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Liolaemus chiribaya »

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Higher TaxaLiolaemidae, Iguania, Sauria, Squamata (lizards)
Common Names 
Liolaemus “Moquegua” — AGUILAR-PUNTRIANO et al. 2018 
DistributionPerú (Moquegua)

Type locality: near “Cerros Los Calatos”, 16.91892S, 70.89596 W, Torata District, Mariscal Nieto Province, Moquegua Department, Perú, 2615 m  
TypesHolotype. MUSM 31547: adult male collected December 19, 2014 by César Aguilar, Jessie Montalvo and Maribel Angeles.
Paratypes. MUSM 31553: adult male collected in Jaguay Chico, Torata District, Mariscal Nieto Province, Moquegua Department, Peru 16.94567 S, 70.88486 W, 2928 m, December 19, 2014; MUSM 31549–31550: one female and juvenile collected in the same location and date as previous specimen, 2942 and 2913 m respectively; MUSM 31548: a female collected near the Asirune Archaeological Zone, near Jaguay Chico, Torata District, Mariscal Nieto Province, Moquegua Department, Peru, 16.95213 S, 70.87854 W, 2990 m; all above paratypes collected by César Aguilar, Jessie Montalvo and Maribel Angeles; MUSM 31386–31388, 31390–31391: five males and MUSM 31389: one female collected in “Cerro Los Calatos”, Torata District, Mariscal Nieto Province, Moquegua Department, Perú, 2794–2988 m, 27–29 December 2012 by Juana Suárez. 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Liolaemus chiribaya is identified as a member of the L. montanus group by the absence of a patch of enlarged scales on posterior thighs. Liolaemus chiribaya forms a clade with L. insolitus, L. poconchilensis and L. nazca sp. nov. It differs from L. poconchilensis by having a fourth finger extending beyond the armpit when a hindlimb is brought forward (fourth finger does not exceed past the armpit in L. poconchilensis); male L. chiribaya further differs from L. poconchilensis by the presence of dorsal turquoise spots (absent in males of L. poconchilensis), and differs from L. nazca by having smooth dorsal body scales (dorsal body scales slightly keeled in L. nazca). In addition, L. chiribaya lacks an orange or yellow venter with dark spots. Liolaemus chiribaya differs from L. insolitus by having a greater number of scales around midbody (58–69 vs. 45–53). Liolaemus chiribaya differs from L. nazca, L. insolitus and other Peruvian species of the L. montanus group (except L. poconchilensis) by having a “phrynosauroid” head. Liolaemus chiribaya also differs from other Peruvian species of the L. montanus group by having dorsal turquoise scales and a maximum 68.8 mm SVL, being a smaller species than L. aymararum, L. evaristoi, L. melanogaster, L. polystictus, L. robustus, L. thomasi and L. williamsi (SVL 70.1–103.0 mm). L. chiribaya has fewer scales around midbody (54–66) than L. signifer (67–110), fewer maximum number of dorsal scales (between occiput and anterior level of hindlimb; 64) than L. evaristoi (75) and L. signifer (129), and more than L. aymararum, L. ortizii and L. thomasi (all ≤ 53). It also differs from L. etheridgei, L. ortizii and L. thomasi by lacking strongly keeled scales. Females of L. chiribaya also have vestigial precloacal pores, which are absent in females of L. melanogaster, L. polystictus and L. thomasi. 
EtymologyThe specific epithet chiribaya is a noun used in apposition and honors the Chiribaya culture (900–1350 A.D.). Chiribayans were settled in the basin of the Ilo River, and expanded north to the Tambo valley (Arequipa) and the south to the Azapa valley (Chile), including the high altitude regions, up to nearly 3000 m of elevation. 
  • Aguilar-Puntriano, C.; Avila, L.J.; De la Riva, I.; Johnson, L.; Morando, M.; Troncoso-Palacios, J.; Wood, P.L., Jr.; Sites, J.W., Jr. 2018. The shadow of the past: Convergence of young and old South American desert lizards as measured by head shape traits. Ecol. Evol. 8: 11399–11409 - get paper here
  • Aguilar-Puntriano, César, César Ramírez , Ernesto Castillo, Alejandro Mendoza, Victor J. Vargas and Jack W. Sites, Jr. 2019. Three New Lizard Species of the Liolaemus montanus Group from Perú. Diversity 11(9): 161 - get paper here
  • Chaparro JC, Quiroz AJ, Mamani L, Gutiérrez RC, Condori P, De la Riva I, Herrera-Juárez G, Cerdeña J, Arapa LP, Abdala CS. 2020. An endemic new species of Andean lizard of the genus Liolaemus from southern Peru (Iguania: Liolaemidae) and its phylogenetic position. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 14(2) [General Section]: 47–63 (e238)
  • Huamaní-Valderrama L, Quiroz AJ, Gutiérrez RC, Aguilar-Kirigin A, Huanca-Mamani W, Valladares-Faúndez P, Cerdeña J, Chaparro JC, Santa Cruz R, Abdala CS. 2020. Some color in the desert: description of a new species of Liolaemus (Iguania: Liolaemidae) from southern Peru, and its conservation status. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 14(3) [Taxonomy Section]: 1–30 (e250) - get paper here
  • Quiroz, A. J., Huamaní-Valderrama, L., Gutiérrez, R. C., Aguilar-Kirigin, Á. J., López-Tejeda, E., Lazo-Rivera, A., ... & Abdala10, C. S. 2021. An Endemic and Endangered New Species of the Lizard Liolaemus montanus Group from Southwestern Peru (Iguania: Liolaemidae), with a Key for the Species of the L. reichei Clade. Zoological Studies, 60 (2021) - get paper here
  • Valladares-Faúndez, P., Franco-León, P., Jove Chipana, C., Navarro Guzmán, M., Ignacio-Apaza, J., Apaza, J. I., ... & Abdala, C. S. 2021. A new lizard of the Liolaemus montanus group that inhabits the hyperarid desert of southern Peru. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 15(2): 10-22 - get paper here
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