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Cuora lineata (MCCORD & PHILIPPEN, 1998)

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Higher TaxaGeoemydidae (Geoemydinae), Testudinoidea, Testudines (turtles)
Common NamesE: Myanmar Box Turtle
G: Myanmar — Scharnierschildkröte 
SynonymCuora amboinensis lineata MCCORD & PHILIPPEN 1998: 35
Cuora amboinensis lineata — TTWG 2017
Cuora amboinensis lineata — TTWG 2021
Cuora lineata — BLANCK et al. 2023 
DistributionMyanmar (Kachin, Sagaing, Mandalay, Magwe, Bago, likely also in Ayeyarwady), India (Manipur and possibly Andamans). Possibly neighboring China (Yingjiang county, Yunnan)

Type locality: “Myitkyina, Kachin Province, Myanmar (Burma).”  
ReproductionViable (though not really healthy) hybrids between Mauremys annamensis and Cuora amboinensis kamaroma have been described by FRITZ & MENDAU (2002). Hybrids between Chinemys reevesii and Cuora amboinensis kamaroma have been described by GALGON & FRITZ (2002). 
TypesHolotype: USNM 122189 
DiagnosisAdditional details, e.g. a detailed description or comparisons (7995 characters), are available for collaborators and contributors. Please contact us for details. 
CommentDistribution: see map in TTWG 2017: 86 for all subspecies, Blanck et al. 2023: 17 (Fig. 13). 
EtymologyFrom the Latin “lineatus” meaning lined. 
  • Abdala, V.; Manzano, A.S. & Herrel, A. 2008. The distal forelimb musculature in aquatic and terrestrial turtles: phylogeny or environmental constraints? J. Anat. 213: 159–172 - get paper here
  • Auliya, M. 2006. Taxonomy, Life History, and conservation of giant reptiles in west Kalimantan. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster, 432 pp. - get paper here
  • Basumatary, Rajeev and D.K. Sharma 2013. The turtle fauna of Kaziranga National Park, Assam, India with notes on natural history and conservation status. Herpetology Notes 6: 59-72
  • Becker, H. 1999. Ergänzende Bemerkungen zur Haltung und zur Nachzucht von Cuora flavomarginata (GRAY 1863). Elaphe 7 (3): 2-10 - get paper here
  • Beukema, W. 2011. Herpetofauna of disturbed forest fragments on the lower Mt. Kitanglad Rnage, Mindanao Isand, Philippines. Salamandra 47 (2): 90-98 - get paper here
  • Blanck, Torsten; Daniel Gaillard, Tomáš Protiva, Madeleine Wheatley, Haitao Shi, Lin Liu, Parimal Chandra Ray, Ben Anders 2023. A Taxonomic Hide and Seek: Phylogenetic and Phylogeographic Relationships in the Southeast Asian Box Turtle, Cuora amboinensis (Riche in Daudin, 1801). Russ. J. Herp. 30 (6) (Supplement): 1 – 52
  • Bourret, R. 1941. Les tortues de l'Indochine. Institut Océanographique l'Indochine 38:1-235
  • Brown, R.M.; C.H. Oliveros; C.D. Siler; J.B. Fernandez; L.J. Welton; P.A.C. Buenavente; M.L.L. Diesmos; A.C. Diesmos 2012. Amphibians and Reptiles of Luzon Island (Philippines), VII: Herpetofauna of Ilocos Norte Province, Northern Cordillera Mountain Range. Check List 8(3):469-490 - get paper here
  • Brown, R.M.; McGuire, J.A.; Ferner,J.W.; Icarangal Jr., N. & Kennedy, R.S. 2000. Amphibians and reptiles of Luzon island, II: preliminary report on the herptofauna of Aurora Memorial national Park, Philippines. Hamadryad 25 (2): 175-195 - get paper here
  • Brown, Rafe M.; Ferner, John W.; Sison, Rogelio V.; Gonzales, Pedro C.; Kennedy, Robert S. 1996. Amphibians and reptiles of the Zambales Mountains of Luzon Island, Republic of the Philippines. Herpetological Natural History 4 (1): 1-22
  • Brown; Rafe; Cameron Siler, Carl Oliveros, Luke Welton, Ashley Rock, John Swab, Merlijn Van Weerd, Jonah van Beijnen, Dominic Rodriguez, Edmund Jose, Arvin Diesmos 2013. The amphibians and reptiles of Luzon Island, Philippines, VIII: the herpetofauna of Cagayan and Isabela Provinces, northern Sierra Madre Mountain Range. ZooKeys 266 (2013) Special Issue: 1-120<br>doi: 10.3897/zookeys.266.3982 - get paper here
  • Chan-ard, T., Parr, J.W.K. & Nabhitabhata, J. 2015. A field guide to the reptiles of Thailand. Oxford University Press, NY, 352 pp. [see book reviews by Pauwels & Grismer 2015 and Hikida 2015 for corrections] - get paper here
  • Chan-ard,T.; Grossmann,W.; Gumprecht,A. & Schulz,K. D. 1999. Amphibians and reptiles of peninsular Malaysia and Thailand - an illustrated checklist [bilingual English and German]. Bushmaster Publications, Würselen, Gemany, 240 pp. [book review in Russ. J Herp. 7: 87] - get paper here
  • Cox, Merel J.; Van Dijk, Peter Paul; Jarujin Nabhitabhata & Thirakhupt,Kumthorn 1998. A Photographic Guide to Snakes and Other Reptiles of Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. Ralph Curtis Publishing, 144 pp.
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  • Das, Kulendra Chandra & Abhik Gupta 2017. An ecological note on the new record of Cuora amboinensis (Riche in Daudin, 1801) (Reptilia: Testudines: Geoemydidae) in northeastern India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 9(7): 10459–10462 - get paper here
  • Daudin, E. M. 1802. Histoire Naturelle des Rainettes, des Grenouilles et des Crapauds. Paris, 108 S. - get paper here
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  • Decena, S. C. P., Macasait Jr, D. R., & Arguelles, M. S. 2023. Species Accounts, Assemblage, and Microhabitats of Amphibians and Reptiles of Northeastern Leyte, Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science, 152(1), 1-34
  • DEVAN-SONG, Anne and Rafe M. BROWN 2012. Amphibians and Reptiles of Luzon Island, Philippines, VI: The Herpetofauna of the Subic Bay Area. Asian Herpetological Research 3 (1): 1–20 - get paper here
  • Diesmos, Arvin C.; Rafe M. Brown, Angel C. Alcala, and Rogelio V. Sison 2008. Status and Distribution of Nonmarine Turtles of the Philippines. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 7(2): 157 - get paper here
  • Duméril, A. M.C., G. BIBRON & A. DUMÉRIL 1854. Erpétologie générale ou Histoire Naturelle complète des Reptiles. Vol. 9. Paris, XX + 440 S. - get paper here
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  • Ernst, C.H. 1988. Cuora mccordi, a new chines box turtle from Guangxi Province. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 101: 466-470 - get paper here
  • Ernst, Carl H.; Arndt F. Laemmerzahl , and Jeffrey E. Lovich 2016. A morphological review of subspecies of the Asian box turtle, Cuora amboinensis (Testudines, Geomydidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 129(1):144-156 - get paper here
  • Ernst, Carl H.; Arndt F. Laemmerzahl, and Jeffrey E. Lovich 2011. Does the “kamaroma”-plastron pattern morph occur in both Philippine subspecies of the turtle Cuora amboinensis? Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 124 (4): 259-269. - get paper here
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  • Ferner, John W., Rafe M. Brown, Rogelio V. Sison and Robert S. Kennedy 2000. The amphibians and reptiles of Panay Island, Philippines. Asiatic Herpetological Research 9: 1-37 - get paper here
  • FIGUEROA, ALEX; MARTYN E.Y. LOW, KELVIN K.P. LIM 2023. Singapore’s herpetofauna: updated and annotated checklist, history, conservation, and distribution. Zootaxa 5287 (1): 001–378 - get paper here
  • Filella, Eduard 1997. Cuora amboinensis la tortuga caja del sudeste asiático y sus subespecies. Reptilia (13): 43-47 - get paper here
  • Forth, G. 2017. Ethnographic reports of freshwater turtles on Flores Island, Indonesia: possibilities of an undocumented chelonian species. Herpetological Review 48 (2): 304-310 - get paper here
  • Fritz, U. & Mendau, D. 2002. Ein Gattungsbastard zweier südostasiatischer Schildkröten: Cuora amboinensis kamaroma RUMMLER & FRITZ 1991 x Mauremys annamensis (SIEBENROCK 1903). Salamandra 38 (3): 129-134 - get paper here
  • Fritz, Uwe & Hendrik Freitag 2008. Geoemydid turtles of the Sulu Archipelago, Philippines, and a historical record of Cyclemys dentata (Gray, 1831) for Siasi Island. Herpetology Notes 1: 11-12
  • Galgon, Frank and Uwe Fritz 2002. Captive bred hybrids between Chinemys reevesii (Gray, 1831) and Cuora amboinensis kamaroma Rummler & Fritz, 1991. Herpetozoa 15 (3/4):137-148 - get paper here
  • Gaulke, M. 2001. Die Herpetofauna von Sibaliw (Panay), einem der letzten Tieflandregenwaldgebiete der West-Visayas, Philippinen. Teil I: Amphibien und Anmerkungen zu einer Schildkrötenart. Herpetofauna 23 (130): 5-14 - get paper here
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  • Gaulke, Maren; Fritz, Uwe 1998. Distribution patterns of batagurid turtles in the Philippines (Testudines: Bataguridae: Cuora, Cyclemys, Heosemys). Herpetozoa 11 (1/2): 3-12 - get paper here
  • Glässer-Trobisch, Andrea & Dietmar Trobisch 2023. Bei Reisbauern in Ostjava – auf der Suche nach der Gestreiften Fischnatter (Xenochrophis vittatus). Elaphe 2023 (6): 54
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  • Gojo-Cruz, Paul Henric P. and Leticia E. Afuang 2018. The Zoogeographic Significance of Caraballo Mountain Range, Luzon Island, Philippines With Focus on the Biogeography of Luzon’s Herpetofauna. Philippine Journal of Science 147 (3): 393-409 - get paper here
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  • Grossmann,W. & Tillack,F. 2001. Bemerkungen zur Herpetofauna des Khao Lak, Phang Nga, thailändische Halbinsel. Teil III: Ergebnisse der Jahre 1999 und 2000. Sauria 23 (3): 21-34 - get paper here
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  • Harper, Francis 1940. Some works of Bartram, Daudin, Latreille, and Sonnini, and their bearing upon North American herpetological nomenclature. American Midland Naturalist 23 (3): 692-723 - get paper here
  • HARTMANN, Timo; Flora IHLOW, Sarah EDWARDS, SOVATH Sothanin, Markus HANDSCHUH and Wolfgang BÖHME 2013. A Preliminary Annotated Checklist of the Amphibians and Reptiles of the Kulen Promtep Wildlife Sanctuary in Northern Cambodia. Asian Herpetological Research 4 (1): 36–55 - get paper here
  • Heiss, E.; Plenk, H., Jr.; Weisgram, J. 2008. Microanatomy of the palatal mucosa of the semiaquatic malayan box turtle, Cuora amboinensis, and functional implications. Anatomical Record 291(7):876-885 - get paper here
  • Hennig, A.S. 2004. Haltung von Wasserschildkröten. Natur und Tier Verlag (Münster), 125 pp. - get paper here
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  • Herlambang, A. E., Riyanto, A., Munir, M., Hamidy, A., Kimura, K., Eto, K., & Mumpuni, M. 2022. AFTER 16 YEARS: AN UPDATE CHECKLIST OF HERPETOFAUNA ON THE NATUNA ISLANDS, INDONESIA. TREUBIA, 49(2), 67-84 - get paper here
  • HMAR, GOSPEL ZOTHANMAWIA; HMAR BETLU RAMENGMAWII, LAL BIAKZUALA, DADINA ZOTE, VANLAL HRUAIA, TLAU LIANA, HMAR TLAWMTE LALREMSANGA & KULENDRA CHANDRA DAS. 2021. New record of the endangered Southeast Asian Box Turtle Cuora amboinensis (Testudines: Geoemydidae), from Mizoram, northeast India. Herpetology Notes 14: 1177–1180. - get paper here
  • Husson, S.J.; S.H. Limin, Adul, N.S. Boyd, J.J. Brousseau, S. Collier, S.M. Cheyne, L.J. D’Arcy, R.A. Dow, N.W. Dowds, M.L. Dragiewicz, D.A. Ehlers Smith, Iwan, Hendri, P.R. Houlihan, K.A. Jeffers, B.J.M. Jarrett, I.P. Kulu, H.C. Morrogh-Bernard, S.E 2018. Biodiversity of the Sebangau tropical peat swamp forest, Indonesian Borneo. Mires and Peat 22 (05): 1–50 - get paper here
  • Ibarrondo, B.R.; Martinez, A. & Soler, J. 2006. Wild turtles of Indonesia: plunder in paradise. Reptilia (GB) (45): 47-53 - get paper here
  • Ives, Ian E.; Steven G. Platt, Johny S. Tasirin, Iwan Hunowu, Stephan Siwu, and Thomas R. Rainwater 2008. Field Surveys, Natural History Observations, and Comments on the Exploitation and Conservation of Indotestudo forstenii, Leucocephalon yuwonoi, and Cuora amboinensis in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 7(2): 240 - get paper here
  • Jamniczky, H. A. and A. P. Russell 2007. Reappraisal of Patterns of Nonmarine Cryptodiran Turtle Carotid Circulation: Evidence From Osteological Correlates and Soft Tissues. Journal of Morphology 268:571–587 - get paper here
  • Koch, A. 2012. Discovery, Diversity, and Distribution of the Amphibians and Reptiles of Sulawesi and its offshore islands. Edition Chimaira, 374 pp. [ISBN 978-3-89973-432-4] - get paper here
  • Kuchling, Gerald 1995. Turtles at a market in western Yunnan: Possible range extensions for some southern Asiatic chelonians in China and Myanmar. Chelonian Conserv. Biol. 1 (3): 223-226
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  • Lehr, E. & Holloway, R. 2003. Turtle trade in Cambodia. Reptilia (GB) (30): 64-71 - get paper here
  • Leo S, Suherman M, Permatasari A, Suganda D, Zulamri, Winarni NL. 2020. Herpetofauna diversity in Zamrud National Park, Indonesia: baseline checklist for a Sumatra peat swamp forest ecosystem. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 14(2) [General Section]: 250–263 (e249) - get paper here
  • Lourenço, João M.; Julien Claude, Nicolas Galtier, Ylenia Chiari 2011. Dating cryptodiran nodes: Origin and diversification of the turtle superfamily Testudinoidea. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 62 (1): - get paper here
  • M. Gaulke 2017. Sibuyan – das Galapagos Asiens. Reptilia (Münster) 22 (126): 68-78 - get paper here
  • Manthey, U. & Grossmann, W. 1997. Amphibien & Reptilien Südostasiens. Natur und Tier Verlag (Münster), 512 pp. - get paper here
  • Maulidi, A., Purnaningsih, T., Maulina, A., Gunawan, Y. E., & Rizki, M. 2020. Herpetofauna diversity at the University of Palangka Raya, Indonesia. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 21(10) - get paper here
  • McCord, William P.; Philippen, Hans-Dieter 1998. A New Subspecies of Box Turtle, Cuora amboinensis lineata, from Northern Myanmar (Burma), with Remarks on the Distribution and Geographic Variation of the Species. Reptile Hobbyist (March issue): 51-58
  • McLaughlin, Connor J. and C. Tristan Stayton 2016. Convergent Evolution Provides Evidence of Similar Radiations in Shell Shape in the Turtle Families Emydidae and Geoemydidae. Herpetologica 72 (2): 120-129. - get paper here
  • MCLEOD, David S.; Cameron D. SILER, Arvin C. DIESMOS, Mae L. DIESMOS, Vhon S. GARCIA, Angela O. ARKONCEO, Kelvin L. BALAQUIT, Charlene C. UY, Mariden M. VILLASERAN, Earle C. YARRA, Rafe M. BROWN 2011. Amphibians and Reptiles of Luzon Island, V: The Herpetofauna of Angat Dam Watershed, Bulacan Province, Luzon Island, Philippines. Asian Herpetological Research 2 (4): 177–198 - get paper here
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  • Platt, Steven G.; Heng Sovannara, Long Kheng, Rohan Holloway, Bryan L. Stuart, and Thomas R. Rainwater 2008. Biodiversity, Exploitation, and Conservation of Turtles in the Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve, Cambodia, with Notes on Reproductive Ecology of Malayemys subtrijuga. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 7(2): 195 - get paper here
  • Praedicow, G. 1985. Langjährige Erfahrungen bei der Pflege von Cuora amboinensis (DAUDIN). Herpetofauna 7 (36): 6-14 - get paper here
  • Protiva, Tomáš; Danny Gunalen, Anna Bauerová, Klára Palupčíková, Barbora Somerová, Petra Frýdlová, Jitka Jančúchová-Lásková, Olga Šimková, Daniel Frynta & Ivan Rehák 2016. Shell shape and genetic variability of Southeast Asian Box Turtles (Cuora amboinensis) from Borneo and Sumatra. Vertebrate Zoology 66 (3): 387–396 - get paper here
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  • Purkayastha, Jayaditya; Ahmed Mahmadul Hassan, Hasanul Islam, Jessica Das, Manoj Sarma, Mituseela Basumatary, Nilakshi Sarma, Nishant Chatterjee, Sachin Singha, Vishnupriya Nair, Arundhati Purkayastha, Jayashree Dutta, Madhurima Das 2013. Turtles of the Temple Pond of Kamakhya, Assam, India. Reptile Rap (15): 11-15 - get paper here
  • QUAH, EVAN S. H.; PERRY L. JR. WOOD, M.S. SHAHRUL ANUAR, MOHD ABDUL MUIN 2020. A new species of Cnemaspis Strauch 1887 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from the Langkawi Archipelago, Kedah, Peninsular Malaysia with an updated checklist of the herpetofauna of Tuba Island. Zootaxa 4767 (1): 138–160 - get paper here
  • RIDHA, MOHAMMAD ALI; MIRZA DIKARI KUSRINI, ANI MARDIASTUTI & NANCY KARRAKER. 2021. The amphibians and reptiles of Rawa Aopa Watumohai national park, southeast Sulawesi. Media Konservasi 26 (2): 128–138. - get paper here
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  • Schilde, M. 2004. Asiatische Sumpfschildkröten - Die Familie Geoemydidae in Südostasien, China und Japan. Natur und Tier Verlag (Münster), 192 pp. - get paper here
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  • Siler, C.D.; J.C. Swab; C.H. Oliveros; A.C. Diesmos; L. Averia; A.C. Alcala; R.M. Brown 2012. Amphibians and Reptiles, Romblon Island Group, central Philippines: Comprehensive herpetofaunal inventory. Check List 8(3):443-462 - get paper here
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  • TTWG; Rhodin, A.G.J., Iverson, J.B., Bour, R., Fritz, U., Georges, A., Shaffer, H.B., and van Dijk, P.P. 2021. Turtles of the World: Annotated Checklist and Atlas of Taxonomy, Synonymy, Distribution, and Conservation Status (9th Ed.). In: Rhodin, A.G.J., Iverson, J.B., van Dijk, P.P., Stanford, C.B., Goode, E.V., Buhlmann, K.A., and Mittermeier, R.A. (Eds.). Chelonian Research Monographs 8:1–472. doi:10.3854/crm.8.checklist.atlas.v9.2021. - get paper here
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  • Wanger, T. C., I. Motzke, S. Saleh & D. T. Iskandar 2011. The amphibians and reptiles of the Lore Lindu National Park area, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Salamandra 47 (1): 17-29 - get paper here
  • Wangyal, Jigme Tshelthrim; Dorji Wangchuk, and Indraneil Das 2012. First Report of Turtles from the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan. Chelonian Conservation and Biology Dec 2012, Vol. 11, No. 2: 268-272. - get paper here
  • Zakaria, N., Allahudin, M. I. H., Ma'ad, S. N. S., Sulaiman, A. A., Abdullah, N. A., Zamri, M. I. M., ... & Deraman, M. Y. 2022. Diversity amphibians and reptiles at Sungai Kerteh mangrove forest, Terengganu, Malaysia. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 23(11)
  • Zug, G.R. & Mulcahy, D.G. 2019. Identification guide Amphibians and reptiles of South Tanintharyi. Fauna & Flora International, 101 pp.
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