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Brachymeles burksi TAYLOR, 1917

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Brachymeles burksi »

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Higher TaxaScincidae, Scincinae, Scincoidea, Sauria, Squamata (lizards)
Common NamesE: Burks’ Burrowing Skink 
SynonymBrachymeles burksi TAYLOR 1917: 275
Brachymeles burksi — TAYLOR 1922: 255
Brachymeles bonitae — BROWN 1956: 5
Brachymeles bonitae — BROWN & RABOR 1967: 526
Brachymeles bonitae — BROWN & ALCALA 1970: 112
Brachymeles bonitae — BROWN & ALCALA 1980: 20
Brachymeles bonitae — SILER & BROWN 2010: 1
Brachymeles bonitae — SILER et al. 2009: 449
Brachymeles bonitae — SILER et al. 2010a: 49
Brachymeles bonitae — SILER et al. 2010b: 114
Brachymeles bonitae — SILER et al. 2011a: 53
Brachymeles bonitae — SILER et al. 2011b: 76
Brachymeles bonitae — SILER et al. 2011c: 356
Brachymeles bonitae — SILER et al. 2011d: 300
Brachymeles bonitae — SILER et al. 2012a: 135
Brachymeles bonitae — DAVIS et al. 2014: 480
Brachymeles bonitae — GEHEBER et al. 2016: 1
Brachymeles bonitae — SILER et al. 2016: 15
Brachymeles burksi — WAGNER et al. 2018
Brachymeles burksi — SILER et al. 2020 
DistributionPhilippines (Mindoro, Marinduque).

Type locality: Barangay Sumagui (Liddell Plantation), Municipality of Bansud, Oriental Mindoro Province, Mindoro Island, Philippines  
TypesHolotype: Carnegie Museum, CM 1975; Paratypes: MCZ R-26584, R-26585, CAS, CM. Other specimens: CAS, CM, MCZ, KU 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Following recent taxonomic revisions of Brachymeles (Davis et al. 2014, 2016; Geheber et al. 2016; Siler et al. 2016), the new species is assigned to the B. bonitae complex based on the following suite of morphological characters: (1) limbs present, (2) non-pentadactyl, (3) paravertebral scale rows ≥ 91, (4) presacral vertebrae 51, (5) supraoculars four, (6) enlarged, differentiated nuchals present, (7) longitudinal rows of dark spots around the body absent, and (8) auricular opening absent. Brachymeles burksi can be distinguished from congeners by the following combination of characters: (1) body size small (SVL 58.4–77.5 mm), (2) fore-limbs digitless, (3) hind limbs digitless, (4) limb length short, (5) supralabials six, (6) infralabials five or six, (7) superciliaries five, (8) supraoculars four, (9) midbody scale rows 21–24, (10) axilla–groin scale rows 74–85, (11) paravertebral scale rows 91–102, (12) prefrontal contact absent, (13) frontoparietal contact absent, (14) enlarged chin shields in three pairs, (15) nuchals enlarged, (16) auricular opening absent, (17) presacral vertebrae 51, and (18) uniform body color (Tables 3, 4 in Siler et al. 2020).  
CommentLimb morphology: digitless limbs

Synonymy: B. burksi was synonymized with B. bonitae by Brown 1956 but revalidated by Siler et al. 2020. 
EtymologyTaylor named the Mindoro species for his friend and colleague Mr. Clark Burks (Philippine Bureau of Science) who helped with collections in western Mindoro during an ill-fated expedition to Mindoro, which included being caught in a typhoon with depleted food reserves and crew illness and subsequent death due to an outbreak of cholera (Taylor et al. 1975). 
  • Andrade, Julia B.; Ryshonda P. Lewis and Phil Senter 2016. Appendicular skeletons of five Asian skink species of the genera Brachymeles and Ophiomorus, including species with vestigial appendicular structures. Amphibia-Reptilia, DOI: 10.1163/15685381-00003062 - get paper here
  • Bergmann, P. J., Morinaga, G., Freitas, E. S., Irschick, D. J., Wagner, G. P., & Siler, C. D. 2020. Locomotion and palaeoclimate explain the re-evolution of quadrupedal body form in Brachymeles lizards. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 287(1938), 20201994 - get paper here
  • Brown WC & RABOR DS 1967. Review of the genus Brachymeles (Sauria), with descriptions of new species and subspecies. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. (4) 34: 525-548 - get paper here
  • Brown, R.M.; C.H. Oliveros; C.D. Siler; J.B. Fernandez; L.J. Welton; P.A.C. Buenavente; M.L.L. Diesmos; A.C. Diesmos 2012. Amphibians and Reptiles of Luzon Island (Philippines), VII: Herpetofauna of Ilocos Norte Province, Northern Cordillera Mountain Range. Check List 8(3):469-490 - get paper here
  • Brown, R.M.; McGuire, J.A.; Ferner,J.W.; Icarangal Jr., N. & Kennedy, R.S. 2000. Amphibians and reptiles of Luzon island, II: preliminary report on the herptofauna of Aurora Memorial national Park, Philippines. Hamadryad 25 (2): 175-195 - get paper here
  • Brown, Walter C. 1956. A revision of the genus Brachymeles (Scincidae), with descriptions of new species and subspecies. Breviora (54): 1-19 - get paper here
  • Brown, Walter C.; Alcala, Angel C. 1970. The zoogeography of the herpetofauna of the Philippine Islands, a fringing archipelago. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. 38 (6): 105-130 - get paper here
  • Brown, WC. & A.C. ALCALA 1980. Philippine Lizards of the family Scincidae. Silliman Univ. Nat. Sci., Dumaguete City, Mon., Ser. 2: i-xi + 1-246.
  • Brown; Rafe; Cameron Siler, Carl Oliveros, Luke Welton, Ashley Rock, John Swab, Merlijn Van Weerd, Jonah van Beijnen, Dominic Rodriguez, Edmund Jose, Arvin Diesmos 2013. The amphibians and reptiles of Luzon Island, Philippines, VIII: the herpetofauna of Cagayan and Isabela Provinces, northern Sierra Madre Mountain Range. ZooKeys 266 (2013) Special Issue: 1-120<br>doi: 10.3897/zookeys.266.3982 - get paper here
  • DAVIS, DREW R.; AARON D. GEHEBER, JESSA L. WATTERS, MICHELLE L. PENROD, KATHRYN D. FELLER, ALISSA ASHFORD, JOSH KOURI, DANIEL NGUYEN, KATHRYN SHAUBERGER, KYRA SHEATSLEY, CLAIRE WINFREY, RACHEL WONG, MARITES B. SANGUILA, RAFE M. BROWN & CAMERON D. SIL 2016. Additions to Philippine Slender Skinks of the Brachymeles bonitae Complex (Reptilia: Squamata: Scincidae) III: a new species from Tablas Island. Zootaxa 4132 (1): 030–043 - get paper here
  • Davis, Drew R.; Kathryn D. Feller, Rafe M. Brown, and Cameron D. Siler 2014. Evaluating the Diversity of Philippine Slender Skinks of the Brachymeles bonitae Complex (Reptilia: Squamata: Scincidae): Redescription of B. tridactylus and Descriptions of Two New Species. Journal of Herpetology 48 (4): 480-494. - get paper here
  • Duméril, A. M. C. and G. Bibron. 1839. Erpétologie Générale on Histoire Naturelle Complète des Reptiles. Vol. 5. Roret/Fain et Thunot, Paris, 871 pp. - get paper here
  • GEHEBER, AARON D.; DREW R. DAVIS, JESSA L. WATTERS, MICHELLE L. PENROD, KATHRYN D. FELLER, CONNER S. DAVEY, ELYSE D. ELLSWORTH, RACHEL L. FLANAGAN, BRENDAN B. HEITZ, TANA MOORE, MARIE D. C. NGUYEN, AUSTYN ROBERTS, JOHN SUTTON, MARITES B. SANGUILA, CH 2016. Additions to Philippine Slender Skinks of the Brachymeles bonitae Complex (Reptilia: Squamata: Scincidae) I: a new species from Lubang Island. Zootaxa 4132 (1): 001–014 - get paper here
  • Gojo-Cruz, Paul Henric P. and Leticia E. Afuang 2018. The Zoogeographic Significance of Caraballo Mountain Range, Luzon Island, Philippines With Focus on the Biogeography of Luzon’s Herpetofauna. Philippine Journal of Science 147 (3): 393-409 - get paper here
  • Lagat, Ronaldo D. and Rubie M. Causaren 2019. Initial terrestrial vertebrate diversity assessment in upland Cavite, Philippines. Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology 12 (2): 70-91 - get paper here
  • MCLEOD, David S.; Cameron D. SILER, Arvin C. DIESMOS, Mae L. DIESMOS, Vhon S. GARCIA, Angela O. ARKONCEO, Kelvin L. BALAQUIT, Charlene C. UY, Mariden M. VILLASERAN, Earle C. YARRA, Rafe M. BROWN 2011. Amphibians and Reptiles of Luzon Island, V: The Herpetofauna of Angat Dam Watershed, Bulacan Province, Luzon Island, Philippines. Asian Herpetological Research 2 (4): 177–198 - get paper here
  • Schaper, E G; Bergmann, P J; Morinaga, G; Fernandez, J; Freitas, E S & Siler, C D 2018. Geographic Distribution: Brachymeles bonitae (Stub-limbed Burrowing Skink). Herpetological Review 49 (3): 503 - get paper here
  • Siler, C. D., Freitas, E. S., Sheridan, J. A., Maguire, S. N., Davis, D. R., Watters, J. L., ... & Brown, R. M. 2020. Additions to Philippine slender skinks of the Brachymeles bonitae complex (Reptilia: Squamata: Scincidae) IV: Resurrection and redescription of Brachymeles burksi. Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology, DOI 10.26757/pjsb2020b14005 - get paper here
  • Siler, C. D.; D.S. Balete; A. C. Diesmos and R. M. Brown 2010. A New Legless Loam-swimming Lizard (Reptilia: Squamata: Scincidae: Genus Brachymeles) from the Bicol Peninsula, Luzon Island, Philippines. Copeia 2010 (1): 114–122 - get paper here
  • Siler, Cameron D. and Rafe M. Brown 2010. Phylogeny-based Species Delimitation in Philippine Slender Skinks (Reptilia: Squamata: Scincidae: Brachymeles): Taxonomic Revision of Pentadactyl Species Groups and Description of Three New Species. Herpetological Monographs 24 (1): 1-54 - get paper here
  • Siler, Cameron D.; Arvin C. Diesmos, Rafe M. Brown 2010. New Loam-Swimming Skink, Genus Brachymeles (Reptilia: Squamata: Scincidae) from Luzon and Catanduanes Islands, Philippines. Journal of Herpetology 44 (1): 49–60 - get paper here
  • Siler, Cameron D.; Allison M. Fuiten, Robin M. Jones, Angel C. Alcala, and Rafe M. Brown 2011. Phylogeny-Based Species Delimitation in Philippine Slender Skinks (Reptilia: Squamata: Scincidae) II: Taxonomic Revision of Brachymeles samarensis and Description of Five New Species. Herpetological Monographs 25 (1): 76-112 - get paper here
  • Siler, Cameron D.; Arvin C. Diesmos, Angel C. Alcala and Rafe M. Brown 2011. Phylogeny of Philippine slender skinks (Scincidae: Brachymeles) reveals underestimated species diversity, complex biogeographical relationships, and cryptic patterns of lineage diversification. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 59 (1): 53-65 - get paper here
  • Siler, Cameron D.; DREW R. DAVIS, ELYSE S. FREITAS, NICHOLAS A. HURON, AARON D. GEHEBER, JESSA L. WATTERS, MICHELLE L. PENROD, MONICA PAPEȘ, ANDREW AMREIN, ALYSSA ANWAR, DONTAE COOPER, TUCKER HEIN, ANNALISA MANNING, NEERAL PATEL, LAUREN PINAROC, ARV 2016. Additions to Philippine Slender Skinks of the Brachymeles bonitae Complex (Reptilia: Squamata: Scincidae) II: a new species from the northern Philippines. Zootaxa 4132 (1): 015–029 - get paper here
  • Siler, Cameron D.; Edmond L. Rico, Mariano R. Duya, and Rafe M. Brown 2009. A NEW LIMB-REDUCED, LOAM-SWIMMING SKINK (SQUAMATA: SCINCIDAE: BRACHYMELES) FROM CENTRAL LUZON ISLAND, PHILIPPINES. Herpetologica 65 (4): 449 - get paper here
  • Siler, Cameron D.; Robin M. Jones, Arvin C. Diesmos, Mae L. Diesmos, and Rafe M. Brown 2012. Phylogeny-Based Species Delimitation In Philippine Slender Skinks (Reptilia: Squamata: Scincidae) III: Taxonomic Revision of the Brachymeles Gracilis Complex, With Descriptions of Three New Species. Herpetological Monographs 26 (1): 135-172. - get paper here
  • Siler, Cameron D.; Robin M. Jones, Luke J. Welton, and Rafe M. Brown 2011. Redescription of Tetradactyl Philippine Slender Skinks (Genus Brachymeles). Herpetologica 67 (3): 300-317. - get paper here
  • Siler, Cameron D.; Ronald I. Crombie, Arvin C. Diesmos, and Rafe M. Brown 2011. Redescriptions of Two Poorly Known Slender Skinks, Brachymeles bicolor and Brachymeles pathfinderi (Reptilia: Squamata: Scincidae), from the Philippines. Journal of Herpetology 45 (3): 355-369. - get paper here
  • Taylor, E.H. 1922. The lizards of the Philippine Islands. Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Bureau of Science, Government of the Philippine Islands, Manila, Publication no. 17: 269 pp. - get paper here
  • Taylor,E.H. 1917. Brachymeles, a genus of Philippine lizards. Philippine Journal of Science 12: 267-279 - get paper here
  • Wagner, Günter P.; Oliver W. Griffith; Philip J. Bergmann; Gaelle Bello‐Hellegouarch; Tiana Kohlsdorf; Anjan Bhullar & Cameron D. Siler 2018. Are there general laws for digit evolution in squamates? The loss and re‐evolution of digits in a clade of fossorial lizards (Brachymeles, Scincinae). Journal of Morphology - get paper here
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