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Elapsoidea chelazziorum LANZA, 1979

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Elapsoidea chelazziorum »

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Higher TaxaElapidae, Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
Common NamesE: Somali Garter Snake 
SynonymElapsoidea chelazzii LANZA 1979: 238
Elapsoidea chelazziorum — LANZA 1990
Elapsoidea chelazzii — WELCH 1994: 59
Elapsoidea chelazziorum — DOBIEY & VOGEL 2007
Elapsoidea chelazziorum — WALLACH et al. 2014: 266 

Type locality: “about 6 km E of Afgoi (about 02° 06’ N, 45° 11’ E), SE Somalia”.  
TypesHolotype: MZUF 21964 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: “An apparently small-sized (body length of the only known adult specimen = 415 mm) Elapsoidea with: head strongly depressed (head length, from snout to end of parietals: head depth = 1.95), rather small in the adult (head length 3.46% of the snout-vent length); snout obtusely pointed, with rostral broadly visible from above; eye relatively large, its vertical diameter greater than its distance from the upper lip; 13 scale rows at midbody and just before the vent, 15 one head length behind the head; 136 (female )-141 (male) ventral plates; tail rather short, 8.07 (male)-8.43 (female)% of the snout-vent length, with 17 (female)-21 (male) paired subcaudals; chin region more (adult) or less (juvenile) grey; juveniles with whitish pileus and unhanded, uniformly black dorsal parts.” (Lanza 1990) 
EtymologyNamed after Dr Lorenzo Chelazzi (Centro di Studio per la Faunistica ed Ecologia Tropicali del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Firenze) and Dr Guido Chelazzi (Istituto di Zoologia dell'Universita, Firenze), in recognition of their painstaking and valuable scientific research on the Somali fauna and ecology. 
  • Dobiey, M. & Vogel, G. 2007. Venomous Snakes of Africa - Giftschlangen Afrikas. Edition Chimaira, Terralog 15, 150 pp. - get paper here
  • Jakobsen A. 1997. A review of some East African members of the genus Elapsoidea Bocage with the description of a new species from Somalia and a key for the genus (Reptilia, Serpentes, Elapidae). Steenstrupia 22: 59-82.
  • Lanza B 1979. Elapsoidea chelazzii, a new elapid snake from Somalia. Monitore Zoologico Italiano supplemento 12 (12): 237-245 - get paper here
  • Lanza, B. 1990. Amphibians and reptiles of the Somali Democratic Republic: check list and biogeography. Biogeographia, 14: 407-465 [1988] - get paper here
  • Spawls, Stephen; Tomáš Mazuch& Abubakr Mohammad 2023. Handbook of Amphibians and Reptiles of North-east Africa. Bloomsbury, 640 pp. - get paper here
  • Wallach, Van; Kenneth L. Williams , Jeff Boundy 2014. Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species. [type catalogue] Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, 1237 pp.
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