Atractus careolepis KÖHLER & KIECKBUSCH, 2014
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Higher Taxa | Colubridae (Dipsadinae), Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes) |
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Synonym | Atractus careolepis KÖHLER & KIECKBUSCH 2014 |
Distribution | Colombia (Magdalena) Type locality: Punta de Betin (approximately 11.2522°, -74.2197°, 15 m asl), municipality of Santa Marta, province of Magdalena, Colombia. |
Reproduction | |
Types | Holotype: SMF 68413, male, collected on August 01, 1970 by M. Henning and F. Klaaßen. |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis: A species of the genus Atractus that differs from all congeners by the following combination of characters: (1) 17 smooth dorsal scale rows; (2) preocular absent; (3) loreal absent; (4) temporals 1+2; (5) seven supralabials; (6) six or seven infralabials; (7) eight maxillary teeth; (8) three gular scale rows; (9) three pre- ventrals; (10) 146 ventrals in single male; (11) 31/32 subcaudals in single male; (12) dorsum of body and tail reddish brown with paired, occasionally slightly alternating lateral vertical cream blotches, approximately one dorsal scale broad, not contacting in vertebral region; (13) venter cream with reddish brown blotches, forming two parallel series on anterior body and a checkered pattern on the rest of body; (14) SVL of single known male 178 mm; (15) small to moderate tail length in single known male (16.3 % of SVL); (16) hemipenis morphology unknown. |
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Etymology | The name careolepis is a compound noun derived from careo (Latin for “be without”) and lepis (Greek for “scale”) referring to the absence of the loreal scale in this species. |
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