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Mastigodryas moratoi MONTINGELLI & ZAHER, 2011

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Higher TaxaColubridae, Colubrinae, Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
Common Names 
SynonymMastigodryas moratoi MONTINGELLI & ZAHER 2011
Mastigodryas moratoi — WALLACH et al. 2014: 430
Mastigodryas moratoi — MONTINGELLI et al. 2018
Mastigodryas moratoi — NOGUEIRA et al. 2019 
DistributionBrazil (Roraima, Amazonas), Guyana

Type locality: approximately 50 m elevation, on the north bank of the Negro River in Tapera, State of Roraima, Amazonas, Brazil (00°25’S, 64°35’W  
Reproductionoviparous (not imputed, fide Zimin et al. 2022) 
TypesHolotype: MZUSP 5371, an adult male collected on 4 November 1972 by the Expedic ̧a ̃o Permanente da Amazoˆnia (E.P.A. 72.2575);. The right hemipenis was prepared and stored separately in the hemipenial collection of the Museu de Zoologia da USP (MZUSP). Paratypes.—AMNH, INPA, MZUSP 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Mastigodryas moratoi differs from all other species in the genus by the combined presence of five distinct dark dorsal stripes on the anterior portion of the body (one mediodorsal, two dorsolaterals, and two laterals); gular region smudged with dark or mostly dark with cream spots until the level of the first ventrals; tail uniformly reddish or yellowish; usually eight supralabials, with the third, fourth, and fifth in contact with the orbit; midregion of the hemipenis below the capitulum with several enlarged spines, one of which is significantly larger and hooklike. 
CommentHabitat: partly arboreal (Harrington et al. 2018). 
EtymologyThe specific name honors Celso M. de Carvalho from the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia (INPA) who contributed significantly to the knowledge of the herpetofauna of the State of Roraima, Brazil. 
  • Cole, Charles J.; Carol R. Townsend, Robert P. Reynolds, Ross D. MacCulloch, and Amy Lathrop 2013. Amphibians and reptiles of Guyana, South America: illustrated keys, annotated species accounts, and a biogeographic synopsis. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 125 (4): 317-578; plates: 580-620 - get paper here
  • Fraga, Rafael de; Erika Souza, Alfredo P. Santos-Jr., Ricardo A. Kawashita-Ribeiro 2018. Notes on the rare Mastigodryas moratoi (Serpentes: Colubridae) in the Brazilian Amazon white-sand forests. Phyllomedusa 17 (2): 299-302 - get paper here
  • Harrington, Sean M; Jordyn M de Haan, Lindsey Shapiro, Sara Ruane 2018. Habits and characteristics of arboreal snakes worldwide: arboreality constrains body size but does not affect lineage diversification. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 125 (1): 61–71 - get paper here
  • Montingelli GG, Grazziotin FG, Battilana J, Murphy RW, Zhang Y‐P, Zaher H. 2018. Higher‐level phylogenetic affinities of the Neotropical genus Mastigodryas Amaral, 1934 (Serpentes: Colubridae), species‐group definition and description of a new genus for Mastigodryas bifossatus. J Zool Syst Evol Res. 57: 205– 239 [online 2018, in print 2019] - get paper here
  • Montingelli, Giovanna G. and Hussam Zaher 2011. New Species of Mastigodryas Amaral, 1934 from Brazilian Amazonia and Guyana (Serpentes: Colubridae). Journal of Herpetology 45 (1): 111-119. - get paper here
  • Morato de Carvalho, C. et al. 2021. VERTEBRADOS TERRESTRES DE RORAIMA BIOLOGIA GERAL E EXPERIMENTAL 20/21 (1): - get paper here
  • Nogueira, Cristiano C.; Antonio J.S. Argôlo, Vanesa Arzamendia, Josué A. Azevedo, Fausto E. Barbo, Renato S. Bérnils, Bruna E. Bolochio, Marcio Borges-Martins, Marcela Brasil-Godinho, Henrique Braz, Marcus A. Buononato, Diego F. Cisneros-Heredia, 2019. Atlas of Brazilian snakes: verified point-locality maps to mitigate the Wallacean shortfall in a megadiverse snake fauna. South American J. Herp. 14 (Special Issue 1):1-274 - get paper here
  • Wallach, Van; Kenneth L. Williams , Jeff Boundy 2014. Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species. [type catalogue] Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, 1237 pp.
  • Zimin, A., Zimin, S. V., Shine, R., Avila, L., Bauer, A., Böhm, M., Brown, R., Barki, G., de Oliveira Caetano, G. H., Castro Herrera, F., Chapple, D. G., Chirio, L., Colli, G. R., Doan, T. M., Glaw, F., Grismer, L. L., Itescu, Y., Kraus, F., LeBreton 2022. A global analysis of viviparity in squamates highlights its prevalence in cold climates. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 00, 1–16 - get paper here
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