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Pogona vitticeps (AHL, 1926)

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Higher TaxaAgamidae (Amphibolurinae), Sauria, Iguania, Squamata (lizards)
Common NamesE: Central Bearded Dragon
G: Bartagame, Streifenköpfige Bartagame
S: Dragón barbudo central 
SynonymAmphibolurus vitticeps AHL 1926
Amphibolurus vitticeps — COGGER 1983
Pogona vitticeps — MANTHEY & SCHUSTER 1999: 98
Pogona vitticeps — COGGER 2000: 350
Pogona vitticeps — WILSON & SWAN 2010
Pogona vitticeps — MELVILLE & WILSON 2019
Pogona centralis — MELVILLE & WILSON 2019: 46 (in error)
Pogona vitticeps — CHAPPLE et al. 2019: 89 
DistributionAustralia (New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria)

Type locality: Australia  
ReproductionHigh incubation temperatures of eggs reverse genotypic males (ZZ) to phenotypic females in P. vitticeps, which has genetic sex determination (GSD) with female heterogamety. Between 22° and 32°C, sex ratios did not differ significantly from 1:1, a response consistent with GSD. However, between 34° and 37°C, there was an increasing female bias, suggesting that temperature was overriding genotypic sex in some males (Quinn et al. 2007). 
TypesHolotype: ZMB 30101. 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Badham 1976 
CommentAdults of Pogona vitticeps are smaller towards the southern limit of the distribution of the species, the smallest animals occurring in the Big Desert in western Victoria. Females are not markedly smaller at sexual maturity than males, but males mature at a much smaller size. Data from P. barbata suggest that early male maturity in southern areas may occur also in that species. Relative growth and external morphology indicates that the Big Desert population is not taxonomically distinct from P. vitticeps. Factors causing the reduced size of animals in the population are unknown (WITTEN & COVENTRY 1990).

Trapp (2014) documented some of the color morphs available of this species.

Longevity: Müller (2014) reports an animal that lived for 19 years and 5 months in captivity.

Genomics: this is one of the species selected by the Genome 10K consortium for complete genome sequencing. A trio sequence was published by Bergeron et al. 2023. 
EtymologyPresumably named after the Latin vitta (ribbon) plus ceps (head), referring to the stripes over the temporal region. (G. Shea, pers. comm., 9 Feb 2024) 
  • Ahl, E. 1926. Neue Eidechsen und Amphibien. Zool. Anz. 67: 186-192
  • Alam, S. M. I., Altmanová, M., Prasongmaneerut, T., Georges, A., Sarre, S. D., Nielsen, S. V., ... & Ezaz, T. 2020. Cross-Species BAC Mapping Highlights Conservation of Chromosome Synteny across Dragon Lizards (Squamata: Agamidae). Genes, 11(6), 698 - get paper here
  • AMER, SAYED A. M. & YOSHINORI KUMAZAWA 2005. Mitochondrial DNA sequences of the Afro-Arabian spiny-tailed lizards (genus Uromastyx; family Agamidae): phylogenetic analyses and evolution of gene arrangements. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society; 85 (2): 247 - get paper here
  • Andrews, R. M., Brandley, M. C. and Greene, V. W. 2013. Developmental sequences of squamate reptiles are taxon specific. Evolution & Development, 15: 326–343. doi: 10.1111/ede.12042 - get paper here
  • Aresté, M.; Farriols, J. L. 1998. Pogona vitticeps Inland Bearded Dragon (Ahl, 1926). Reptilia (GB) (2): 39-42 - get paper here
  • Badham J A 1976. The Amphibolurus barbatus species-group (Lacertilia: Agamidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 24(3) 1976: 423-443 - get paper here
  • Bergeron, L.A., Besenbacher, S., Zheng, J. et al. 2023. Evolution of the germline mutation rate across vertebrates. Nature - get paper here
  • Bonetti, Mathilde 2002. 100 Sauri. Mondadori (Milano), 192 pp. - get paper here
  • BROUGHTON, CLARK & KYLE LAUREN WEBB. 2022. Diagnostic Clinical Pathology of the Bearded Dragon (Pogona vitticeps). Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice 25(3): 713–734. - get paper here
  • Busch, M. 2012. Bartagamen, 2. Aufl. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart, 94 pp.
  • Cadena, Viviana; Kathleen R. Smith, John A. Endler, Devi Stuart-Fox 2017. Geographic divergence and colour change in response to visual backgrounds and illumination intensity in bearded dragons. Journal of Experimental Biology 220: 1048-1055; doi: 10.1242/jeb.148544 - get paper here
  • Chapple, David G.; Reid Tingley, Nicola J. Mitchell, Stewart L. Macdonald, J. Scott Keogh, Glenn M. Shea, Philip Bowles, Neil A. Cox, John C. Z. Woinarski 2019. The Action Plan for Australian Lizards and Snakes 2017. CSIRO, 663 pp. DOI: 10.1071/9781486309474 - get paper here
  • CHIACCHIO, MICHELE; ANNEGRET GRIMM-SEYFARTH<br>KLAUS HENLE<br> AND JEAN-BAPTISTE MIHOUB 2020. Water availability as a major climatic driver of taxonomic and functional diversity in a desert reptile community. Ecosphere 11(7):e03190. 10.1002/ecs2.3190 - get paper here
  • Cogger, H. G. 2014. Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia, 7th ed. CSIRO Publishing, xxx + 1033 pp. - get paper here
  • Cogger, H.G. 2000. Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia, 6th ed. Ralph Curtis Publishing, Sanibel Island, 808 pp.
  • Deakin, Janine E; Melanie J. Edwards, Hardip Patel, Denis O’Meally, Jinmin Lian, Rachael Stenhouse, Sam Ryan, Alexandra M. Livernois, Bhumika Azad, Clare E. Holleley, Qiye Li and Arthur Georges 2016. Anchoring genome sequence to chromosomes of the central bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) enables reconstruction of ancestral squamate macrochromosomes and identifies sequence content of the Z chromosome. BMC Genomics 17: 447,DOI: 10.1186/s12864-016-2774-3 - get paper here
  • DEGER, TATJANA FRANZISKA; KARINA HÄUSSLER, EVA STRÜN, MONIKA RINDER & RÜDIGER KORßEL 2019. Untersuchungen zur Elektrokardiographie bei der Streifenköpfigen Bartagame (Pogona vitticeps) elaphe N. F., (6): 52-62
  • Ezaz, T. et al. 2009. Sex Chromosome Evolution in Lizards: Independent Origins and Rapid Transitions. Cytogenet Genome Res 127: 249-260 - get paper here
  • Ezaz, Tariq; Quinn, Alexander E.; Miura, Ikuo; Sarre, Stephen D.; Georges, Arthur; Graves, Jennifer A. Marshall 2005. The dragon lizard Pogona vitticeps has ZZ/ZW micro-sex chromosomes. Chromosome Research 13:763-776. - get paper here
  • Fan M, Stuart-Fox D, Cadena V 2014. Cyclic Colour Change in the Bearded Dragon Pogona vitticeps under Different Photoperiods. PLoS One 9 (10): e111504. doi:10.1371/journal.pone. - get paper here
  • Freynik, C. & Drewes, O. 2011. Die Bartagame, Zwergbartagame & Australische Taubagame. Vivaria-Verlag, Meckenheim, 80 pp. [review in Reptilia #98: 82]
  • Fritz, P. 2005. Haltung der Streifenköpfigen Bartagame Pogona vitticeps. Iguana Rundschreiben 18 (2): 9-14
  • Georges A, Li Q, Lian J, Meally DO, Deakin J, Wang Z, et al. 2015. High-coverage sequencing and annotated assembly of the genome of the Australian dragon lizard Pogona vitticeps. Gigascience 4: 45 - get paper here
  • Greenbaum, E. 2000. Herpetofaunal observations in disparate habitats in south Sustralia, New South Wales, and queensland, Australia. Herpetological Bulletin (72): 6-16 - get paper here
  • HAGSTROM, MELENA R.; ANKE C. STÖHR, JOSEPH A. CACIOPPO, AMANDA ANDERSON, NOBUKO WAKAMATSU & JAVIER G. NEVAREZ. 2021. Axillary Leiomyosarcoma in an Inland Bearded Dragon (Pogona vitticeps). Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery 31(1): 12–17. - get paper here
  • Hallmen, M. 2005. Farb- und Zeichnungszuchten in der Terraristik. Reptilia (Münster) 10 (55): 16-22 - get paper here
  • Hallmen, M. 2006. Selective Breeding for color and pattern. Reptilia (GB) (44): 12-18 - get paper here
  • Hauschild, A. 2004. Die Bartagame, Pogona henrylawsoni. Natur und Tier Verlag (Münster), 64 pp. - get paper here
  • Hauschild, A. & Bosch, H. 1997. Bartagamen und Kragenechsen. Natur und Tier Verlag (Münster), 95 pp. [review in Draco 5 (22): 87] - get paper here
  • Häußler, Karina; Eva Strütt, Tatjana Deger, Monika Rinder & Rüdiger Korbel 2021. Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Elektrokardiographie bei Streifenköpfigen Bartagamen (Pogona vitticeps) unter Injektionsanästhesie. Elaphe 2021 (5): 32-35
  • Hoekstra, M. 2007. Baardagaam & rugstreeppad: Australische reptielen niet bestand tegen Europees paddengif. Lacerta 65 (2): 68-73 - get paper here
  • Holleley, Clare E.; Denis O'Meally, Stephen D. Sarre, Jennifer A. Marshall Graves, Tariq Ezaz, Kazumi Matsubara, Bhumika Azad, Xiuwen Zhang & Arthur Georges 2015. Sex reversal triggers the rapid transition from genetic to temperature-dependent sex. Nature 523: 79–82; doi:10.1038/nature14574 - get paper here
  • Krönke, Frank 2021. Die Bartagame (Pogona vitticeps) – ein Blick über die Terraristik hinaus. Elaphe 2021 (5): 24-30
  • Krönke, Frank 2021. Die Bartagame (Pogona vitticeps) – top angesagt oder todlangweilig? Alte Basics in neuem Licht. Elaphe 2021 (5): 12-23
  • Lambert, Helen; Gemma Carder and Neil D’Cruze 2019. Given the Cold Shoulder: A Review of the Scientific Literature for Evidence of Reptile Sentience. Animals 9: 821 - get paper here
  • Lutzmann, N.; Fritz, P. & Wiechert, J. 2008. Eine aussergewöhnliche Anomalie bei einer weiblichen Bartagame, Pogona vitticeps (AHL 1926) (Sauria: Agamidae). Sauria 30 (2): 47-49 - get paper here
  • Manthey,U. & SCHUSTER,N. 1999. Agamen, 2. Aufl. Natur und Tier Verlag (Münster), 120 pp. - get paper here
  • McAlpin, Steve 1995. Notes on the central bearded dragon Pogona vitticeps in Central Australia. Monitor: Journal of the Victorian Herpetological Society Inc. 6 (3): 111-115
  • Melville J & Wilson S 2019. Dragon Lizards of Australia. Museum Victoria, 406 pp. [reviews in HR 51 (3): 633, Copeia 108 (3): 701, 2020]
  • Melville, Jane; Sumitha Hunjan, Felicity McLean, Georgia Mantziou, Katja Boysen, Laura J. Parry 2016. Expression of a hindlimb-determining factor Pitx1 in the forelimb of the lizard Pogona vitticeps during morphogenesis. Open Biol. 2016 6 160252; DOI: 10.1098/rsob.160252. Published 26 October 2016 - get paper here
  • Müller , P. M. 2014. Zur möglichen Lebenserwartung von Bartagamen (Pogona vitticeps). Reptilia (Münster) 19 (110): 32-37
  • Müller, P.M. 2005. Bartagamen - die Gattung Pogona (STORR, 1982). Draco 5 (22): 4-19 - get paper here
  • Müller, P.M. 2010. Bartagamen. Die Gattung Pogona. Artgerechte Haltung, Pflege und Zucht. Natur und Tier Verlag, 167 pp [review in Iguana 25 (2): 15] - get paper here
  • Müller, P.M. & Kohlmeyer, R. 2005. Bartagamen-FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). Draco 5 (22): 28-37 - get paper here
  • Müller, Peter Maria 2002. Die Bartagame. Kirschner und Seufer Verlag, Keltern-Weiler, 78 pp. [reviews in Elaphe 23 (2): 23, and Draco 5 (22): 88] - get paper here
  • Ollonen, J., Khannoon, E. R., Macrì, S., Vergilov, V., Kuurne, J., Saarikivi, J., ... & Di-Poï, N. 2024. Dynamic evolutionary interplay between ontogenetic skull patterning and whole-head integration. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1-16 - get paper here
  • Palika, Liz 2003. Leben mit Bartagamen. Natur und Tier Verlag (Münster), 206 S. [review in Draco 5 (22): 84] - get paper here
  • Pflugmacher, S. 1984. Haltung und Zucht der australischen Bartagame - Amphibolurus vitticeps. Sauria 6 (3): 9-11 - get paper here
  • POUILLEVET, HANAE; JESSICA AYMEN, CÉDRIC B. LAROUCHE, PAULINE DELNATTE, CLAIRE LOUVARD, STÉPHANE LAIR, ISABELLE MASSEAU & CLAIRE VERGNEAU-GROSSET. 2021. Diagnosis and Surgical Management of Cholecystolithiasis in Two Adult Inland Bearded Dragons (Pogona vitticeps). Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery 31(1): 18–24. - get paper here
  • Quinn, Alexander E.; Arthur Georges, Stephen D. Sarre, Fiorenzo Guarino, Tariq Ezaz, and Jennifer A. Marshall Graves 2007. Temperature Sex Reversal Implies Sex Gene Dosage in a Reptile. Science 316: 411 - get paper here
  • Rej JE, Joyner TA. 2018. Niche modeling for the genus Pogona (Squamata: Agamidae) in Australia: predicting past (late Quaternary) and future (2070) areas of suitable habitat. PeerJ 6:e6128 - get paper here
  • Riedel, P. 2011. Bartagamen. Franck-Kosmos Verlag, Stuttgart, 144 pp. [review in Iguana 25 (2): 14]
  • RODRIGUES NEHEMY, IBRAHIM KAMEL; THAYLLON ORZECHOWSKY GOMES, FERNANDA PAIVA, WESLEY KAUAN KUBO, JOÃO EMÍLIO DE ALMEIDA JÚNIOR, NATHAN FERNANDES NEVES & VINICIUS DE AVELAR SÃO PEDRO. 2022. Herpeto-commerce: A look at the illegal online trade of amphibians and reptiles in Brazil. Cuadernos de Herpetología 36(2): 185–196. - get paper here
  • Rogner, M. 2014. Nach wie vor ideale Terrarientiere auch für Anfänger: Bartagamen. Reptilia (Münster) 19 (110): 18-25
  • SAKICH, NICHOLAS B. & GLENN J. TATTERSALL. 2022. Regulation of Exposure to Ultraviolet Light in Bearded Dragons (Pogona vitticeps) in Relation to Temperature and Scalation Phenotype. Ichthyology & Herpetology 110(3): 477–488. - get paper here
  • Schaerlaeken, Vicky; Jay J. Meyers and Anthony Herrel 2007. Modulation of prey capture kinematics and the role of lingual sensory feedback in the lizard Pogona vitticeps. Zoology 110 (2): 127-138 - get paper here
  • Schmida, G. 2005. Betrachtungen zu ostaustralischen Bartagamen. Draco 5 (22): 46-53 - get paper here
  • Schuster, U. & Schuster, N. 2006. Langschläfer. Iguana Rundschreiben 19 (2): 11
  • STARCK, J. MATTHIAS & JEANETTE WYNEKEN. 2022. Comparative and Functional Anatomy of the Ectothermic Sauropsid Heart. Veterinary Clinics: Exotic Animal Practice 25(2): 337–366. - get paper here
  • Swan, G.; Sadlier, R.; Shea, G. 2017. A field guide to reptiles of New South Wales. Reed New Holland, 328 pp.
  • ter Borg, J. 2007. Paniek bij de baardagamen (Pogona vitticeps). Lacerta 65 (5): 218 - get paper here
  • Trapp, B. 2014. Haut(e) Couture für Drachen. Reptilia (Münster) 19 (110): 26-30
  • Tyson Doneley, Robert James, Cleide Helen Spröhnle-Barrera, Emily Enid Jones, Mee-Ja M. Sula & Rachel Elizabeth Allavena. 2022. The use of electrochemotherapy to treat an oral mucocutaneous fibrosarcoma in a Central Bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps). Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine. - get paper here
  • Werning, H. 2015. Jurassic World im Wohnzimmer. Mini-Dinos für das Terrarium. Reptilia (Münster) 20 (114): 26-37 - get paper here
  • Whiteley, S. L., Weisbecker, V., Georges, A., Gauthier, A. R. G., Whitehead, D. L., & Holleley, C. E. 2018. Developmental asynchrony and antagonism of sex determination pathways in a lizard with temperature-induced sex reversal. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 14892 - get paper here
  • WHITELEY, SARAH L.; SUSAN WAGNER, CLARE E. HOLLELEY, IRA W. DEVESON, JENNIFER A. MARSHALL GRAVES & ARTHUR GEORGES. 2022. Truncated jarid2 and kdm6b transcripts are associated with temperature-induced sex reversal during development in a dragon lizard. Science Advances 8(16): eabk0275. - get paper here
  • Wilms, T. & Grießhammer, K. 2005. Grundlagen der Haltung von Pogona vitticeps. Draco 5 (22): 20-27 - get paper here
  • Wilson, S. & Swan, G. 2010. A complete guide to reptiles of Australia, 3rd ed. Chatswood: New Holland, 558 pp.
  • Zawadzki, Mike 2013. Die Überwinterung von Echsen. Draco 14 (55): 42-49 - get paper here
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