Chelonoidis niger (QUOY & GAIMARD, 1824)
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Higher Taxa | Testudinidae, Testudinoidea, Testudines (turtles) |
Subspecies | Chelonoidis niger abingdonii (GÜNTHER 1877) Chelonoidis niger becki (ROTHSCHILD 1901) Chelonoidis niger chathamensis (VAN DENBURGH 1907) Chelonoidis niger darwini (VAN DENBURGH 1907) Chelonoidis niger donfaustoi POULAKAKIS et al. 2015 Chelonoidis niger duncanensis (PRITCHARD 1996) Chelonoidis niger guntheri (BAUR 1889) Chelonoidis niger hoodensis (VAN DENBURGH 1907) Chelonoidis niger microphyes (GÜNTHER 1875) Chelonoidis niger niger (QUOY & GAIMARD 1824) Chelonoidis niger phantasticus (VAN DENBURGH 1907) Chelonoidis niger porteri (ROTHSCHILD 1903) Chelonoidis niger vandenburghi (DESOLA 1930) Chelonoidis niger vicina (GÜNTHER 1874) |
Common Names | E: Charles Island Giant Tortoise G: Elefantenchildkröte; Galapagos-Riesenschildkröte E: Abingdon Island Giant Tortoise [abingdonii] E: Duncan Island Giant Tortoise, Saddleback giant tortoise [ephippium] E: E: Volcan Wolf Giant Tortoise, Cape Berkeley Giant Tortoise [becki] E: Chatham Island Giant Tortoise [chathamensis] E: James Island Giant Tortoise [darwini] E: Duncan Island Giant Tortoise [duncanensis] E: Hood Island Giant Tortoise [hoodensis] E: Sierra Negra Giant Tortoise [guntheri] E: Volcán Darwin Giant Tortoise, Darwin Volcano Giant Tortoise, Tagus Cove Giant Tortoise [microphyes] E: Narborough Island Giant Tortoise [phantasticus] E: Indefatigable Island Giant Tortoise [porteri] E: Volcán Alcedo Giant Tortoise, Alcedo Volcano Giant Tortoise [vandenburghi] E: Cerro Azul Giant Tortoise, Iguana Cove Giant Tortoise [vicina] |
Synonym | Testudo nigra QUOY & GAIMARD 1824 (nomen dubium) Testudo californiana QUOY & GAIMARD 1824 (nomen oblitum) Testudo elephantopus HARLAN 1826 Testudo californica — GRAY 1831 Testudo Nigra — DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1835: 115 Testudo californica — GRAY 1844 Testudo Nigra — DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1854: 22 Testudo planiceps GRAY 1854 (non T. planiceps SCHOEPFF 1792) Testudo planiceps GRAY 1855: 135 (nomen dubium) Testudo californica — GRAY 1855 Testudo californica — GRAY 1870 Testudo californica — GRAY 1872 Testudo elephantopus — GÜNTHER 1874: 312 Testudo elephantopus — JULIEN & WYMAN 1878 Testudo galapagoensis BAUR 1889:1044 Testudo nigra — BOULENGER 1889 Testudo clivosa GARMAN 1917 (nomen dubium) Testudo typica GARMAN 1917 (nomen dubium) Testudo elephantopus elephantopus — MERTENS & WERMUTH 1955 Testudo elephantopus galapagoensis — WERMUTH & MERTENS 1955 Geochelone elephantopus elephantopus — PRITCHARD 1967 Testudo elephantopus galapagoensis — WERMUTH & MERTENS 1977 Chelonoidis elephantopus elephantopus — OBST 1985 Geochelone elephantopus — ERNST & BARBOUR 1989 Geochelone nigra — KING & BURKE 1989 Chelonoidis nigra — DAVID 1994 Chelonoidis nigra nigra — DAVID 1994 Chelonoidis nigra galapagoensis — DAVID 1994 Geochelone elephantopus elephantopus — SWASH & STILL 2000 Geochelone elephantopus — SWASH & STILL 2000 Geochelone elephantopus — VALVERDE 2004 Chelonoidis nigra — MCCORD & JOSEPH-OUNI 2004 Chelonoidis nigra — GERLACH (pers. comm.) Chelonoidis nigra — LE et al. 2006 Geochelone elephantopus — POULAKAKIS et al. 2008 Geochelone nigra — PARENT et al. 2008 Chelonoidis nigra — RHODIN et al. 2010 Chelonoidis elephantopus — GARRICK et al. 2012 Chelonoidis nigra — TTWG 2014: 394 Chelonoidis niger — OLSON & DAVID 2014 Chelonoidis niger — TTWG 2017: 130 Chelonoidis elephantopus — MILLER et al 2017 Chelonoidis niger niger — TTWG 2021 Chelonoidis niger abingdonii (GÜNTHER 1877) Testudo abingdonii GÜNTHER 1877 Testudo ephippium GÜNTHER 1874: 312 (partim) Testudo ephippium — GÜNTHER 1875: 271 Testudo elephantopus abingdonii — MERTENS & WERMUTH 1955 Testudo elephantopus ephippium — MERTENS & WERMUTH 1955 Geochelone elephantopus ephippium — PRITCHARD 1967 Geochelone elephantopus abingdoni — PRITCHARD 1967 Geochelone abingdonii — ERNST & BARBOUR 1989: 257 Geochelone nigra abingdoni — IVERSON 1992: 250 Geochelone nigra ephippium — IVERSON 1992: 250 Chelonoidis nigra ephippium — DAVID 1994 Geochelone elephantopus ephippium — SWASH & STILL 2000 Geochelone elephantopus abingdoni — SWASH & STILL 2000 Geochelone abingdoni — VALVERDE 2004 Geochelone abingdonii — CISNEROS-HEREDIA 2006 Geochelone ephippium — CISNEROS-HEREDIA 2006 Geochelone ephippium — POULAKAKIS et al. 2008 Geochelone abingdoni — POULAKAKIS et al. 2008 Geochelone nigra — FRITZ & BININDA-EMONDS 2007 Chelonoidis abingdonii — RHODIN et al. 2010 Chelonoidis ephippium — ZUG 2013 Chelonoidis abingdonii — TTWG 2017: 125 Chelonoidis niger abingdonii — TTWG 2021: 266 Chelonoidis abingdonii — ARTEAGA et al. 2024 Chelonoidis niger becki (ROTHSCHILD 1901) Testudo becki ROTHSCHILD 1901: 372 Geochelone elephantopus becki — PRITCHARD 1967 Geochelone becki — ERNST & BARBOUR 1989: 258 Geochelone nigra becki — IVERSON 1992: 250 Chelonoidis nigra becki — DAVID 1994 Geochelone elephantopus becki — SWASH & STILL 2000 Geochelone becki — CISNEROS-HEREDIA 2006 Geochelone becki — POULAKAKIS et al. 2008 Chelonoidis becki — RHODIN et al. 2010 Chelonoidis becki — TTWG 2014: 394 Chelonoidis becki — TTWG 2017: 126 Chelonoidis niger becki — TTWG 2021: 267 Chelonoidis becki — ARTEAGA et al. 2024 Chelonoidis niger chathamensis (VAN DENBURGH 1907) Testudo chathamensis VAN DENBURGH 1907: 4 Testudo wallacei ROTHSCHILD 1902: 619 (partim, nomen dubium) Testudo elephantopus chathamensis — MERTENS & WERMUTH 1955 Geochelone elephantopus chathamensis — PRITCHARD 1967 Geochelone chathamensis — ERNST & BARBOUR 1989: 258 Geochelone nigra chathamensis — IVERSON 1992 Chelonoidis nigra chathamensis — DAVID 1994 Geochelone elephantopus chathamensis — SWASH & STILL 2000 Geochelone chathamensis — CISNEROS-HEREDIA 2006 Chelonoidis nigra chathamensis — FRITZ & HAVAS 2007: 130 Geochelone chathamensis — POULAKAKIS et al. 2008 Chelonoidis chathamensis — RHODIN et al. 2010 Chelonoidis chathamensis — TTWG 2014: 394 Chelonoidis chathamensis — TTWG 2017: 126 Chelonoidis niger chathamensis — TTWG 2021: 268 Chelonoidis chathamensis — ARTEAGA et al. 2024 Chelonoidis niger darwini (VAN DENBURGH 1907) Testudo darwini VAN DENBURGH 1907: 4 Testudo wallacei ROTHSCHILD 1902:619 (partim, nomen dubium) Testudo elephantopus darwini — MERTENS & WERMUTH 1955 Geochelone elephantopus darwini — PRITCHARD 1967 Geochelone darwini — ERNST & BARBOUR 1989: 259 Geochelone nigra darwini — IVERSON 1992 Chelonoidis nigra darwini — DAVID 1994 Geochelone elephantopus darwini — SWASH & STILL 2000 Geochelone darwini — CISNEROS-HEREDIA 2006 Geochelone darwini — POULAKAKIS et al. 2008 Chelonoidis darwini — RHODIN et al. 2010 Chelonoidis darwini — ZUG 2013 Chelonoidis darwini — TTWG 2014: 395 Chelonoidis darwini — TTWG 2017: 126 Chelonoidis niger darwini — TTWG 2021: 268 Chelonoidis darwini — ARTEAGA et al. 2024 Chelonoidis niger duncanensis (PRITCHARD 1996) Testudo duncanensis GARMAN 1917 (nomen nudum) Geochelone nigra duncanensis GARMAN in PRITCHARD 1996: 50 Testudo ephippium GÜNTHER 1875:271 (partim, misidentified type) Chelonoidis duncanensis — RHODIN et al. 2010 Chelonoidis duncanensis — TTWG 2012: 277 Chelonoidis duncanensis — TTWG 2014: 395 Chelonoidis duncanensis — TTWG 2017: 128 Chelonoidis niger duncanensis — TTWG 2021: 269 Chelonoidis duncanensis — ARTEAGA et al. 2024 Chelonoidis niger donfaustoi POULAKAKIS, EDWARDS & CACCONE in POULAKAKIS et al. 2015 Chelonoidis donfaustoi POULAKAKIS, EDWARDS & CACCONE in POULAKAKIS et al. 2015 Chelonoidis donfaustoi — TTWG 2017: 127 Chelonoidis niger donfaustoi — TTWG 2021: 269 Chelonoidis donfaustoi — ARTEAGA et al. 2024 Chelonoidis niger guntheri (BAUR 1889) Testudo güntheri BAUR 1889 (not Testudo güntheri GADOW 1914) Testudo wallacei ROTHSCHILD 1902: 619 Geochelone elephantopus guntheri — PRITCHARD 1967 Chelonoidis elephantopus guentheri — OBST 1985 Geochelone guntheri — ERNST & BARBOUR 1989: 260 Geochelone nigra guntheri — IVERSON 1992 Chelonoidis nigra guntheri — DAVID 1994 Geochelone elephantopus guntheri — SWASH & STILL 2000 Geochelone guntheri — CISNEROS-HEREDIA 2006 Geochelone guntheri — POULAKAKIS et al. 2008 Chelonoidis guentheri — ZUG 2013 Chelonoidis guntheri — TTWG 2017: 128 Chelonoidis niger guntheri — TTWG 2021: 270 Chelonoidis guntheri — ARTEAGA et al. 2024 Chelonoidis niger hoodensis (VAN DENBURGH 1907) Testudo hoodensis VAN DENBURGH 1907: 3 Testudo elephantopus hoodensis — MERTENS & WERMUTH 1955 Geochelone elephantopus hoodensis — PRITCHARD 1967 Geochelone hoodensis — ERNST & BARBOUR 1989: 261 Geochelone nigra hoodensis — IVERSON 1992 Chelonoidis nigra hoodensis — DAVID 1994 Geochelone elephantopus hoodensis — SWASH & STILL 2000 Geochelone nigra hoodensis — HILL 2004 Geochelone hoodensis — CISNEROS-HEREDIA 2006 Geochelone hoodensis — POULAKAKIS et al. 2008 Chelonoidis hoodensis — RHODIN et al. 2010 Chelonoidis hoodensis — TTWG 2014: 395 Chelonoidis hoodensis — TTWG 2017: 129 Chelonoidis niger hoodensis — TTWG 2021: 270 Chelonoidis hoodensis — ARTEAGA et al. 2024 Chelonoidis niger microphyes (GÜNTHER 1875) Testudo microphyes GÜNTHER 1874: 313 (nomen dubium) Testudo microphyes GÜNTHER 1875 Testudo macrophyes GARMAN 1917: 273 Geochelone elephantopus microphyes — PRITCHARD 1967 Chelonoidis elephantopus microphyes — OBST 1986 Geochelone microphyes — ERNST & BARBOUR 1989: 261 Geochelone nigra microphyes — IVERSON 1992: 250 Chelonoidis nigra microphyes — DAVID 1994 Geochelone elephantopus microphyes — SWASH & STILL 2000 Geochelone microphyes — CISNEROS-HEREDIA 2006 Geochelone microphyes — POULAKAKIS et al. 2008 Chelonoidis microphyes — TTWG 2017: 129 Chelonoidis niger microphyes — TTWG 2021: 271 Chelonoidis microphyes — ARTEAGA et al. 2024 Chelonoidis niger phantasticus (VAN DENBURGH 1907) Testudo phantasticus VAN DENBURGH 1907: 4 Geochelone phantastica — ERNST & BARBOUR 1989: 263 Geochelone nigra phantastica — IVERSON 1992: 250 Chelonoidis phantastica — RHODIN et al. 2010 Chelonoidis phantastica — TTWG 2014: 395 Chelonoidis phantasticus — TTWG 2017: 130 Chelonoidis niger phantasticus — TTWG 2021: 271 Chelonoidis phantasticus — JENSEN et al. 2022 Chelonoidis phantasticus — LINDKEN et al. 2024 Chelonoidis phantasticus — ARTEAGA et al. 2024 Chelonoidis niger porteri (ROTHSCHILD 1903) Testudo planiceps GRAY 1854: 12 (nomen dubium, not Testudo planiceps SCHNEIDER 1792) Testudo porteri ROTHSCHILD 1903:119 Testudo nigrita DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1835: 80 (nomen dubium) Testudo nigrita — DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1854: 220 (nomen dubium) Testudo nigrita — GÜNTHER 1874: 312 Testudo elephantopus nigrita — MERTENS & WERMUTH 1955 Geochelone elephantopus porteri — PRITCHARD 1967 Geochelone elephantopus porteri — ALDERTON 1988 Geochelone porteri — ERNST & BARBOUR 1989 Geochelone nigra nigrita — IVERSON 1992 Chelonoidis nigra nigrita — DAVID 1994 Geochelone elephantopus porteri — SWASH & STILL 2000 Geochelone nigrita — CISNEROS-HEREDIA 2006 Geochelone porteri — POULAKAKIS et al. 2008 Chelonoidis porteri — RHODIN et al. 2010 Chelonoidis porteri — TTWG 2012: 277 Chelonoidis porteri — ZUG 2013 Chelonoidis nigritus — OLSON & DAVID 2014 Chelonoidis porteri — TTWG 2014: 396 Chelonoidis porteri — TTWG 2017: 131 Chelonoidis niger porteri — TTWG 2021: 272 Chelonoidis porteri — ARTEAGA et al. 2024 Chelonoidis niger vandenburghi (DESOLA 1930) Testudo vandenburghi DESOLA 1930 Geochelone elephantopus vandenburghi — PRITCHARD 1967 Geochelone vandenburghi — ERNST & BARBOUR 1989: 263 Geochelone nigra vandenburghi — IVERSON 1992: 250 Chelonoidis nigra vandenburghi — DAVID 1994 Geochelone elephantopus vandenburghi — SWASH & STILL 2000 Geochelone nigra vandenburghi — MÁRQUEZ et al. 2004 Geochelone vandenburghi — CISNEROS-HEREDIA 2006 Geochelone vandenburghi — POULAKAKIS et al. 2008 Chelonoidis vandenburghi — ZUG 2013 Chelonoidis vandenburghi — TTWG 2017: 131 Chelonoidis niger vandenburghi — TTWG 2021: 272 Chelonoidis vandenburghi — ARTEAGA et al. 2024 Chelonoidis niger vicina (GÜNTHER 1874) Testudo vicina GÜNTHER 1874: 313 Geochelone vicina — ERNST & BARBOUR 1989: 264 Geochelone nigra vicina — IVERSON 1992: 250 Chelonoidis nigra vicina — DAVID 1994 Geochelone vicina — CISNEROS-HEREDIA 2006 Geochelone nigra — FRITZ & BININDA-EMONDS 2007 Geochelone vicina — POULAKAKIS et al. 2008 Chelonoidis vicina — RHODIN et al. 2010 Chelonoidis vicina — TTWG 2012: 277 Chelonoidis vicina — ZUG 2013 Chelonoidis vicina — TTWG 2014: 396 Chelonoidis vicina — TTWG 2017: 132 Chelonoidis niger vicina — TTWG 2021: 273 Chelonoidis vicina — ARTEAGA et al. 2024 |
Distribution | Ecuador (Galapagos: Charles [Floreana] Type locality: "Sandwich-Inseln" (in error). abingdonii: Ecuador: Galapagos (Abingdon = Pinta Island);Type locality: Abingdon Island [= Pinta] ephippium: Galapagos (Duncan = Pinzon); Type locality: “Chalres Island” (in error, fide Iverson 1992) becki: Ecuador: Galapagos (N Albemarle = Isabela Island);Type locality: Cape Berkeley, northern point of Albemarle Island [= Isabela]. chathamensis: Ecuador: Galapagos (NE Chatham = San Cristobal); Type locality: Chatham Island [San Cristobál]. darwini: Ecuador: Galapagos (James = San Salvador Island); Type locality: James Island [San Salvador, Santiago]. donfaustoi: Ecuador (Galapagos Islands: E Santa Cruz Island); Type locality: “Cerro Fatal in Santa Cruz” duncanensis: Ecuador (Galapagos: Duncan [= Pinzón]); Type locality: Duncan Island hoodensis: Ecuador: Galapagos (Hood = Espanola); Type locality: Hood Island [= Española]. guntheri: Ecuador: Galapagos (Sierra Negra area of SE Albemarle = Isabela); Type locality: “Galapagos.” Restricted to “Vilamil, Albemarle” [= Isabela, Galápagos, Ecuador] by Van Denburgh (1914:259). wallacei: Galápagos (San Cristóbal, Jervis); Type locality: “Chatham Island” [San Cristóbal, Galápagos, Ecuador] by supposition. Restricted to “Jervis” [Rábida, Galápagos, Ecuador] by Van Denburgh (1914:259). macrophyes: Ecuador: Galapagos (Albemarle); Type locality: "Santa Isabela Island (Albemarle) near Tagus Cove" [= Isabela, Galápagos, Ecuador]. microphyes: Ecuador: Galapagos (NC Albemarle = Isabela); Type locality: originally “Hood’s Island” (GÜNTHER 1875, in error), then “Tagus Cove, northern Albemarle Island” (GÜNTHER 1877). phantasticus: Ecuador: Galapagos (Narborough = Fernandina); Type locality: Narborough Island [= Fernandina]. porteri: Ecuador: Galapagos (Indefatigable = Santa Cruz); Type locality: Indefatigable vandenburghi: Ecuador: Galapagos (Volcan Alcedo on C Albemarle = Isabela); Type locality: "Cowley Mountain ... the first mountain north of Villamil Mountain", Albemarle Island. vicina: Ecuador: Galapagos (S Albemarle = Isabela Island); Type locality: Iguana Cove, South Albemarle Island [= Isabela]. |
Reproduction | oviparous. Temperature‐dependent sex determination (TSD) fide Nemesházi & Bókony 2023. |
Types | Holotype: MNHN-RA 9550; Lectotype: lost (fide Olson 2016) Syntypes: BMNH 1947.3.4.39 ( and and 1947.3.4.95 ( and 1947.3.4.96 ( [abingdonii] Holotype: BMNH 1949.1.3.87 [becki] Holotype: CAS 8127 [chathamensis] Holotype: MCZ 11075 [clivosa] Holotype: CAS 8108 [darwini] Lectotype: MCZ 11068 (designated by Pritchard 1996: 47) [duncanensis] Holotype: UWZM (also as UWZS) 32700 (a skull) [donfaustoi] Holotype: lost, fide Van Denburgh 1914, Olson 2015 [elephantopus] Holotype: NMSZ 1932.027.001 (fide Olson 2017), not RSM 1932.27.1.12 as stated by other sources [ephippium] Holotype: MCZ 11070 [galapagoensis] Holotype: CAS 8121 [hoodensis] Holotype: OUM mounted specimen [guntheri] Holotype: CAS 8101 [phantasticus] Holotype: BMNH 1947.3.4.88 [microphyes] Holotype: MCZ 11066 Syntypes: NHMUK 1876.6.21.41, 1947.3.4.91-3 (formerly 1876.6.21.42, 1880.12.20.1, 1886.3.5.1), syntypes (4); MCZ 11066 may be another syntype, based on the MCZ catalog [macrophyes] Lectotype: BMNH 1949.1.4.38, 1974.2464 [porteri] Lectotype: BMNH 1949.1.4.37, fide Iverson 1992: 250; paralectotype: MNHN-RA 9313 [nigrita] Holotype: NHMUK 1947.3.5.3 (formerly 1848.4.6.3) [planiceps] Holotype: MCZ 11072 [typica] Holotype: CAS 8141 [vandenburghi] Holotype: BMNH 1947.3.4.90 ( [vicina] |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis (chathamensis). No nuchal; gulars paired; fourth cervical vertebra biconvex; carapace depressed, front elevated in male; height at nuchal notch less than 41% of straight length (male 34, female 27%); male flat-backed, female dome-shaped, differcnce between percentages of heights at third vertebral and at nuchal notch 6 in male. 24 in femalc; carapace of male slightly saddle-shaped but broad, width at margin of junction of second and third marginals 53% in male; antcrior marginals but little everted; length over curve in male 112%, female 126%; vertical distance from lower surface of plastron to lower edge of lateral marginals smalI, 4% in male, 6% in female; general size moderate, straight length in male 35.25 inches, female 22.5 inches; pectoral plates much reduced, not meeting on mid-line; jaws and throat of female black (Van Denburgh 1907: 4). |
Comment | Taxonomy: The Chelonoidis nigra species complex (formerly Geochelone elephantopus) has been revised recently by Rhodin et al. (2010) listed the various forms/subspecies separately but under the heading “C. nigra species complex”. Synonymy: mostly after RHODIN et al. 2010 and Olson 2015, 2016 who argued that the names Testudo nigra Quoy and Gaimard and Testudo nigrita Duméril and Bibron should be considered as nomina dubia. Testudo nigra and Testudo californiana were based on the same specimen, now lost. Günther (1875), Baur (1889), Rothschild (1902), and Van Denburgh (1914) were unanimous in declaring that the type specimen of Testudo nigra, which Günther and Rothschild examined together in the Paris Museum, was too juvenile to possess any morphological characters that would allow it to be assigned to a given island (Olson 2016). TTWG decided not to adopt Olson’s 2017 conclusions on the priority of elephantopus over niger, at least not for now (PP van Dijk, pers. comm., 26 Feb 2018). C. n. donfaustoi has previously (and still is) considered as C. porteri. C. n. microphyes was previously synonymized under C. niger or C. vicina. Conservation: Several species, including Testudo galapagoensis and Chelonoidis alburyorum (Kehlmaier et al. 2021) are extinct now. See also extensive comment in KING & BURKE 18. IUCN: Extinct (16), as Chelonoidis nigra nigra; CITES: Appendix I. Conservation (abingdonii): Geochelone (nigra) abingdonii is extinct in the wild. However, Poulakakis et al. (2008) show that the genetic line of G. elephantopus has not been completely extinguished and still exists in an intermixed population on Isabela. CITES: Appendix I, as Chelonoidis nigra. Various news outlets reported that the last survivor of this (sub-) species, Lonesome George, died recently on the Galapagos Islands. Extinct fide TTWG 2014, 2017. Aguilera et al. 2015 reported newly hatched C. ephippium on Galapagos. Distribution: The nominate subspecies, Geochelone nigra nigra was completely arbitrarily ‘‘restricted to Charles Island (Santa Maria or Floreana)’’ (Pritchard 1996: 4). Taxonomy (abingdonii): This is a member of the Chelonoidis nigra species complex, variably considered as a subspecies of C. nigra or as valid species. The TTWG 2014 listed them separately but under the heading “C. nigra species complex”. NCBI taxonID: 2804498 [ephippium] NCBI taxonID: 106734 [abingdonii] NCBI taxonID: 106727 [becki] NCBI taxonID: 106735 [chathamensis] NCBI taxonID: 106726 [darwini] NCBI taxonID: 1137937 [duncanensis] NCBI taxonID: 1743023 [donfaustoi] NCBI taxonID: 2203395 [guntheri] NCBI taxonID: 106733 [hoodensis] NCBI taxonID: 2039269 [microphyes] NCBI taxonID: 1129807 [phantasticus] NCBI taxonID: 106732 [porteri] NCBI taxonID: 2039268 [vandenburghi] NCBI taxonID: 106731 [vicina] Taxonomy (becki): This is a member of the Chelonoidis nigra species complex, variably considered as a subspecies of C. nigra or as valid species. TTWG 2014 listed them separately but under the heading “C. nigra species complex”. Conservation (becki): IUCN: Vulnerable D1+2 (1996), as Chelonoidis nigra; CITES: Appendix I, as Chelonoidis nigra (RHODIN et al. 2010). Taxonomy (chathamensis): This is a member of the Chelonoidis nigra species complex, variably considered as a subspecies of C. nigra or as valid species. Rhodin et al. (2010) listed them separately but under the heading “C. nigra species complex”. The status of wallacei is doubtfull; FRITZ & HAVAS 2007 list all instances in the literature with a question mark under chathamensis and darwini. Conservation (chathamensis): IUCN: Vulnerable D1+2 (1996), as Chelonoidis nigra chathamensis; CITES: Appendix I, as Chelonoidis nigra (RHODIN et al. 2010). The identity of Testudo wallcei is doubtful and it may have gone extinct. Conservation (darwini): IUCN: Endangered C2a (1996), as Chelonoidis nigra darwini; CITES: Appendix I, as Chelonoidis nigra. Taxonomy (darwini): This is a member of the Chelonoidis nigra species complex, variably considered as a subspecies of C. nigra or as valid species. Rhodin et al. (2010) listed them separately but under the heading “C. nigra species complex”. Taxonomy (duncanensis): This is a member of the Chelonoidis nigra species complex, variably considered subspecies of C. nigra or as valid species. Rhodin et al. (2010) listed them separately but under the heading “C. nigra species complex”. Conservation (duncanensis): IUCN: Extinct in the Wild (1996), as Chelonoidis nigra duncanensis; TFTSG Draft 2010: Critically Endangered; CITES: Appendix I, as Chelonoidis nigra duncanensis. Conservation (hoodensis): IUCN: Critically Endangered D (1996), as Chelonoidis nigra hoodensis; CITES: Appendix I, as Chelonoidis nigra. Taxonomy (hoodensis): This is a member of the Chelonoidis nigra species complex, variably considered subspecies of C. nigra or as valid species. Rhodin et al. (2010) listed them separately but under the heading “C. nigra species complex”. Conservation (guntheri): IUCN: Endangered C2a [TTWG 2017]; CITES: Appendix I, as Chelonoidis nigra. Taxonomy (guntheri): This is a member of the Chelonoidis niger species complex, variably considered subspecies of C. nigra or as valid species. Rhodin et al. (2010) and TTWG 2017 listed them separately but under the heading “C. niger species complex”. Conservation (phantasticus): Chelonoidis phantastica was thought to be extinct since ca. 1960 (RHODIN et al. 2010), but apparently re-discovered in 2018 by the Galapagos Parks authority and the Galapagos Conservancy group (Jensen et al. 2022). Taxonomy (phantasticus): This is a member of the Chelonoidis nigra species complex, variably considered subspecies of C. nigra or as valid species. Rhodin et al. (2010) listed them separately but under the heading “C. nigra species complex”. Probably needs to be called C. phantasticus following Olson & David 2014. Conservation (microphyes): IUCN: Vulnerable D1+2 [TTWG 2017], CITES: Appendix I, as Chelonoidis nigra. Taxonomy (microphyes): This is a member of the Chelonoidis niger species complex, variably considered subspecies of C. nigra or as valid species. Rhodin et al. (2010) listed them separately but under the heading “C. niger species complex”. Conservation (porteri): IUCN: Endangered C2a (1996), as Chelonoidis nigra porteri; CITES: Appendix I, as Chelonoidis nigra. Similar species: a population of what used to be called C. porteri has been described as Chelonoidis donfaustoi POULAKAKIS et al. 2015. Taxonomy (porteri): This is a member of the Chelonoidis nigra species complex, variably considered subspecies of C. nigra or as valid species. Rhodin et al. (2010) and the TTWG 2012 listed them separately but under the heading “C. nigra species complex”. Conservation (vandenburghi): IUCN: Vulnerable D2 [TTWG 2017] Taxonomy (vandenburghi): This is a member of the Chelonoidis niger species complex, variably considered subspecies of C. nigra or as valid species. Rhodin et al. (2010), TTWG 2017 listed them separately but under the heading “C. niger species complex”. Conservation (vicina): IUCN: Endangered C2a (1996), as Chelonoidis nigra vicina; sometimes includes synonymized C. n. guentheri (Endangered C2a [1996]), C. n. microphyes (Vulnerable D1+2 [1996]), and C. n. vandenburghi (Vulnerable D2 [1996]); TFTSG Draft 2010: Vulnerable; CITES: Appendix I, as Chelonoidis nigra. Taxonomy (vicina): This is a member of the Chelonoidis niger species complex, variably considered subspecies of C. nigra or as valid species. Rhodin et al. (2010), TTWG 2017 listed them separately but under the heading “C. niger species complex”. |
Etymology | Named after Latin niger, nigra, nigrum = black, apparently after the dark color which appears to be an adaptation to the volcanic rocks on Galapagos. |
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