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Darevskia defilippii (CAMERANO, 1877)

IUCN Red List - Darevskia defilippii - Least Concern, LC

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Higher TaxaLacertidae, Lacertinae, Sauria, Lacertoidea, Squamata (lizards)
Common NamesE: Elburs Lizard 
SynonymPodarcis defilippii CAMERANO 1877: 90
Lacerta muralis BLANFORD 1876
Lacerta muralis var. defilippii — BOETTGER 1886
Lacerta muralis fusca var. persica BEDRIAGA 1886
Lacerta muralis var. defilippii — BOETTGER 1892: 144
Lacerta saxicola var. defilippii — MEHELY 1909: 519
Podarcis muralis var. defilippii — BOULENGER 1920: 288
Lacerta saxicola defilippii — FORCART 1950
Lacerta raddei defilippi — ENGELMANN et al. 1993
Lacerta defilippii — FRYNTA et al. 1997
Darevskia defilippii — ARRIBAS 1997
Lacerta defilippii — ANDERSON 1999
Lacerta defilippii — SZCZERBAK 2003
Darevskia defilippii — ARNOLD et al. 2007
Lacerta (Darevskia) defilippii — SINDACO & JEREMČENKO 2008
Darevskia defilippii — AHMADZADEH et al. 2013: 11 
DistributionN Iran (western part of the Alborz mountains), elevation up to 3355 m

Type locality: Damavand Mountain, North Iran  
TypesSyntypes: MRSN (= MSNTO) R2734, R2713; 3 specimens: Iran, Tehran Province, Lar Valley, F. De Filippi (MSNTO R2713); 3 specimens: Iran, Tehran Province, Damavand, F. De Filippi (MSNTO R2734). 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Camerano (1877) distinguishes this species from Podarcis muralis by a more flattened and proportionally shorter head; narrower parietal plates, external sides bordered by a series of small horizontal plates; temporal region covered with numerous small scales; masseteric shield sometimes missing and located much nearer to tympanum than to posterior angle of the eye; 6–8 much smaller and shorter supralabials; relatively smaller tympanum; dorsal scales not keeled, rounded and not imbricate (i.e., smooth); ventral plates in 6 longitudinal rows. We further restrict this species to comprise all individuals belonging to the Western Alborz clade featuring a combination of ventral plates with nearly rectilinear posterior margins in 19–26 transversal and 6 longitu- dinal rows; 44–55 dorsal scales across middle of back; 7–14 collar scales; 30–42 small scales along fold among ears; 21–30 gular scales from angle between maxillar scales to collar; 14–20 femoral pores; 25–30 scales under fourth toe; 5–7 supraciliar scales; 6–19 supraciliar granules; 0–4 scales between masseteric and supra- temporal shields; 1–6 scales between masseteric and tympanic shields; 2 large preanal scales; rostral separated from nostril. The maximum snout-vent length is 54.8 mm in males and 54.3 mm in females. 
CommentSynonymy partly after KHALIKOV & ANANJEVA (pers. comm.)

Habitat. Rocky outcrops at the upper margin of the Hyrcanian forest at elevations from 750 m to 2071 m elevation.

Distribution: See map in SMID et al. 2014 for distribution in Iran. 
EtymologyNamed after Filippo de Filippi (1814-1867), a doctor, traveler, and zoologist. He succeeded Bonelli as Professor of Zoology at Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino. 
  • Ahmadzadeh F, Flecks M, Carretero MA, Mozaffari O, Böhme W, et al. 2013. Cryptic Speciation Patterns in Iranian Rock Lizards Uncovered by Integrative Taxonomy. PLoS One 8 (12): e80563. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0080563 - get paper here
  • Anderson, Steven C 1999. The lizards of Iran. Contributions to Herpetology Volume 15, Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Saint Louis, Missouri: i-vii, 1-442 [review in Copeia 2000 (4): 1144] - get paper here
  • Arnold, E.N.; Arribas, O. & Carranza, S. 2007. Systematics of the Palaearctic and Oriental lizard tribe Lacertini (Squamata: Lacertidae: Lacertinae), with descriptions of eight new genera. Zootaxa 1430: 1-86 - get paper here
  • ARRIBAS, O. J. 2012. Osteology of Darevskia defilippi (CAMERANO, 1877) raises doubts: Is it really a close relative of Darevskia raddei (BOETTGER, 1892)? [Short Note]. Herpetozoa 25 (1/2): 72-74 - get paper here
  • Beolens, Bo; Michael Watkins, and Michael Grayson 2011. The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, USA - get paper here
  • Boettger, O. 1892. Kriechthiere der Kaukasusländer, gesammelt durch die Radde-Valentin’sche Expedition nach dem Karabagh und durch die Herren Dr. J. Valentin un P. Reibisch. Ber. Senck. Ges. 1892: 131-150 - get paper here
  • Boulenger,G.A. 1920. Monograph of the Lacertidae, vol. 1. British Museum (London) - get paper here
  • Camerano, L. 1877. Considerazioni sul genere Lacerta LINN. e descrizione di due nuove specie. Atti Accad. Sci. Torino 13: 79-98 - get paper here
  • Clark, R. J., Clark, E. D. and Anderson, S. C. 1966. Report on two small collections of reptiles from Iran. Occ. Pap. Cal. Acad. Sci. (55): 1-9 - get paper here
  • Darevsky, I.S. 1966. Natural parthogenesis in a polymorphic group of Caucasian Rock lizards related to Lacerta saxicola EVERSMANN. Journ. Ohio Herpetol. Soc.5 (4): 115-152 - get paper here
  • Darevsky,I.S. 1957. Systematics and ecology of rock lizards (Lacerta saxicola Eversmann) in Armenia [in Russian]. Zool. sb. AN Armenia SSR 10: 27-57 - get paper here
  • Engelmann, W.E. et al. 1993. Lurche und Kriechtiere Europas. Neumann Verlag (Radebeul, Germany), 440 pp.
  • Forcart, Lothar 1950. Amphibien und Reptilien von Iran. Verh. naturf. Ges. Basel 61: 141-156
  • Freitas, S., Westram, A.M., Schwander, T., Arakelyan, M., Ilgaz, Ç., Kumlutas, Y., Harris, D.J., Carretero, M.A. and Butlin, R.K. 2022. Parthenogenesis in Darevskia lizards - a rare outcome of common hybridisation, not a common outcome of rare hybridisation Parthenogenesis, gene flow and hybridisation. Evolution - get paper here
  • Frynta,D. et al. 1997. Results of the Czech biological expedition to Iran. Part 1. Notes on the distribution of amphibians and reptiles. Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem. 61: 3-17
  • Iryshkov E. S., Solovyeva E. N., Arakelyan M. S., Rastegar-Poyani E., Moaddab M., Milto K. D., Galoyan E. A. 2023. Phylogeny and geographic distribution of rock lizards (Lacertidae, Reptilia) in Alborz mountain range. Current Studies in Herpetology 23 (3): 93 - get paper here
  • Kamali, Kamran 2020. A Field Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of Iran. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main, Germany ( 574 pp.
  • Lantz,L.A. & Cyrén,O. 1936. Contribution à la connaissance de Lacerta saxicola EVERSMANN. Bull. Soc. zool. France (Paris) 61: 159-181 - get paper here
  • Méhely, Lajos von 1909. Materialien zu einer Systematik und Phylogenie der muralis-ähnlichen Lacerten. Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis Hungarici, Budapest, 7 (2): 409-621 - get paper here
  • RASTEGAR-POUYANI, NASRULLAH; HAJI GHOLI KAMI, MEHDI RAJABZADEH, SOHEILA SHAFIEI AND STEVEN CLEMENT ANDERSON 2008. Annotated Checklist of Amphibians and Reptiles of Iran. Iranian Journal of Animal Biosystematics 4 (1): 7-30
  • Sindaco, R. & Jeremcenko, V.K. 2008. The reptiles of the Western Palearctic. Edizioni Belvedere, Latina (Italy), 579 pp. - get paper here
  • ŠMÍD, JIŘÍ; JIŘÍ MORAVEC, PETR KODYM, LUKÁŠ KRATOCHVÍL, SEYYED SAEED HOSSEINIAN YOUSEFKHANI, ESKANDAR RASTEGAR-POUYANI & DANIEL FRYNTA 2014. Annotated checklist and distribution of the lizards of Iran. Zootaxa 3855 (1): 001–097 - get paper here
  • Szczerbak, N.N. 2003. Guide to the Reptiles of the Eastern Palearctic. Krieger, Malabar, FL, 260 pp. - get paper here
  • Tuniyev, B.S. & T.V. Petrova 2019. A new lizard species of the genus Darevskia Arribas, 1997 from Southern Armenia. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS 323 (2): 136–148; doi:10.31610/trudyzin/2019.323.2.136 - get paper here
  • Yousefi, M. & Khani, A. & Eslahi, H. & Hosseinian Yousefkhani, S.S. 2013. Easternmost record of Darevskia defilippii (Camerano, 1877) from Qarchaqe Protected Area, Kopet Dagh Mountains, northeastern Iran. L@CERTIDAE (Eidechsen Online) 2013 [9]: 160-163 - get paper here
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