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Furcifer verrucosus CUVIER, 1829

IUCN Red List - Furcifer verrucosus - Least Concern, LC

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Higher TaxaChamaeleonidae, Sauria, Iguania, Squamata (lizards)
SubspeciesFurcifer verrucosus verrucosus (CUVIER 1829)
Furcifer verrucosus semicristatus (BOETTGER 1894) 
Common NamesG: Warzenchamäleon 
SynonymFurcifer verrucosus verrucosus (CUVIER 1829)
Chamaeleo verrucosus CUVIER 1829
Chamaeleon monilifer GRAY 1831 (nomen nudum, synonymy uncertain)
Chamaeleo verrucosus — DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1836: 210
Chamaeleon verrucosus — GRAY 1865: 344
Furcifer verrucosus — GLAW & VENCES 1994: 253
Furcifer verrucosus — NECAS 1999: 222

Furcifer verrucosus semicristatus (BOETTGER 1894)
Chamaeleon semicristatus BOETTGER 1894
Chamaeleo verrucosus semicristatus — MERTENS 1966
Furcifer verrucosus semicristatus — KLAVER & BÖHME 1997
Furcifer verrucosus semicristatus — GLAW 2015 
DistributionMadagascar (except of the E and N )

Type locality: Ile Bourhon

semicristatus: S Madagascar; Type locality: Südspitze von Madagascar.  
TypesHolotype: MNHN-RA 6635
Holotype: SMF 16371 [semicristatus] 
CommentDistribution: Reports from Réunion are erroneous (Mickaël Sanchez, pers. comm., 20 Nov 2011)

F. verrucosus exhibits hemipenial and karyotypical variability that might be an indication that more than one taxon is covered by the respective names (KLAVER & BöHME 1986: 31).

Similar species: Furcifer oustaleti 
EtymologyNamed after L.: verruca, wart or wartlike outgrowth; -osus/a/um, adjectival suffix: warty or rough-skinned, denoting the tuberculous scalation (Charles Klaver, pers. comm., 11 Jan 2023). 
  • Andersson, Lars Gabriel 1910. Reptiles and batrachians from the north-west of Madagascar collected by V. Kaudern, 1906-1907. Arkiv för Zoologi 7 (7): 1-15. - get paper here
  • Boettger, O. 1894. Diagnosen eines Geckos und eines Chamaeleons aus Süd-Madagascar. Zool. Anz. 17: 137-140. - get paper here
  • Cocca, W., G. M. Rosa, F. Andreone, G. Aprea, P. E. Bergò, F. Mattioli, V. Mercurio, J. E. Randrianirina, D. Rosado, M. Vences & A. Crottini 2018. The herpetofauna (Amphibia, Crocodylia, Squamata, Testudines) of the Isalo Massif, Southwest Madagascar: combining morphological, molecular and museum data. Salamandra 54 (3): 178-200 plus Supplementary Material - get paper here
  • Cuvier, G. J. L. N. F. D. 1829. Le Regne Animal Distribué, d'apres son Organisation, pur servir de base à l'Histoire naturelle des Animaux et d'introduction à l'Anatomie Comparé. Nouvelle Edition [second edition]. Vol. 2. Les Reptiles. Déterville, Paris, i-xvi, 1-406 - get paper here
  • D'Cruze, Neil; Annette Olsonn, David Henson, Sunil Kumar, and David Emmett. 2009. The Amphibians and Reptiles of the Lower Onilahy River Valley, a Temporary Protected Area in Southwest Madagascar. Herp. Cons. Biol. 4: 62-79 - get paper here
  • Duméril, A.M. C. and G. Bibron. 1836. Erpetologie Générale ou Histoire Naturelle Complete des Reptiles. Vol. 3. Libr. Encyclopédique Roret, Paris, 528 pp. - get paper here
  • Florio AM, Raxworthy CJ 2016. A Phylogeographic Assessment of the Malagasy Giant Chameleons (Furcifer verrucosus and Furcifer oustaleti). PLoS One 11 (6): e0154144, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154144 - get paper here
  • Gardner, Charlie 2013. Observation of reed bed use by Furcifer verrucosus (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae) in southwest Madagascar. Herpetology Notes 6: 21-22
  • Glaw ,F. & Vences, M. 1994. A Fieldguide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Madagascar. Vences & Glaw Verlag, Köln (ISBN 3-929449-01-3)
  • Glaw, F. 2015. Taxonomic checklist of chameleons (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae). [type catalogue] Vertebrate Zoology 65 (2): 167–246 - get paper here
  • Gray,J.E. 1865. Revision of the genera and species of Chamaeleonidae, with the description of some new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) 15: 340-354 - get paper here
  • Karsten, Kristopher B.; Laza N. Andriamandimbiarisoa, Stanley F. Fox, and Christopher J. Raxworthy 2009. Social Behavior of Two Species of Chameleons in Madagascar: Insights Into Sexual Selection. Herpetologica 65 (1): 54-69 - get paper here
  • Karsten, Kristopher B.;Laza N Andriamandimbiarisoa, Stanley F. Fox, and Christopher J. Raxworthy 2008. A unique life history among tetrapods: An annual chameleon living mostly as an egg. PNAS 105 (26): 8980-8984 - get paper here
  • Klaver, C. & BÖHME,W. 1986. Phylogeny and classification of the Chamaeleonidae (Sauria), with special reference to hemipenis morphology. Bonner zool. Monogr. 22: 1-64. - get paper here
  • Klaver, Ch. J.J. & Böhme,W. 1997. Chamaeleonidae. Das Tierreich, 112: XIV, 1-85
  • Lutzmann, N. & Esser, S. 2009. Haltung und Nachzucht des Warzenchamäleons, Furcifer verrucosus verrucosus (CUVIER, 1829). Sauria 31 (3): 17-23 - get paper here
  • Nečas, Petr 1999. Chameleons - Nature's Hidden Jewels. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt; 348 pp.; ISBN 3-930612-04-6 (Europe)<br>ISBN 1-57524-137-4 (USA, Canada)
  • RAXWORTHY, C.J.; ENRIQUE MARTINEZ-MEYER; NED HORNING; RONALD A. NUSSBAUM; GREGORY E. SCHNEIDER; MIGUEL A. ORTEGA-HUERTA & A. TOWNSEND PETERSON 2003. Predicting distributions of known and unknown reptile species in Madagascar. Nature 426: 837 - 841 - get paper here
  • Schmidt, W.; Tamm, K. & Wallikewitz, E. 2010. Chamäleons - Drachen unserer Zeit. Natur und Tier Verlag, 328 pp. [review in Reptilia 101: 64, 2013] - get paper here
  • SCHNEIDER, V.& N. LUTZMANN 2002. Das Warzenchamäleon Furcifer verrucosus, seine Haltung und Zucht. CHAMAELEO 12(2): 21-22. - get paper here
  • Van Beest, Piet 2004. Herpetologische waarnemingen op Madagascar - deel 2: Fianarantsoa en verder naar het zuiden. Lacerta 62 (3): 92-103 - get paper here
  • van Hoof, J. et al. 2006. Kameleons, een fascinerende hobby. Lacerta 64 (5-6): 1-96 - get paper here
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