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Dryophylax gambotensis (PÉREZ-SANTOS & MORENO, 1989)

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Higher TaxaColubridae (Dipsadinae), Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
Common Names 
SynonymThamnodynastes gambotensis PÉREZ-SANTOS & MORENO 1989
Thamnodynastes gambotensis — FRANCO & FERREIRA 2003
Thamnodynastes gambotensis — BAILEY & THOMAS 2007
Thamnodynastes gambotensis — WALLACH et al. 2014: 717
Thamnodynastes gambotensis — ACUÑA-VARGAS 2016
Thamnodynastes gambotensis — TREVINE et al. 2021
Dryophylax gambotensis — TREVINE et al. 2022 
DistributionColombia (Bolívar)

Type locality: Gambote, Bolívar, Colombia.  
TypesHolotype: MNCN 11187, male. Paratype: MNCN 11188; Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino (R76). 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: A Thamnodynastes with 19 dorsal rows, smooth or weakly keeled; a single scale pit; hemipenis stout and spinous; maxillary teeth 12-14+2G with a mode of 13+2G (76%); chin heavily pigmented, but the larger scales may have contrasting pale centers; frequently seven supralabials (60%). 
CommentThe specimen Campbell and Lamar (2004, Pl. 1320) said may be a population of Thamnodynastes gambotensisis may actually be a specimen of T. paraguanae (according to BAILEY & THOMAS 2007). 
EtymologyThe species is named for its type locality.  
  • Acuña-Vargas, J. C. 2016. Anfibios y Reptiles asociados a cinco coberturas de la tierra, municipio de Dibulla, La Guajira, Colombia. Acta Zoológica Mexicana (n. s.), 32(2): 133-146 - get paper here
  • Bailey, J.R.; R.A. Thomas 2007. A revision of the South American snake genus Thamnodynastes Wagler, 1830 (Serpentes, Colubridae, Tachymenini). II. Three new species from northern South America, with further descriptions of Thamnodynastes gambotensis Pérez-Santos and Moreno and Thamnodynastes ramonriveroi Manzanilla and Sánchez. Memoria de la Fundación La Salle de Ciencias Naturales 166: 7-27 [2006]
  • Campbell, Jonathan A. and William W. Lamar 2004. The Venomous Reptiles of the Western Hemisphere, 2 vols. Comstock (Cornell University Press), Ithaca, NY, 962 pp. [review in Science 305: 182]
  • Franco, F.L. & Ferreira, T. G. 2003. Descrição de uma nova espécie de Thamnodynastes Wagler, 1830 (Serpentes, Colubridae) do nordeste brasileiro, com comentários sobre o gênero. Phyllomedusa 1 (2): 57-74 [2002] - get paper here
  • GARCÍA-DÍEZ, TERESA; JOSÉ E. GONZÁLEZ-FERNÁNDEZ 2013. The reptile type specimens preserved in the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC) of Madrid, Spain. Zootaxa 3619 (1): 046–058 - get paper here
  • Medina-Rangel, Guido Fabián 2013. CAMBIO EstACIOnAl En El UsO DE lOs RECURsOs DE lA COMUnIDAD DE REptIlEs En El COMplEJO CEnAgOsO DE ZApAtOsA, DEpARtAMEntO DEl CEsAR (Colombia). Caldasia 35 (1): 103-122 - get paper here
  • Páez, V.P. et al. 2002. Guía de campo de algunas especies de anfibios y reptiles de Antioquia. Universidad de Antioquia, - get paper here
  • Perez-Santos C; Moreno A G 1989. Una nueva especie de Thamnodynastes (Serpentes: Colubridae) en el norte de Colombia. Boll. Mus. Reg. Sci. Nat. Torino 7 (1): 1-9
  • Trevine, V. C., Grazziotin, F. G., Giraudo, A., Sallesbery‐Pinchera, N., Vianna, J. A., & Zaher, H. 2022. The systematics of Tachymenini (Serpentes, Dipsadidae): An updated classification based on molecular and morphological evidence. Zoologica Scripta - get paper here
  • TREVINE, VIVIAN C.; JOSÉ RANCÉS CAICEDO-PORTILLA, MARINUS HOOGMOED, ROBERT A. THOMAS, FRANCISCO L. FRANCO, GIOVANNA G. MONTINGELLI, MARIELA OSORNO-MUÑOZ, HUSSAM ZAHER 2021. A new species of Thamnodynastes Wagler, 1830 from western Amazonia, with notes on morphology for members of the Thamnodynastes pallidus group (Serpentes, Dipsadidae, Tachymenini). Zootaxa 4952 (2): 235–256 - get paper here
  • Wallach, Van; Kenneth L. Williams , Jeff Boundy 2014. Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species. [type catalogue] Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, 1237 pp.
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