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Eremias killasaifullahi MASROOR, KHAN, NADEEM, AMIR, KHISROON & JABLONSKI, 2022

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Eremias killasaifullahi »

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Higher TaxaLacertidae, Eremiadinae, Sauria, Lacertoidea, Squamata (lizards)
Common NamesE: Killa Saifullah’s Racerunner 
SynonymEremias killasaifullahi MASROOR, KHAN, NADEEM, AMIR, KHISROON & JABLONSKI 2022 
DistributionIran (Balochistan)

Type locality: Kunder, Torghar Mountains, Killa Saifullah district, Balochistan (31.3247° N, 68.5452° E; elevation 1,920 m a. s. l. (Fig. 7D in Masroor et al. 2022)  
TypesHolotype. PMNH 3613 (cyt b: MT554460; Rag1: MT554498), an adult male, collected March 23, 2017, leg. Rafaqat Masroor (Fig. 3).
Paratypes. Males: PMNH 3614–3616 (cyt b: MT554466, MT554456, n/a; Rag1: MT554478, MT554482, n/a). Females: PMNH 4046 (cyt b: MT554453; Rag1: MT554479), PMNH 4050 (cyt b: MT554473; Rag1: MT554483), PMNH 4055 (cyt b: MT554455; Rag1: MT554481). Juveniles: PMNH 3673 (cyt b: n/a; Rag1: n/a), PMNH 4045 (cyt b: MT554467; Rag1: MT554486), PMNH 4052 (cyt b: MT554459; Rag1: MT554497). PMNH 3614–16, 3673 collected along with the holotype; PMNH 4045, 4052, September 5, 2018, Zamkai Nala, Tanishpa, Killa Saifullah district, leg. Rafaqat Masroor; PMNH 4046, 4055 August 31, 2018, Ashewat, Qamar Din Karez, Zhob district, leg. Rafaqat Masroor; PMNH 4050, September 1, 2018, Zamkai Nala, Tanishpa, Killa Saifullah district, leg. Rafaqat Masroor (Figs. 5, 6). 
DiagnosisDiagnosis. A medium-sized lacertid lizard, maximum snout-vent length (SVL) = 70.5 mm, tail 1.67 to 1.97 times longer than body length (SVL), hindlimbs relatively long (HLL/SVL ratio 0.6–0.8); subocular scale reaching to the edge of the mouth, 5–7 (mainly 6, rarely 5) anterior to subocular; dorsals 53–63; ventrals in 14–18 oblique longitudinal series; frontal separated from supraoculars; the height of the first two to three transverse rows of ventral scales in the pectoral region more than its breadth; 17–24 femoral pores on each side, separated medially by 1–5 scales (mainly 2–4, rarely 1), the space between the femoral pores less than one–fourth length of each row; toes without fringe, encircled by three scales in a single series of 21–25 unicarinate and bicarinate scales underneath; tip of the fourth toe reaches to the forelimb and extends to just behind the collar. The adult specimens are creamy beige in life with seven light stripes appearing on the neck which transforms into ocelli and vermiculation behind the neck. No dorsolateral broader dark stripes, an outer-most series of white and black ocelli starts behind the eyes on each side, onto the tympanum and flanks above the forelimb and hindlimb insertion. (Masroor et al. 2022)

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EtymologyWe derived the name of the new species from Killa Saifullah, a city and district in northwestern Balochistan province, Pakistan that represents the area, from where this newly discovered endemic species of Eremias (subgenus Aspidorhinus) is currently known. The region plays an important role for producing fruits, nuts and vegetables in Pakistan. The discovery of this species of lizards thus highlights the importance of this region from the biodiversity point of view. 
  • Kwet, A. 2023. Liste der im Jahr 2022 neu beschriebenen Reptilien. Elaphe 2023 (3): 48-73
  • MASROOR, R., KHAN, M. A., NADEEM, M. S., AMIR, S. A., KHISROON, M., & JABLONSKI, D. 2022. Appearances often deceive in racerunners: integrative approach reveals two new species of Eremias (Squamata: Lacertidae) from Pakistan. Zootaxa 5175 (1): 55-87 - get paper here
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