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Boaedon mendesi »

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Higher TaxaLamprophiidae, Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
Common Names 
Boodon geometricum ? - BOCAGE 1887
Boodon lineatus [part] - BOCAGE 1903
Boodon lineatus [part] - HENRIQUES 1917
Boodon bedriagae [part] - BOULENGER 1906
Boaedon lineatus bedriagai - CAPOCACCIA 1961
Boaedon lineatus bedriagai - 1961
Boaedon lineatus bedriagai - MANAÇAS 1958
Boaedon fuliginosus bedriagae [part] - ROUX-ESTÉVE & GUIBÉ 1964
Boaedon fuliginosus bedriagae [part] - CHIPPAUX & JACKSON 2019
Boaedon bedriagae [part] - ROUX-ESTÉVE & GUIBÉ 1965
Boaedon bedriagae [part] - CERÍACO et al. 2018: 103
Boaedon fuliginosus bedriagai - MANAÇAS 1973
Lamprophis fuliginosus - CHIPPAUX 2006
Boaedon mendesi — CERÍACO et al. 2023 
DistributionPríncipe Island, Gulf of Guine (endemic)

Type locality: vicinities of Santo Cristo, Príncipe Island, Republic of São Tomé e Príncipe, Gulf of Guinea (1.63633°N, 7.42690°E), 80 m elevation.  
TypesHolotype: MUHNAC/MB03–977, adult male, collected by collected Luis M.P. Ceríaco, Mariana P. Marques, and Pedro N.P. Ceríaco, on 10 February 2015.
Paratypes: CAS 233410, Príncipe Island [1.659306°, 7.395389°, 178 m]; IICT/R 52-56/1957, Principe Island; MB 03-001027, road to Porto Real [1.62617°, 7.41344°, 38 m] - Príncipe Island, Republic of São Tomé e Príncipe, Gulf of Guinea. 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Distinguished from all of its Central and West African congeners by the following combination of characters: brown to dark brown colouration with a series of parallel dark brown blotches extending from neck to about midbody; two broad, cream-coloured, dark brown-bordered bands running on the side of the head; the upper band starting on the nasals and extending above the eye to the posterior part of the head, the lower band usually starting on the posterior lower part of the eye and extending to the corner of the mouth; whitish to cream venter colouration without markings; the 3rd, 4th and 5th (but sometimes the 4th, 5th and 6th) supralabials contacting the eye, one preocular; 24 to 29 midbody scales rows, 206 to 242 ventral scales and 61 to 81 subcaudals, and a maximum snout–vent length of 122 cm (Ceríaco et al. 2021).

Additional details (4522 characters) are available for collaborators and contributors. Please contact us for details. 
CommentDiet: Probably similar to other Boaedon the species that feed on small mammals (e. g. rodents, bats), as well as other reptiles (p.e. geckos and skinks).

Similar species: Boaedon bedriagae. 
EtymologySpecific epithet is a patronym in the masculine genitive singular named after the Portuguese entomologist Luís Fernando Marques Mendes (Lisbon, 1946 –), former director of the Centro de Zoologia of the former Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical (Lisbon), from 1998 to 2014, and who has dedicated part of his career to the study of the biodiversity of São Tomé and Príncipe (Ceríaco et al. 2021). 
  • Bocage, Barboza du 1903. Contribution a la Faune des quatre iles du Golfe de Guinée. J. Sci. math. phys. nat. Lisboa 7 (2): 25-59
  • Bocage, J.V.B. du 1887. Melanges erpetologiques. I. Reptiles et Batraciens du Congo. II. Reptiles de Dahomey. III. Reptiles de l’Ile du Prince. IV. Reptiles et Batraciens de Quissange (Benguella) envoyés par M. J. d’Anchieta. Jorn. Sci. math. phys. nat., Lisboa, 11: 177-211 - get paper here
  • Boulenger, G.A. 1906. Report on the reptiles collected by the late L. Fea in West Africa. Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. Nat. Genova (3) 2: 196-216 - get paper here
  • Capocaccia, L. 1961. Catalogo dei tipi di Rettili del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova [MSNG]. Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Giacomo Doria 72: 86-111 - get paper here
  • Capocaccia, L. 1961. Contributo allo studio dei serpenti delle isole del Golfo di Guinea. Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Genova, 72: 285-309. - get paper here
  • Ceríaco LMP, Marques MP, Bauer AM. 2018. Miscellanea Herpetologica Sanctithomae, with a provisional checklist of the terrestrial herpetofauna of São Tomé, Príncipe and Annobon islands. Zootaxa. 4387 (1):91–108 - get paper here
  • Ceríaco LMP, Parrinha D, Marques MP 2021. Saving collections: taxonomic revision of the herpetological collection of the Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical, Lisbon (Portugal) with a protocol to rescue abandoned collections. ZooKeys 1052: 85-156 - get paper here
  • Ceríaco, L. M. P., Marques, M. P., de Sousa, A. C. A., Veríssimo, J., Beja, P., & Ferreira, S. 2023. Illustrated keys and a DNA barcode reference library of the amphibians and terrestrial reptiles (Amphibia, Reptilia) of São Tomé and Príncipe (Gulf of Guinea, West Africa). ZooKeys 1168: 41-75
  • Ceríaco, Luis MP; Ana Lisette Arellano , Robert C Jadin , Mariana P Marques , Diogo Parrinha & Jakob Hallermann 2021. Taxonomic revision of the Jita snakes (Lamprophiidae: Boaedon) from São Tomé and Príncipe (Gulf of Guinea), with the description of a new species. African Journal of Herpetology, - get paper here
  • Chippaux, Jean-Philippe & Kate Jackson 2019. Snakes of Central and Western Africa. Johns Hopkins University Press, 448 pp. [detaileld review in HR 51 (1): 161] - get paper here
  • Chippaux,J.P. 2006. Les serpents d’Afrique occidentale et centrale. Paris (IRD editions), 311 pp.
  • Henriques, J. 1917. A ilha de S. Tomé sob o ponto de vista histórico-natural e agrícola. Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana 27: 1–197
  • Manacas, S. 1958. Anfíbios e Répteis das ilhas de São Tomé e do Príncipe e do Ilhéo das Rolas. Conferencia Intern. dos Africanistas Ocidentais, Comunicacoes Zool. e Biol. Animal, 6. Sess., 4: 179-192.
  • Manaças, S. 1973. Alguns dos anfíbios e répteis da província de S. Tomé e Príncipe. In: Livro de Homenagem ao Prof. Fernando Frade. Junta Investigação do Ultramar, Lisboa, pp. 219–230
  • Roux-Estève, R. & J. GUIBE 1965. Contribution a l’étude du genre Boaedon (Serpentes, Colubridae). Bull. Mus. nation. Hist. nat., Paris (2e ser.) 36 (6): 761-774 [1964] - get paper here
  • Roux-Estève, R. & J. GUIBE 1965. Étude comparée de Boaedon fuliginosus (Boié) et Boaedon lineatus D. et B. (Ophidiens). Bull. Inst. Fond. Afr. Noire 27 (A-1): 397-409.
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