Emmochliophis miops (BOULENGER, 1898)
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Higher Taxa | Colubridae (Dipsadinae), Diaphorolepidini, Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes) |
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Synonym | Synophis miops BOULENGER 1898: 115 Emmochliophis miops — HILLIS 1990 Emmochliophis miops — WALLACH et al. 2014: 268 |
Distribution | W Ecuador, Colombia (Cauca: Cordillera Occidental) Type locality: “Paramba” [= Parambas, Imbabura, Ecuador, fide Lynch and Duellman 1997] |
Reproduction | oviparous |
Types | Holotype: BMNH 1946.1.12.30 |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis: (based on 1 male and 2 females): Emmochliophis miops is distinguished from E. fugleri and other species of Diaphorolepidini by the following combination of characters: (1) intervertebral scale row single keeled; (2) dorsal scales keeled, in 19|19|19 rows; (3) prefrontals fused, in contact with supralabials; (4) loreal absent; (5) preoculars 1 or 2; (6) postoculars 1 or 2; (7) temporals 1+2; (8) supralabials 8, 4th and 5th in contact with orbit; (9) infralabials 8, first four in contact with first pair of chinshields; (10) ventrals 141 in male, 137 in females; (11) subcaudals more than 62 in males, 90 and 94 in females; (12) maxillary teeth 13–15; (13) dorsum dark gray with white nuchal collar after few months of preservation, and brown with a cream nuchal collar in holotype (Figures 1–2); (14) venter grayish after preservation, and cream in holotype; (15) chin tubercles present in males and juvenile females but absent in adult females (Figure 3); (16) hemipenis bilobed, semicalyculate, and semicapitate with a lateral naked pocket at base of organ (Figure 4 in Vera-Pérez et al. 2020). |
Comment | Known from only 3 specimens. Diet: gymnophthalmid lizards (Pyron et al. 2016). |
Etymology | Likely from the Greek miops for “myopia,” in reference the species’ small eyes, given as diagnostic by Boulenger. |
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