Phrynocephalus raddei BOETTGER, 1888
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Higher Taxa | Agamidae (Agaminae), Sauria, Iguania, Squamata (lizards) |
Subspecies | Phrynocephalus raddei boettgeri VON BEDRIAGA 1906 Phrynocephalus raddei raddei BOETTGER 1888 |
Common Names | |
Synonym | Phrynocephalus raddei BOETTGER 1888: 262 Phrynocephalus reticulatus EICHWALD 1831 (fide KHALIKOV, pers. comm.) Phrynocephalus raddei var. bilkewitschi NIKOLSKY 1915: 194 Phrynocephalus reticulatus boettgeri — LANGERWERF 1980 Phrynocephalus raddei — ANDERSON 1999 Phrynocephalus raddei — MACEY et al. 2000 Phrynocephalus (Phrynocephalus) raddei — BARABANOV & ANANJEVA 2007 Phrynocephalus raddei — SINDACO & JEREMČENKO 2008 Phrynocephalus raddei raddei BOETTGER 1888 Phrynocephalus raddei — NASRABADI et al. 2017 Phrynocephalus raddei boettgeri VON BEDRIAGA 1906 Phrynocephalus raddei var. boettgeri BEDRIAGA In NIKOLSKY 1905: 468 Phrynocephalus raddei var. boettgeri BEDRIAGA 1907: 217 Phrynocephalus raddei var. zardunyi NIKOLSKY 1915: 194 Phrynocephalus raddei boettgeri — SINDACO & JEREMČENKO 2008 Phrynocephalus raddei boettgeri — MILTO & BARABANOV 2012 Phrynocephalus raddei boettgeri — ANANJEVA et al. 2020 Phrynocephalus boettgeri — SOLOVYEVA et al. 2023 |
Distribution | S Turkmenia, S Uzbekistan, SW Tajikistan, Iran, N Afghanistan Type locality: "Perewalnaja an der transcaspischen Bahn" [= Perevalnaja railroad station, southwestern Turkmenistan]. boettgeri: Uzbekistan zarudnyi: Turkmenistan; Type locality: “Kelif, Buchara orient.” [Kelif, Lebap Province, Turkmenistan, 37.36 N 66.31 E]. |
Reproduction | oviparous |
Types | Lectotype: SMF 10247 (designated by Mertens, 1967: 63), (formerly 4369a), syntype: NMW 23344 Lectotype: ZISP 6117.1, adult female, (designated by Barabnov & Ananjeva 2007: 15) [boettgeri] Lectotype: ZISP 10722.1, adult male (designated by Barabanov & Ananjeva, 2007) [zardunyi] |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis: Upper surface of snout fairly steeply truncated, nostrils not visible or faintly noticeable when viewed from above; no cutaneous fold at angle of mouth; dorsal scales subequal, homogeneous; no transverse fold of skin across back of neck; sides ofhead and neck without projecting fringe-like scales; no fringe of scales on posterior margin of thigh and sides of base of tail; no enlarged scales along flank; no tubercular scales on dorsum; scales of upper surfaces of limbs and midline of back prominently keeled. A half-moon-shaped red patch on each scapular region, 21-24 lamellae under fourth toe; ridges on subdigital lamellae of third toe approximately uniformly developed in 3 rows (Anderson 1999: 96). |
Comment | Synonymy: Listed as synonym of Phrynocephalus reticulatus by WERMUTH 1967. P. r. boettgeri is a synonym of raddei according to BARABANOV & ANANJEVA 2007. Group: The raddei group includes P. bannikovi; P. boettgeri; P. ocellatus; P. raddei; P. rossikowi; P. strauchi, fide SOLOVYEVA et al. 2023. Reference images: see Uetz et al. 2024 for high-resolution reference images for this species. |
Etymology | Named after Gustav Ferdinand Richard Radde (1831-1903), an apothecary. Born in Danzig, Prussia (Gdansk, Poland), he moved to Russia (1852). He was on numerous expeditions through Siberia, the Crimea, the Caucasus, Trans-Caucasus, and other regions of Russia, and also Iran and Turkey. |
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