Gehyra einasleighensis BOURKE, PRATT, VANDERDUYS & MORITZ, 2017
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Higher Taxa | Gekkonidae, Gekkota, Sauria, Squamata (lizards: geckos) |
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Common Names | E: Einasleigh rock dtella |
Synonym | Gehyra einasleighensis BOURKE, PRATT, VANDERDUYS & MORITZ 2017 |
Distribution | Australia (Queensland) Type locality: Cobbold Gorge camp (18.79611°S; 143.42386°E). |
Reproduction | oviparous. Like all Gehyra in the variegata-punctata species-group, this species lays a single egg. Some females were gravid in November in spring at the end of the dry season. |
Types | Holotype: QM J94587 (field number CCM0092) (male), collected on 18 April 2013, by C. Moritz, E. Vanderduys and R. Agudo. Paratypes. Australia: Queensland: QM J94588 (field number CCM0105) (female), Whitewater Station, Undara (18.14897°S; 144.57213°E), QM J94589 (field number CCM5118) (male), 9 km west of Georgetown (18.28926°S; 143.46529°E), QM J94591 (field number CCM5128) (male), East of Croydon (18.23171°S; 142.4129°E), QM J94595 (field number CCM5186) (female), 34 km E of Georgetown (18.27407°S; 143.83688°E), QM J94597 (field number CCM5196) (male), north of Forsayth (18.5667°S; 143.56871°E), QM J94598 (field number CCM5213) (male), 6.6 km SE of Petford (17.37989°S; 144.96419°E). |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis: Digits broadly expanded basally and subdigital lamellae present on all digits of manus and pes. Digit I of manus and pes clawless, penultimate phalanx of digits II–V free from scansorial pad. Differs from non- Australian Gehyra by the combination of: absence of webbing between third and fourth toes, absence of a skin fold along the posterior hindlimb and very small adult size (SVL < 41 mm). Differs from all other Australian Gehyra by the combination of small body size (SVL < 41 mm), small number (≤ 6) of divided subdigital lamellae, postmentals contacting both first and part of second infralabials, one pair of outer chin shields, supranasal scales in broad contact, usually no internasal scale, and mid tan to golden dorsal background colour with pattern consisting of scattered pale ocelli and irregular dark-brown blotches on stippled background. |
Comment | Habitat. This species is associated with small boulders and rock rubble. Individuals were collected from rocky habitats east of the Gulf Plains region (Figs. 1 and 7), where the flat treeless landscape changes to rolling stony hills, with areas of more complex sandstone. This species is not generally seen on larger vertical rock faces that may be occupied by larger-bodied gecko species such as Oedura coggeri Bustard 1966 and Gehyra dubia Macleay, 1877 in this region. Behavior: This species is often seen active on and around rocks at night, and can also be found sheltering beneath loose rocks during the day. Reference images: see Uetz et al. 2024 for high-resolution reference images for this species. |
Etymology | This species is named for the Einasleigh Uplands bioregion in which it occurs. |
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