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Coronella austriaca LAURENTI, 1768

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Higher TaxaColubridae, Colubrinae, Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
SubspeciesCoronella austriaca austriaca (LAURENTI 1768)
Coronella austriaca acutirostris MALKMUS 1995 
Common NamesE: Smooth Snake
G: Schlingnatter, Glattnatter
D: Gladde Slang
Croatian: smukulja
Russian: Обыкновенная медянка
Italian: colubro liscio 
SynonymCoronella austriaca LAURENTI 1768: 84
Coluber austriacus (LAURENTI) — GMELIN 1789: 1114
Coluber levis LACÉPÈDE 1789: 98
Coluber versicolor RAZOUMOVSKY 1789: 122
Coluber coronella BONNATERRE 1790: 31
Coluber ferrugineus SPARRMAN 1795: 180
Natrix coronella (BONNATERRE) — SCHRANK 1798: 291
Coluber oculus cati SUCKOW 1798
Coluber laevis LATREILLE 1800
Coluber tetragonus LATREILLE 1800
Coluber thuringicus BECHSTEIN 1801
Coluber alpinus GÜLDENSTEDT 1801
Coluber cupreus GÜLDENSTEDT 1801
Coluber ponticus GÜLDENSTEDT 1801
Coluber laevis HERMANN 1804: 278 (non LATREILLE 1800)
Coluber gallicus HERMANN 1804
Coluber caucasius PALLAS 1814
Coronella laevis (LACÉPÈDE) BOIE 1827
Zacholus austriacus (LAURENTI) WAGLER 1830
Coluber nebulosus MÉNÉTRIÉS 1832: 73
Coluber caucasicus MÉNÉTRIÉS 1832
Coluber paedera DVIGUBSKIJ 1832
Coluber austricaus BONAPARTE 1833: no page number
Coronella austriaca fitzingeri (BONAPARTE 1840)
Zacholus laevis (LACÉPÈDE) EICHWALD 1841
Tropidonotus austriacus (LAURENTI) GEMMERTHAL 1845
Tropidonotus thuringiacus (BECHSTEIN) MERKEL 1845: 117 (lapsus)
Coronella laevis seu Austriaca — DUMÉRIL, BIBRON & DUMÉRIL 1854: 610
Coronella austriaca — GRAY 1859: 317
Simotes semicinctus PETERS 1862: 637
Coronella laevis — JAN 1865
Coronella vernalis GISTEL 1868
Coronella austriaca var. marginata FATIO 1872
Coronella austriaca var. pallida FATIO 1872
Coronella laevis var. leopardina MÜLLER 1885
Coronella austriaca var. fasciata DÜRIGEN 1897
Coronella austriaca var. immaculata DÜRIGEN 1897
Coronella austriaca var. sparsa DÜRIGEN 1897
Coronella austriaca var. taeniata DÜRIGEN 1897
Coronella austriaca var. concolor WERNER 1897
Coronella austriaca var. lateralis WERNER 1897
Coronella austriaca var. quadritaeniata WERNER 1897
Coluber austriaca — LINDHOLM 1902
Coronella austriaca — LINDHOLM 1902
Coronella austriaca s. laevis — GADOW 1909: 619
Coronella austriaca var. scalaris STERNFELD 1911
Coronella austriaca var. quadrilineata SCHREIBER 1912
Coronella austriaca var. veithi SCHREIBER 1912
Coronella austriaca — ENGELMANN et al 1993
Oligodon semicinctus — WALLACH & BAUER 1997
Oligodon semicinctus — DAS & YAAKOB 2007
Coronella austriaca — WALLACH et al. 2014: 186

Coronella austriaca acutirostris MALKMUS 1995
Coronella austriaca acutirostris — MALKMUS 2013
Coronella austriaca acutirostris — JABLONSKI et al. 2018 
DistributionFinland, S Norway, Sweden,
Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, S England (UK),
N Spain, N Portugal, France, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic (formerly Czechoslovakia), Hungary, Slovakia,
Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro,
Macedonia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece (incl. Samothraki), Albania, Turkey,
Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Republic of Georgia, Azerbaijan, W Kazakhstan, NW Iran

acutirostris: Portugal; Type locality: Lagoa Comprida/Serra da
Estrela, Portugal (1575 m elevation).

fitzingeri: Sicily

Type locality: Vienna, Austria  
TypesHolotype: NRM 6009
Holotype: ZMB 4553 [semicinctus]
Holotype: MTD (= MTKD) 35066, adult female, coll. P. W. Hopkins, 10.-17.7.1971 [acutirostris] 
DiagnosisDiagnosis (genus). “Kopf nur leicht vom Hals abgesetzt. Pupille rund, Schuppen glatt. Subcaudalia in 2 Reihen. Maxillarzähne nehmen kontinuierlich von vorn nach hinten an Größe zu, ohne daß es vor den letzten beiden ein Diastema gibt. Os supratemporale weniger als halb so lang wie der komplette Schädel, sein Hinterende überragt das Hinterende des Hirnschädels nicht. Völlig unstrittig ist seit langem, daß dem Genus nur 2 westpaläarktische, überwiegend europäische Arten angehören. Die in der 1. Hälfte dieses Jahrhunderts noch teilweise unter Coronella geführten knapp 20 weiteren Arten (vgl. z. B. BOULENGER 1894*, TERENTJEW und CERNOW 1949* u. a.) werden heute ausnahmslos anderen Genera zugeordnet.” (Anonymous in Böhme 1993: 199)

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CommentSynonymy: The validity of Coronella austriaca fitzingeri is questioned by several authors (e.g. LANZA 1973, KRAMER et al. 1982, MALKMUS 1995). Kaiser et al. 2013 considered the generic name Sharonhoserea Hoser 2012 invalid and rejected its use instead of Coronella.

Simotes semicinctus PETERS 1862 doesn’t seem to belong to the genus Oligodon based on the original description (F. WAGNER, pers. comm.). EVERY Oligodon species has enlarged, laterally flattened rear teeth (including catenata, which despite Smith's drawing, has definitely flattened, enlarged rear teeth). The species was thought to be valid and a member of Oligodon (Wallach & Bauer 1998) but later synonymized with C. austriaca by TILLACK et al. (2008) who also suspected that the locality [Terra typica: “wahrscheinlich Borneo”] given by PETERS was in error.

Phylogeny: JABLONSKI et al. 2019 found a rather complex phylogeographic situation that only partially corresponded to the subspecies previously described, but they have not drawn any taxonomic conclusions.

Type species: Coluber levis LACÉPÈDE 189 is the type species of the genus Coronella LAURENTI 168, designated by F. Boie, 1826: 981 and 182: 519, and later by Cope, 1860: 245.

Distribution: For a map see Sindaco et al. 2013. 
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  • Amo, L., P. López & J. Martín 2004. Chemosensory Recognition of Its Lizard Prey by the Ambush Smooth Snake, Coronella austriaca Journal of Herpetology 38 (3): 451-454. - get paper here
  • Antipov S. A., Doronin I. V., Milto K. D., Sergeev M. A. 2018. New Records of Amphibians and Reptiles in the Vladimir Region, Russia. [in Russian]. Current Studies in Herpetology 18 (3–4): 168–179 - get paper here
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  • Bakiev, A.G., Kalmykova O.G., Gorelov R.A. 2018. Smooth snake Coronella austriaca (Serpentes: Colubridae), a new species for the ophidiofauna in the Orenburg State Nature Reserve (Russia). Nature Conservation Research 3 (Suppl.1): 140–143. DOI: 10.24189/ncr.2018.051 - get paper here
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  • Lunghi, Enrico; Claudia Corti & Tommaso Cencetti 2015. Oophagy in the Smooth snake (Coronella austriaca). Herpetological Bulletin (134) - get paper here
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