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Xenodon rabdocephalus (WIED-NEUWIED, 1824)

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Xenodon rabdocephalus »

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Higher TaxaColubridae (Dipsadinae), Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
Common NamesE: False Fer-de-lance
G: Streifköpfige Natter
S: Falso Terciopelo
Portuguese: Achatadeira, Boipeva, Jaracuçu, Jararaca, Papa-Sapo, Pepéua, Surucucu-Jiboia 
SynonymColuber rabdocephalus WIED 1824: 668
X. (enodon) rabdocephalus — FITZINGER 1826: 57
X. (enodon) rhabdocephalus SCHLEGEL 1837: 87 (nom. emend.)
Xenodon rabdocephalus — DUMÉRIL, BIBRON & DUMÉRIL 1854: 758
Xenodon colubrinus GÜNTHER 1858
Xenodon rabdocephalus — WUCHERER 1862: 252
Xenodon colubrinus — WUCHERER 1862: 252
Xenodon bertholdi JAN 1863
Xenodon angustirostris PETERS 1864: 390 (see comment)
Xenodon suspectus COPE 1868: 133 (fide DIXON 1983)
Xenodon bertholdi — GARMAN 1884: 79
Xenodon rabdocephalus — BOULENGER 1886: 434
Acanthophallus colubrinus — COPE 1894
Xenodon bipraeoculis COPE 1885: 95
Xenodon colubrinus — BOULENGER 1894: 146
Xenodon suspectus — BOULENGER 1894: 147
Xenodon colubrinus — STUART 1935: 51
Xenodon colubrinus — STUART 1937
Xenodon rabdocephalus mexicanus SMITH 1940
Xenodon mexicanus SMITH 1940: 57
Xenodon rabdocephalus mexicanus — SCHMIDT 1941: 501
Xenodon rabdocephalus rabdocephalus — SCHMIDT 1941: 501
Xenodon colubrinus — BEEBE 1946: 43
Xenodon colubrinus — TAYLOR 1954: 706
Xenodon bertholdi — TAYLOR 1954: 704
Xenodon bertholdi — EISELT 1963: 282
Xenodon mexicanus — EISELT 1963: 282
Xenodon angustirostris — EISELT 1963: 282
Xenodon suspectus — EISELT 1963: 282
Xenodon rabdocephalus — PETERS & OREJAS-MIRANDA 1970: 324
Xenodon rabdocephalus rabdocephalus — PETERS & OREJAS-MIRANDA 1970
Xenodon rabdocephalus mexicanus — PETERS & OREJAS-MIRANDA 1970
Xenodon suspectus — PETERS & OREJAS-MIRANDA 1970: 325
Xenodon rabdocephalus mexicanus — SMITH 1971
Xenodon rabdocephalus rabdocephalus — GASC & RODRIGUES 1980
Xenodon suspectus — FREIBERG 1982: 163
Xenodon rabdocephalus — VILLA et al. 1988
Xenodon rabdocephalus — LINER 1994
Xenodon rhabdocephalus — STARACE 1998: 255
Xenodon rabdocephalus — KORNACKER 1999: 145
Xenodon rabdocephalus — HAMDAN et al. 2012
Xenodon rabdocephalus — MYERS & MCDOWELL 2014
Xenodon rabdocephalus — WALLACH et al. 2014: 786
Xenodon angustirostris — MYERS & MCDOWELL 2014
Xenodon suspectus — MYERS & MCDOWELL 2014
Xenodon angustirostris — SOLIS et al. 2014 (preliminary)
Xenodon angustirostris — MCCRANIE 2015
Xenodon rabdocephalus — RAY & RUBACK 2015
Xenodon angustirostris — GUTIÉRREZ-RODRÍGUEZ & SUNYER 2017
Xenodon rabdocephalus — NOGUEIRA et al. 2019
Xenodon angustirostris — HILJE et al. 2020
Xenodon rabdochephalus — ROBERTO et al. 2015 (in error)
Xenodon angustirostris — SUNYER & MARTÍNEZ-FONSECA 2023
Xenodon aff. rabdochephalus — SIERRA-SERRANO et al. 2024 
DistributionMexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Guerrero, Veracruz, Campeche, Quintana Roo),
Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Belize, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama,
Colombia (incl. Valle del Cauca), Venezuela (Bolívar, Amazonas, Zulia), Ecuador, Brazil (Amapá, Rondonia, Pará, Espírito Santo, Bahia, Roraima, Pernambuco etc.), Bolivia (Beni), Peru (Pasco etc.)
Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana; elevation (Honduras): 130 m

Type locality: ‘Innern Sertong [Sertam] der Provinz Bahía [the inner bush country of Bahia Province].’’

suspectus: E Peru, Brazil; Type locality: Lago Jose Assu, Brazil; “unknown, but probably in eastern Peru” (fide Myers & McDowell 2014: 83).

bipraeoculis: Bolivia, Rio Mamoré.

angustirostris: Honduras, Nicaragua, south to N Colombia  
TypesLectotype: AMNH 3609, designated by MYERS & MCDOWELL 2014 who also listed several cataloging errors at AMNH; also given as BMNH 1946.1.9.1;
Holotype: ANSP 11297 [bipraeoculis]
Holotype: MCZ 3649 [suspectus]
Holotype: USNM 108596 [Xenodon mexicanus] 
DiagnosisAdditional details, e.g. a detailed description or comparisons (6722 characters), are available for collaborators and contributors. Please contact us for details. 
CommentIllustrations: Color plate 75 in VILLA et al. 1988.

Synonymy after VILLA et al. 1988 and PETERS & OREJAS-MIRANDA 1970. The original spelling by Wied 1824 is “rabdocephalus”. Myers & McDowell 2014 “tentatively” resurrected Xenodon angustirostris for the cryptic or sibling species in Central America and western Colombia. The resurrection is mainly based on hemipenial structure and thus difficult to reproduce without seeing the hemipenes. X. r. mexicanus is distinguished from rabdocephalus by a lower number of ventrals in the former (PETERS & OREJAS-MIRANDA 1970: 324). Myers & McDowell 2014 also say that “rabdocephalus is a composite of cryptic species.

Relative abundance in Honduras: infrequent

Distribution: not in Yucatan state (Mexico), fide Gonzalez-Sanchez et al. 2017. See map in Nogueira et al. 2019.

Mimicry: this is a mimic of a fer-de-lance (Bothrops asper and B. atrox) 
EtymologyNamed after the Greek rhabdos (= rod, staff) and kephale (= head), apparently in reference to the stout head shape in this species. 
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