Atractus wagleri PRADO, 1945
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Higher Taxa | Colubridae (Dipsadinae), Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes) |
Subspecies | |
Common Names | E: Wagler's Ground Snake |
Synonym | Atractus wagleri PRADO 1945: 61 Atractus wagleri — PASSOS & ARREDONDO 2009 Atractus wagleri — WALLACH et al. 2014: 83 Atractus wagleri — PASSOS et al. 2024 |
Distribution | Colombia (Boyacá) Type locality: Humbo, Dep. de Boyacá, Colombia |
Reproduction | oviparous |
Types | Holotype: MLS 228, Female, collected on 1948 by Hermanos of La Salle order. Presumed lost |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis: Atractus wagleri is distinguished from all congeners by the combination of the following characters: (1) 17/17/17 smooth dorsal scale rows; (2) two postoculars; (3) loreal long; (4) temporals 1+2; (5) seven supralabials, third and fourth contacting orbit; (6) seven infralabials, first three contacting chinshields; (7) six or seven maxillary teeth; (8) generally four gular scale rows; (9) four or five preventrals; (10) 174–180 ventrals in females, 157–174 in males; (11) 43–44 subcaudals in females, 46–56 in males; (12) dorsal ground colour in preservative cream-red with an irregular vertebral black stripe connected to lateral black blotches, constituting complete bands anteriorly and decreasing in size posteriorly; (13) venter black with paraventral region cream; (14) moderate body size, females reaching 437 mm SVL and males 445 mm SVL; (15) moderate tail length in females (13.6–15.3% SVL) and long in male (21.61% SVL); (16) hemipenis moderately bilobed, semicapitate, and semicalyculate. |
Comment | |
Etymology | Named after Johann Georg Wagler (1800-1832), a herpetologist. |
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