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Liolaemus paulinae DONOSO-BARROS, 1961

IUCN Red List - Liolaemus paulinae - Data Deficient, DD

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Higher TaxaLiolaemidae, Iguania, Sauria, Squamata (lizards)
Common NamesE: Paulina's Tree Iguana 
SynonymLiolaemus paulinae DONOSO-BARROS 1961
Liolaemus paulinae — DONOSO-BARROS 1966: 189
Liolaemus paulinae — PETERS et al. 1970: 192
Liolaemus (Liolaemus) paulinae — RAMIREZ LEYTON & PINCHEIRA-DONOSO 2005
Liolaemus (Liolaemus) paulinae — PINCHEIRA-DONOSO & NÚÑEZ 2005: 225
Liolaemus paulinae — LIVIGNI 2013: 362 
DistributionChile (Antofagasta)

Type locality: "Calama on the Loa River, Antofagasta, Chile, 2600 m. elevation".  
TypesHolotype: MNHNC? (Lab. Biol. Santiago) No. 536. 
EtymologyNamed after Paulina, one of the describer's daughters. 
  • Beolens, Bo; Michael Watkins, and Michael Grayson 2011. The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, USA - get paper here
  • Demangel, Diego 2016. Reptiles en Chile. Fauna Nativa Ediciones, Santiago, 619 pp - get paper here
  • Donoso-Barros, R. 1961. Three new lizards of the genus Liolaemus from the highest Andes of Chile and Argentina. Copeia 1961 (4): 387-391 - get paper here
  • Donoso-Barros, R. 1966. Reptiles de Chile. Santiago: Univ. Chile, 458 + cxlvi pp.
  • LiVigni, F. (ed.) 2013. A Life for Reptiles and Amphibians, Volume 1. Chimaira, Frankfurt, 495 pp. - get paper here
  • Moya, F.; J. Mella-Romero, J.A. Simonetti 2024. Do we have the necessary insights to classify species according to their conservation status? A case study in the world’s southernmost lizard genus. Journal for Nature Conservation (2024), - get paper here
  • Núñez, H. and A. Veloso 2001. Distribución geográfica de las especies de lagartos de la región de Antofagasta, Chile. Bol. Mus. Nac.Hist. Nat. 50: 109-120
  • Panzera A, Leaché AD, D’Elía G, Victoriano PF. 2017. Phylogenomic analysis of the Chilean clade of Liolaemus lizards (Squamata: Liolaemidae) based on sequence capture data. PeerJ 5:e3941 - get paper here
  • PINCHEIRA-DONOSO, Daniel & HERMAN NÚÑEZ 2005. The Chilean species of the genus Liolaemus Wiegmann, 1834 (Iguania, Tropiduridae, Liolaeminae). Taxonomy, systematics and evolution [in Spanish] Mus Nac Hist Nat Chile Publ Ocas 59: 1-486 - get paper here
  • Quinteros, Andrés Sebastián 2012. Taxonomy of the Liolaemus alticolor–bibronii Group (Iguania: Liolaemidae), with Descriptions of Two New Species. Herpetologica 68 (1): 100-120 - get paper here
  • QUINTEROS, ANDRÉS SEBASTIÁN 2013. A morphology-based phylogeny of the Liolaemus alticolor–bibronii group (Iguania: Liolaemidae). Zootaxa 3670: 1-32 - get paper here
  • Quinteros, Andrés Sebastián; Pablo Valladares, Romina Semham, José Luis Acosta, Sebastián Barrionuevo, and Cristian Simón Abdala 2014. A New Species of Liolaemus (Iguania: Liolaemidae) of the alticolor-bibronii Group from Northern Chile. South American J. Herp. 9 (1): 20-29. - get paper here
  • Ramírez Leyton, G. & Pincheira Donoso, D. 2005. Fauna del Altiplano y Desierto de Atacama. Phrynosaura Ediciones, 395 pp.
  • Ramírez Leyton, G.M. 2009. WILDLIFE OF THE HIGH ANDES AND ATACAMA DESERT - A Field Guide to the El Loa Province. Phrynosaura Ediciones, Calama, Chile, 250 pp.
  • Young-Downey A; Moreno J 1991. A new species of tropidurine lizard (Squamata: Tropiduridae) from Los Andes of north Chile. GAYANA ZOOLOGIA 55 (4) 1991: 391-396 - get paper here
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