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Saproscincus hannahae COUPER & KEIM, 1998

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Saproscincus hannahae »

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Higher TaxaScincidae, Eugongylinae (Eugongylini), Scincoidea, Sauria, Squamata (lizards)
Common NamesE: Hannah's Shadeskink 
SynonymSaproscincus hannahae COUPER & KEIM 1998
Saproscincus hannahae — COGGER 2000: 766
Saproscincus hannahae — WILSON & SWAN 2010 
DistributionAustralia (Queensland)

Type locality: Chelmans Rd, Eungella NP (21°00'S, 148°34'E)  
TypesHolotype: QM J57034; Paratypes: AMS (AM) 
EtymologyNamed for Hannah Couper. 
  • Beolens, Bo; Michael Watkins, and Michael Grayson 2011. The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, USA - get paper here
  • Cogger, H. G. 2014. Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia, 7th ed. CSIRO Publishing, xxx + 1033 pp. - get paper here
  • Cogger, H.G. 2000. Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia, 6th ed. Ralph Curtis Publishing, Sanibel Island, 808 pp.
  • Couper P. J. & L. D. KEIM 1998. Two new species of Saproscincus (Reptilia: Scincidae) from Queensland. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 42: 465-473 - get paper here
  • Couper, P., Covacevich, J., Amey, A. & Baker, A. 2006. The genera of skinks (Family Scincidae) of Australia and its island territories: diversity, distribution and identification. in: Merrick, J.R., Archer, M., Hickey, G.M. & Lee, M.S.Y. (eds.). Evolution and Zoogeography of Australasian Vertebrates. Australian Scientific Publishing, Sydney, pp. 367-384
  • Shea, Glenn M; Sadlier, Ross A 1999. A catalogue of the non-fossil amphibian and reptile type specimens in the collection of the Australian Museum: types currently, previously and purportedly present. TECHNICAL REPORTS OF THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM 15, 1999: 1-91 - get paper here
  • Wilson, S. & Swan, G. 2010. A complete guide to reptiles of Australia, 3rd ed. Chatswood: New Holland, 558 pp.
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