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Elseya kalumburu JOSEPH-OUNI, MCCORD & CANN, 2022

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Higher TaxaChelidae, Chelodininae, Pleurodira, Testudines (turtles)
Common Names 
SynonymElseya (Elseya) kalumburu JOSEPH-OUNI, MCCORD & CANN 2022 
DistributionAustralia (Western Australia)

Type locality: Kalumburu, King Edward River, Western Australia, 126°65'E; 14° 3' S.  
TypesHolotype. QM 177957, an adult male (Plate 1 a; measurements in Appendix A). Paratypes {2).- AM R183181, an adult female collected from the Carson River, Western Australia (Plate lb), 126°38'E; 14° 26'S; AM R163485, an adult male collected from the King Edward River, Western Australia (Plate le), 126°12'E; 14° 46'S. 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: “A relatively large turtle (Plates 1a - e; to 315 mm straight maximum carapace length in females as documented by J. Cann in field) of the genus Elseya (subgenus Elseya), characterized by the following combination of characters: deep, uniformly black carapace, oval in dorsal shape; overall black head, including head shield, maxillary and mandibular rhamphotheca, head scales and sides of head; cervical scute absent; nuchal emargination absent [character 10]; M1 wider than long [11]; V1 with minimally intrusive angle between M1 scutes [9]; M1 and M2 equal in size; M2 not greatly larger in surface area than M3 [12]; Vl nearly equal in length to width, with V1-P1 sulcus extending wider than V2, V3 in large adults [15]; V1-P1 sulcus makes contact with M2 at anterior one-third border [13]; strong angulation of V1-P1- marginal scute sulci absent in mature adults [14]; Vl-Pl sulcus strongly sinusoidal [15B]; V2-Pl sulcus equal in length to V2-P2 sulcus [15C]; V2, V3 longer than wide in large mature adults, more equal in young [16]; anterior plastral lobe relatively narrow; gular scutes V-shaped, the gular=pectoral sulci contacting IG scute at very posterior position) [1]; IG scute moderately extends beyond gular-humeral sulcus [2]; humeral-pectoral sulci curve anteriorly at its more exterior center point [SCl], such that point of contact at the plastral midline is higher than the point where they reach the outer rim of plastron [3,4]; IH sulcus relatively large [5], with IAb being 4-6x length of 1H [7]; pectoral-abdominal sulci transverse plastron orthogonal to plastral midline with overall posterior trend [6]; anal scute tip level with point where gular-humeral sulcus contacts free rim of anterior plastral lobe [8]; plastral sulcus formula is IP > IF > IAb > IAn > IGSL > IH in the two known male types and IP = IF in the female type; inguinal scute subtriangular in shape, relatively reduced and terminates posteriorly at the M8 midpoint down to anterior M9 [SC2]. Additionally, many specimens show a dusky gray to black extension of coloration from the mandibular rhamphotheca posteriorly onto the post- dentary skin, forming a short stripe on lower Jaw.” (Joseph-Ouni et al. 2022; OCR may be imperfect) 
EtymologyNamed after the location from which the holotype was collected, King Edward River, Western Australia. Used as a noun in apposition. 
  • Joseph-Ouni, Mehdi, William P. McCord & Cann, John 2022. A NEW SPECIES OF ELSEYA (TESTUDINES: CHELIDAE) FROM THE RIVERS OF THE KIMBERLEY,WESTERN AUSTRALIA. The Batagur Monographs 5: 35-54
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