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Higher Taxa | Colubridae (Dipsadinae), Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes) |
Subspecies | |
Common Names | E: Bob Ridgely’s Snail-Eater S: Caracolera de Bob Ridgely |
Distribution | Ecuador (Azuay, El Oro), Peru (Tumbes), elevation 39 - 572 m Type locality: Reserva Buenaventura, province of El Oro, Ecuador (S3.65467, W79.76794; 524 m |
Reproduction | |
Types | Holotype: MZUTI 5417 (Figs 9, 10 in Arteaga et al. 2018), adult male collected by Matthijs Hollanders on August 01, 2017). Paratypes. MECN (was DHMECN) 11527, adult female collected by Juan Carlos Sánchez- Nivicela, Karem López, Verónica Urgilés, Bruno Timbe, Elvis Celi and Valentina Posse at Remolino, province of El Oro, Ecuador (S3.56551, W79.91948; 229 m). MZUTI 3266, adult female collected by Lucas Bustamante on October 06, 2013. MZUTI 5414, adult male collected by Matthijs Hollanders and Paulina Romero on June 08, 2017. QCAZ 1706, adult male collected by Fernando Ayala, Steven Poe, and Chris Anderson on March 03, 1994 at Ponce Enríquez, province of Azuay, Ecuador (S3.06547, W79.74358; 39 m). |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis: Dipsas bobridgelyi is placed in the genus Dipsas based on phylogenetic evidence (Fig. 3), and the absence of a labial that is noticeably higher than other labials and in contact with the postocular, primary, and secondary temporals. The species differs from all described species of Dipsas based on the following combination of characters: (1) 15/15/15 smooth dorsals with enlarged vertebral row (2.1–2.2 times as wide as adjacent rows); (2) loreal and prefrontal in contact with orbit; (3) 9 supralabials with 4th and 5th contacting orbit; (4) one pair of infralabials in contact behind symphysial; (5) 180–201 ventrals in males, 178–184 in females; (6) 95–117 divided subcaudals in males, 96–98 in females; (7) dorsal and ventral color made up of 30–35 bold black body rings (up to 7–12 vertebral scales long) separated from each other by narrow (up to 3–4 vertebral scales long) dingy white interspaces; dorsal aspect of interspaces heavily speckled with rusty and black pigment; ventral surfaces lacking speckling; ground color of head dingy white with various degrees of scattered black pigment that coalesce on the top of the head, and various degrees of rusty speckling concentrated on the snout, nape and sides of the head; iris rich dark brown; (8) 372–478 mm SVL in males, 286–404 mm in females; (9) 158–212 mm TL in males, 117–158 mm in females. |
Comment | Behavior: nocturnal, arboreal Habitat: on arboreal vegetation 100–250 cm above the ground in secondary semi-deciduous foothill forest Diet: snails Conservation status. Arteaga et al. 2018 consider Dipsas bobridgelyi to be Endangered following the IUCN criteria B1a,b(i,iii) (IUCN 2001) because its extent of occurrence is estimated to be less than 5,000 km2, it is known only from 4 patches of forest lacking connectivity between them, and its habitat is severely fragmented and declining in extent and quality due to deforestation. Furthermore, only two of the localities (Buenaventura reserve and Reserva Nacional de Tumbes) where D. bobridgelyi occurs are currently protected. Similar species: D. gracilis. Cadle (2005) and Harvey (2008) examined MUSM 17589 from Tumbes department, Peru, and concluded that it was Dipsas gracilis. Although Arteaga et al. 2018 did not examine this specimen, they believe that it corresponds to D. bobridgelyi based on Cadle’s (2005) color description (i.e., head white with many irregular black markings on the top and sides). |
Etymology | This species is named in honor of Dr. Robert “Bob” S. Ridgely, a leading ornithologist and distinguished conservationist who has dedicated almost 50 years of his life to the study and conservation of birds and biodiversity across Latin America. Bob is the President of Rainforest Trust and for the past twenty years has been a major driver of conservation in Ecuador through Fundación Jocotoco, which he helped establish twenty years ago. In 1980, Bob visited the type locality of Dipsas bobridgelyi (Buenaventura, meaning "good fortune"), now known to be a key area for the conservation of biodiversity. Bob embarked on conservation and worked diligently to raise funds through Rainforest Trust for the past 18 years to purchase private properties and establish what is now the Reserva Buenaventura of Fundación Jocotoco. |
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