Distribution | Chile, Argentina (Jujuy, Catamarca, Salta), Bolivia (La Paz, Oruro, Potosí, Tarija), Peru (Altiplano)
Type locality: Cordilleras de la provincia de Jujuy, Argentina (KOSLOWSKY 1898). Neotype locality: 3 km NW of Abra Pampa (22°43'S, 65°42'W) on Ruta Prov. 7, 3460 meters, Departamento de Cochinoca, Provincia de Jujuy, Republica de Argentina.
Diagnosis | Diagnosis: Adult males of Liolaemus ornatus differ from other members of the L. dalwinii complex in having the dorsal ground color of the head and neck darker than the rest of the body, and from L. datwinii, L. olongasta and L. laurenti in lacking intensely black pigment in the antehumeral fold, from L. dalwinii, L. koslowskyi and L. abaucan in lacking conspicuously enlarged prescapular and postscapular spots, from L. abaucan and L. uspal/atensis in having larger, more distinctly keeled, scales, from L. irregularis in having a distinct, more-or-less symmetrical pattern, and from L. quilmes and all other species save L. irregularis, in having precloacal pores in more than 95 per cent, rather than fewer than 10 per cent, of females (Etheridge 1993: 172). |
References |
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