Phymaturus denotatus LOBO, NENDA & SLODKI, 2012
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Higher Taxa | Liolaemidae, Iguania, Sauria, Squamata (lizards) |
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Synonym | Phymaturus denotatus LOBO, NENDA & SLODKI 2012 |
Distribution | Argentina (Catamarca) Type locality: Laguna Blanca, 26°34’09’’S 66°56’40’’W, 3440 m elevation, Belén, Catamarca Province, Argentina. |
Reproduction | ovovivparous |
Types | Holotype: MACN 40512 (ex-MCN 3184). Adult female. Collected 13 March 2010 by L. Ferna ́ndez, F. Lobo, S. Nenda, and D. Slodki (Fig. 1A,B). Paratypes.—Nine females, three males, and eight juveniles. Same data as for holotype: MACN 40513 (ex-MCN 3175 male); MACN 40514 (ex-MCN 3185 female); MACN 40515 (ex-MCN 3182 female); MACN 40516 (ex-MCN 3180 female); MACN 40517 (ex-MCN 3160 female); MCN 3159, 3176 (males); MCN 3161, 3170, 3181, 3183, 3186 (females); MCN 3177– 79, 3187–89, (juveniles); MACN 40373–40374 (two juveniles). Laguna Blanca, 26u349400S 66u589580W, 3800 m, Bele ́n, Catamarca Prov- ince, Argentina. Collected 12 November 2009 by S. Barrionuevo, B. Blotto, and S. Nenda. |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis: The genus Phymaturus is divided in the palluma and patagonicus groups (Etheridge, 1995). Phymaturus denotatus belongs to the palluma group because it has short juxtaposed superciliaries, rugose dorsal scales on tail, typically a fragmented subocular scale, and undifferentiated chin shields. Members of the patagonicus group have flat and imbricated superciliaries, smooth dorsal scales on the tail, typically an unfragmented subocular scale, and differentiated chin shields. Within the palluma group, P. denotatus lacks the reticulated dorsal pattern that is typical of species in the southern palluma group, instead having a ‘‘spray’’ pattern consisting of dispersed small dark brown spots that are characteristic of the Puna clade (Lobo and Quinteros, 2005a). Phymaturus denotatus females have small white spots dispersed over the dorsum and sides of their necks (Fig. 2), a condition unknown in all other species of Phymaturus. The species most similar to P. denotatus phenotypically is P. laurenti. Phymaturusdenotatus has a scapular spot (Fig. 2) that ismore conspicuous in females and juveniles (absent in P. laurenti), and lacks enlarged scales on the posterior margin of the gular fold (present in P. laurenti; Fig. 3A,B). Males of P.denotatus lack enlarged scales on the ventralsurface of the base of the tail (present in P.laurenti; Fig. 3C,D), have a dark brown throat (black in P. laurenti) and an abdominal region that is homogeneously yellow (being less strongly colored in the posterior half in P. laurenti). In females of P. denotatus, the flankcolor is yellow (orange in P. laurenti, withcolor recorded in the same season). |
Comment | Abundance: only known from the type locality (Meiri et al. 2017). |
Etymology | The specific epithet denotatus means ‘‘marked out,’’ alluding to a scapular spot (conspicuous particularly in newborns, juveniles, and females; less noticeable in males). |
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