffix: spiny. 
  • Boulenger, G.A. 1885. Catalogue of the lizards in the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) I. Geckonidae, Eublepharidae, Uroplatidae, Pygopodidae, Agamidae. London: 450 pp. - get paper here
  • Denzer, Wolfgang; Jakob Hallermann, Ulrich Manthey, Annemarie Ohler 2020. Lophyrus spinosus C. Duméril & A. Duméril, 1851, a case of mistaken identity. Evolutionary Systematics 4: 45–52 - get paper here
  • Duméril, A.M.C. & A. H. A. Duméril 1851. Catalogue méthodique de la collection des reptiles du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris. Gide et Baudry/Roret, Paris, 224 pp.
  • Hallermann, J. 2005. A taxonomic review of the genus Bronchocela (Squamata: Agamidae) with description of a new species from Vietnam. Russ. J. Herpetol. 12 (3): 167-182 - get paper here
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