Ancylodactylus spawlsi MALONZA & BAUER, 2022
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Higher Taxa | Gekkonidae, Gekkota, Sauria, Squamata (lizards: geckos) |
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Synonym | Ancylodactylus spawlsi MALONZA & BAUER 2022: 124 Cnemaspis dickersonae — SPAWLS et al. 2018: 80 (part) |
Distribution | C Kenya Type locality: Lolldaiga Farm, Lolldaiga Hills Conservancy, Laikipia County, Kenya (00.21300° N, 37.12985° E; 2120 m) |
Reproduction | |
Types | Holotype. NMK-L3470, adult male, collected 30 October 2013 by Stephen Spawls, Patrick K. Malonza & Vincent Muchai. Paratypes. NMK-L4007/1, adult male, Kirimiri Forest, Embu County, Kenya (00.42740° S, 37.54967° E; 1573 m), collected 23 June 2017 by Arthur M. Gitari; NMK-L3997/1, adult female, and NMK-L3997/2, male, Kirimiri Forest, Embu County, Kenya (00.42715° S, 37.54862° E; 1612 m and 00.42760° S, 37.54748° E; 1563 m, respectively), collected 17 May 2017 by Arthur M. Gitari. |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis: A an extremely small-sized Ancylodactylus with a maximum SVL of approximately 30 mm. Dorsal scalation mostly homogeneous with a single pair of rows of very small tubercles along the flanks; other scales minute and granular. Limbs and digits long, with enlarged basal lamellae under and proximal to penultimate interphalangeal joint (3 under digit IV). Length of intact original tail slightly longer than SVL. Tail dorsum distal to the pygal portion of the tail bearing tubercles throughout its length; six tubercles per row proximally, decreasing to four and becoming flatter and less conspicuous distally; median subcaudal scales in a single row of large, but not transversely widened scales. Male precloacal pores in a single continuous row of 6. Dorsal pattern of pale fleurs-de-lis and spots on a grayish- to mustard-brown background. Ventral coloration of trunk and limbs, pale to bright yellow, fainter on the undersides of limbs than elsewhere; chin and anterior throat grayish to bright white with faint or bold dark markings, and a yellow wash onto the posterior throat. (MALONZA & BAUER 2022) |
Comment | Distribution: see map in MALONZA & BAUER 2022: 104 (Fig. 1). |
Etymology | Named in honor of Stephen Spawls (born 1953), who specifically collected the holotype specimen inside the wooden house (Lolldaiga Farm House) where our collecting party were staying. |
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