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Higher Taxa | Gekkonidae, Gekkota, Sauria, Squamata (lizards: geckos) |
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Synonym | Dixonius minhlei ZIEGLER, BOTOV, NGUYEN, BAUER, BRENNAN, NGO & NGUYEN 2016 Dixonius minhlei — DONBUNDIT et al. 2024 |
Distribution | S Vietnam (Dong Nai Province: Vinh Cuu Nature Reserve) Type locality: Vinh Cuu Nature Reserve, Dong Nai Province, Southern Vietnam (11°22'40"N, 107°03'37"E, 70 m elevation |
Reproduction | oviparous (manual imputation, fide Zimin et al. 2022) |
Types | Holotype: IEBR A.0802 (male) collected between 28th and 29th of December 2007 by Tao Thien Nguyen and Cuc Thu Ho (Figs. 3–5 in Ziegler et al. 2016): Paratypes: IEBR A.0801 (female), VNMN R.2016.1 (female), VNMN R.2016.2 (female), ZFMK 97745 (female), and ZFMK 97746 (male), same data as for the holotype (Figs. 5–6 in Ziegler et al. 2016) |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis: A small gecko with up to 47.5 mm SVL; 7–9 supralabials; 14–15 rows of keeled tubercles on dorsum; 20–23 ventral scale rows; 7 or 8 precloacal pores in males; a canthal stripe running from rostrum through the eye and terminating at back of head; lateral second pair of postmentals maximum one quarter the size of first pair; dorsum olive gray with more or less discernible brownish olive blotches. |
Comment | Sympatry: Acanthosaura lepidogaster, Calotes emma, and Cyrtodactylus cattienensis. Abundance: only known from its original description (Meiri et al. 2017). |
Etymology | The new species is named after our friend and colleague Dr. Minh D. Le from the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Hanoi University of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, for his continuous and significant contributions towards a better understanding of the diversity and phylogenetic relationships of species from Vietnam and surrounding countries |
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