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Cnemaspis pachaimalaiensis AGARWAL, THACKERAY & KHANDEKAR, 2022

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Higher TaxaGekkonidae, Gekkota, Sauria, Squamata (lizards: geckos)
Common NamesE: Pachaimalai dwarf gecko 
SynonymCnemaspis pachaimalaiensis AGARWAL, THACKERAY & KHANDEKAR 2022: 1166 
DistributionIndia (Tamil Nadu)

Type locality: near Mangalam waterfalls, (11.3422°N, 78.6047°E; ca. 650 m asl.), Pachaimalai hills, Trichy district, Tamil Nadu state, India  
TypesHolotype. NRC-AA-1230 (AK 711), adult male; collected by Akshay Khandekar, Ishan Agarwal, Swapnil Pawar and Tejas Thackeray on 30th May 2019.
Paratypes. NRC-AA-1231 (AK 708), NRC-AA-1232 (AK 709), adult males, same data as holotype; NRC-AA-1233 (AK 712), adult male, NRC-AA-1234 (AK 713), adult female, from near Shri Kaliyamman temple (11.3642°N, 78.5910°E; ca. 960 m asl.); NRC-AA-1235 (AK 730), NRC-AA-1236 (AK 731), NRC-AA-1237 (AK 753), adult males, from Pachaimalai RF (11.3167°N, 78.6018°E; ca. 840 m asl.), same data as holotype. 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: “A small-sized Cnemaspis, snout to vent length up to 33.6 mm (n = 8). Dorsal pholidosis heterogeneous; weakly keeled, weakly conical, granular scales intermixed with a fairly regularly arranged rows of enlarged, strongly keeled, conical tubercles; last one or two rows of enlarged tubercles on flank short spine-like; 10–12 rows of dorsal tubercles at mid-body, 13–17 tubercles in paravertebral rows; ventral scales subcircular, smooth, subequal from chest to vent, 30–33 scales across belly at mid-body, 112–125 longitudinal scales from mental to cloaca; subdigital scansors smooth, unpaired, unnotched; 9–11 lamellae under digit I of manus and 9–12 lamellae under digit I of pes, 15–18 lamellae under digit IV of manus and 18–22 lamellae under digit IV of pes; males with 4–7 femoral pores on each thigh separated by 7–11 poreless scales from continuous series of 2–5 precloacal pores (n = 7/8); tail with enlarged, strongly keeled, pointed, and spine-like tubercles forming whorls; median row of subcaudals smooth, roughly pentagonal, and distinctly enlarged. Dorsum orange, mottled with numerous light grey spots and fine black spots; a large central black dorsal ocellus on neck flanked anteriorly and posteriorly on each side by elongate dark ocelli, smaller ocellus on occiput flanked on each side by a smaller ocellus; indistinct rows of smaller dark ocelli may be present; venter off-white with black speckles, two distinct pairs of black streaks on throat; original tail in males with 9–11 alternating dark and light grey bands, regenerated tail orange.” (Agarwal et al. 2022) 
EtymologyThe specific epithet is a toponym for the Pachaimalai hills in Trichy district of Tamil Nadu, the type and currently only known locality for this species. 
  • Agarwal I, Thackeray T, Khandekar A 2022. A multitude of spots! Five new microendemic species of the Cnemaspis gracilis group (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from massifs in the Shevaroy landscape, Tamil Nadu, India. Vertebrate Zoology 72: 1137-1186 - get paper here
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