Epictia antoniogarciai KOCH, VENEGAS & BÖHME, 2015
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Higher Taxa | Leptotyphlopidae, Epictinae, Epictini, Typhlopoidea, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes) |
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Synonym | Epictia antoniogarciai KOCH, VENEGAS & BÖHME 2015 |
Distribution | Peru (Cajamarca) Type locality: vicinities of Santa Rosa de la Yunga Village, Jaén Province, Cajamarca Region, Peru (S 05°25’53.3’’, W 078°33’47.0’’, elevation 1268 m.a.s.l.). |
Reproduction | oviparous (manual imputation, fide Zimin et al. 2022) |
Types | Holotype: CORBIDI 7678, collected by M. Enciso, S. Duran and C. Koch on 4 May 2009. Paratypes (N = 4): three specimens from the vicinities Zapatalgo Village, Utcubamba Province, Amazonas Region, Peru: ZFMK 96676 (S 06°04’47.7’’, W 078°29’18.7’’, 934 m.a.s.l.), CORBIDI 5670, ZFMK 90934 (S 06°04’44.0’’, W 078°29’16.7’’, 968 m.a.s.l.), collected by A. Garcia Bravo and C. Koch between 07–09 December 2009; and one specimen from the type locality: CORBIDI 2069, collected in August 2008 by N. Monsalve. |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis: (1) 14 midbody scale rows; (2) 10 midtail scale rows; (3) 2 supralabials, first large and in broad contact with supraocular; (4) 14–18 subcaudals; (5) 195–208 mid-dorsal scale rows; (6) dorsal scales black with yellow margins; (7) rostral bright yellow or yellowish-white dorsally, and grayish-brown or blackish ventrally; (8) terminal spine and surrounding scales yellow; (9) ventral surface of head, body and tail almost completely grayish- brown or light-gray scattered with dark grayish-brown scales. |
Comment | |
Etymology | This species is dedicated to Antonio Garcia Bravo, Peruvian biologist, in recognition of both, his support in the investigation of the Peruvian herpetofauna and his continued and unattenuated efforts in the conservation of the dry forests along the Marañón River. |
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