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Diploderma danbaense LIU, HOU, ANANJEVA & RAO, 2023

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Diploderma danbaense »

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Higher TaxaAgamidae (Draconinae), Sauria, Iguania, Squamata (lizards)
Common NamesChinese: 丹巴龙蜥 
SynonymDiploderma danbaense LIU, HOU, ANANJEVA & RAO 2023: 174 
DistributionDanba County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province, China.

Type locality: Bawang Township, Danba County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province, China (30°58'59"N, 101°52'29"E, 2020 m elevation).  
TypesHolotype: KIZ 2022048, adult male, collected on 6 August 2022 by Mian Hou. Paratypes: KIZ 2022049, KIZ 2022050, KIZ 2022056, three adult males; KIZ 2022051, one adult female. 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Diploderma danbaense sp. nov. can be diagnosed from congeners by a combination of the following morphological characteristics: (1) body size large, SVL 68.7–77.0 mm in adult males, 76.6 in adult female; (2) tail short, TAL/SVL 1.61–1.78 in adult males, 1.55 in adult female; (3) head relatively long, HW/HL 0.66–0.75 in adult males, 0.63 in adult female; (4) limbs moderately long, FLL/SVL 0.41–0.47 in adult males, 0.44 in adult female, HLL/SVL 0.66–0.70 in adult males, 0.65 in adult female; (5) MD 48–58; (6) F4S 16–20, T4S 21–26; (7) tympanum concealed; (8) nuchal and dorsal crests discontinuous, scales of nuchal and dorsal crests enlarged, strongly erected skin fold under nuchal crest and moderately erected skin fold under dorsal crest in males in life, weakly erected skin fold under nuchal crest and no skin fold under dorsal crest in females in life; (9) distinct transverse gular fold present; (10) ventral scales of head heterogeneous in size, anterior and middle ones larger, posterior and side ones smaller, all strongly keeled; (11) ventral scales of body strongly keeled; (12) gular spot absent in both sexes; (13) dorsolateral stripes distinct in males, strongly jagged, pale yellow in life; (14) a series of dark, hollow, approximately rhomboid patterns between dorsolateral stripes on dorsum; (15) a distinct wide black stripe on shoulder fold region on each side; (16) stripes around eye absent or very indistinct; (17) oral cavity, inner lips, and tongue pale flesh colour in life. (Liu et al. 2023). 
  • Liu S, Hou M, Ananjeva NB, Rao D 2023. Four new species of the genus Diploderma Hallowell, 1861 (Squamata, Agamidae) from China. ZooKeys 1148: 167-207 - get paper here
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