Cnemaspis pemanggilensis GRISMER & DAS, 2006
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Higher Taxa | Gekkonidae, Gekkota, Sauria, Squamata (lizards: geckos) |
Subspecies | |
Common Names | E: Pemanggil Island Rock Gecko |
Synonym | Cnemaspis pemanggilensis GRISMER & DAS 2006 Cnemaspis pemanggilensis — GRISMER 2011 Cnemaspis pemanggilensis — GRISMER et al. 2014: 111 |
Distribution | Malaysia (Johor: Pulau Pemanggil, 0-250 m elevation) Type locality: the base of Batu Buau, a small rocky hill behind Kampung Buau on the west side of Pulau Pemanggil, Johor, West Malaysia, elevation 100 m. |
Reproduction | oviparous |
Types | Holotype: ZRC 2.6043, adult male, collected by Jesse L. Grismer on 27 March 2002. |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis: Maximum SVL 76.0 mm; 10–13 supralabials; 8–10 infralabials; keeled ventral scales; no precloacal pores; 30–37 paravertebral tubercles; body tubercles randomly arranged, weak to absent on flanks, absent from lateral caudal furrows; ventrolateral row of caudal tubercles present anteriorly; lateral row of caudal tubercles present; caudal tubercles encircle tail; subcaudals keeled, bearing an enlarged median row of keeled scales; one or two postcloacal tubercles on each side of tail base; no enlarged femoral or subtibial scales; distal submetatarsal scales of fourth toe enlarged; subtibials keeled; 27–34 subdigital fourth toe lamellae; small, yellow spots on flanks (Tables 6,7 in GRISMER et al. 2014). |
Comment | During the day, individuals were dark in color with almost no discernible pattern. During the evening, their dorsal ground color changed to light grey, which greatly accentuated a prominent series of dark transverse body bands and head stripes. Cnemaspis pemanggilensis is syntopic with Gekko monarchus. To date, this is the only species of reptile endemic to Pulau Pemanggil. Abundance: only known from its original description (Meiri et al. 2017). Distribution: See map in Grismer et al. 2014: 18 (Fig. 4). Reference images: see Uetz et al. 2024 for high-resolution reference images for this species. |
Etymology | Named after the type locality. |
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