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Phymaturus tromen LOBO & NENDA, 2015

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Higher TaxaLiolaemidae, Iguania, Sauria, Squamata (lizards)
Common Names 
SynonymPhymaturus tromen LOBO & NENDA 2015
Phymaturus tromen — AVILA et al. 2020 
DistributionArgentina (Neuquén)

Type locality: Provincial Route 37, on the way from Chos Malal to Tromen, 37°10'38.5'' S, 70°10'16.2'' W. Chos Malal Department, Neuquén Province, Argentina  
Reproductionviviparous (not imputed, fide Zimin et al. 2022) 
TypesHolotype: MCN-UNSa 3719 Male. Paratypes.– 5 females, one male, and one juvenile female. MCN-UNSa 3720 male, MACN 45430 (ex MCN-UNSa 3713), MCN-UNSa 3714, MCN-UNSa 3717-18 females, MACN 45431 (ex MCN-UNSa 3715), MCN-UNSa 3716 juvenile (female). Same data as holotype. 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Phymaturus tromen sp. nov. belongs to the palluma group of Phymaturus because it exhibits apomor- phies found for this group of species (Lobo et al., 2012a): superciliary scales short and juxtaposed, loss of contact between lorilabial row and subocular scale, row of precloacal pores tending to be divided, spotted chests, and tail scales showing longitudinal thin grooves. Within the palluma group P. tromen sp. nov. differs from all members of the puna sub- clade (P. antofagastensis, P. punae, P. extrilidus, P. aguanegra, P. williamsi, P. mallimacci, P. laurenti, P. denotatus, P. paihuanense, P. alicahuense, P. darwini and P.bibroni) in that it lacks the homogeneous, thin, brown-spotted pattern (“spray pattern”) typical of that group. Phymaturus tromen sp. nov. differs from P. roigorum, P. querque, P. sp1. (Lobo et al., 2012a), P. verdugo, and P. palluma in that it has the largest number of midbody scales of the group (Table 2). Dorsal head melanism is absent in P. tromen sp. nov. but conspicuous in P. verdugo, P. sp1., P. querque, and P. palluma. Dorsal reticulated pattern of males is thin, unlike in P. roigorum, P. sp1., and P. dorsi- maculatus (thick) (see Fig. 1 in Lobo and Abdala, 2007). Female flank color is present in P. tromen sp. nov. but absent in P. querque, P. verdugo, and P. sp1. A scapular spot is conspicuous in P. tromen sp. nov. but absent in P. dorsimaculatus, P. roigorum and P. verdugo. Females of P. tromen sp. nov. exhibit an ocellate pattern (absent in P. maulense, P. damasen- se, P. dorsimaculatus, P. verdugo, P. palluma and P. sp1.), dorsal ocelli of each longitudinal row become fused without evident margins, unlike in P. roigorum and P. querque (Fig. 7). Phymaturus tromen sp. nov differs from P. maulense and P. damasense, in the dorsal pattern of females; females of both Chilean species lack dorsal ocelli, exhibiting transverse thin black stripes. Throat pattern of P. tromen sp.nov. is variegated, not black as in P. vociferator, P. damasense and P. maulense. Females of P. tromen sp.nov. lack a patch of enlarged scales in the center of gular fold, as in females of P. damasense. The characters useful for species recognition within this group are listed in Table 2 [LOBO & NENDA 2015]. 
CommentAbundance: only known from its original description (Meiri et al. 2017). 
EtymologyThe specific epithet [“Tromen”] refers to the name of the volcano at whose base this new species is found. 
  • Avila, Luciano J.; Andrea González Marín, Jaime Troncoso-Palacios, Kevin Imanol Sánchez, Cristian Hernán Fulvio Pérez, and Mariana Morando 2020. Naming the Diversity: Taxonomy of Current Species of Patagonian Lizards. In: Morando & Avila (eds.), Lizards of Patagonia. Springer Nature, pp. 123-188 - get paper here
  • Hibbard, Thomas N.; Santiago J. Nenda, Fernando Lobo 2019. A New Species of Phymaturus (Squamata: Liolaemidae) from the Auca Mahuida Natural Protected Area, Neuquén, Argentina, Based on Morphological and DNA Evidence. South American J. Herp. 14 (2): 123-135 - get paper here
  • Lobo, Fernando; Santiago Javier Nenda 2015. Discovery of two new species of Phymaturus (Iguania: Liolaemidae) from Patagonia, Argentina, and occurrence of melanism in the patagonicus group. Cuad. herpetol. 29 (1): 5-25
  • Meiri, Shai; Aaron M. Bauer, Allen Allison, Fernando Castro-Herrera, Laurent Chirio, Guarino Colli, Indraneil Das, Tiffany M. Doan, Frank Glaw, Lee L. Grismer, Marinus Hoogmoed, Fred Kraus, Matthew LeBreton, Danny Meirte, Zoltán T. Nagy, Cristiano d 2017. Extinct, obscure or imaginary: the lizard species with the smallest ranges. Diversity and Distributions - get paper here
  • Zimin, A., Zimin, S. V., Shine, R., Avila, L., Bauer, A., Böhm, M., Brown, R., Barki, G., de Oliveira Caetano, G. H., Castro Herrera, F., Chapple, D. G., Chirio, L., Colli, G. R., Doan, T. M., Glaw, F., Grismer, L. L., Itescu, Y., Kraus, F., LeBreton 2022. A global analysis of viviparity in squamates highlights its prevalence in cold climates. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 00, 1–16 - get paper here
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