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Diploderma tachengense LIU, HOU, ANANJEVA & RAO, 2023

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Diploderma tachengense »

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Higher TaxaAgamidae (Draconinae), Sauria, Iguania, Squamata (lizards)
Common NamesChinese: 塔城龙蜥 
SynonymDiploderma tachengense LIU, HOU, ANANJEVA & RAO 2023 
DistributionChina (Yunnan: Tacheng Town, Weixi County, Diqing Prefecture)

Type locality: Kena Village, Tacheng Town, Weixi County, Diqing Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China (27°34'12"N, 99°20'36"E, 2180 m elevation).  
TypesHolotype: KIZ 2022028, adult male, collected on 6 July 2022 by Shuo Liu. Paratypes: KIZ 2022027, adult male; KIZ 2022029, adult female; KIZ 2022038, subadult male; and KIZ 2022039, subadult female. 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Diploderma tachengense sp. nov. can be diagnosed from congeners by a combination of the following morphological characteristics: (1) body size moderate, SVL 55.2–55.7 mm in adult males, 65.4 mm in adult female; (2) tail moderately long, TAL/SVL 1.88–1.89 in adult males, 1.56 in adult female; (3) limbs moderately long, FLL/SVL 0.45–0.47 in adult males, 0.46 in adult female, HLL/SVL 0.76–0.78 in adult males, 0.70 in adult female; (4) head relatively robust, HW/HL 0.73–0.80 in adult males, 0.74 in adult female; (5) MD 38–44; (6) F4S 15–19, T4S 20–24; (7) tympanum concealed; (8) nuchal and dorsal crests continuous, feebly developed, no skin fold under nuchal and dorsal crests; (9) distinct transverse gular fold present; (10) ventral scales of head homogeneous, feebly keeled; (11) ventral scales of body strongly keeled; (12) gular spot present in both sexes, pale yellow in life; (13) dorsolateral stripes distinct in males, strongly jagged, pale yellow in life; (14) radial stripes around eye relatively distinct; (15) oral cavity and inner lips pinkish white, tongue pink in life. (Liu et al. 2023). 
  • Liu S, Hou M, Ananjeva NB, Rao D 2023. Four new species of the genus Diploderma Hallowell, 1861 (Squamata, Agamidae) from China. ZooKeys 1148: 167-207 - get paper here
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