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Heterodon platirhinos LATREILLE, 1801

IUCN Red List - Heterodon platirhinos - Least Concern, LC

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Higher TaxaColubridae (Dipsadinae), Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
Common NamesE: Eastern Hognose Snake
G: Östliche Hakennatter, Hakennasennatter 
SynonymHeterodon platirhinos LATREILLE in SONNINI & LATREILLE 1801: 32
Coluber heterodon DAUDIN 1803
Scytale niger DAUDIN 1803: 342
Heterodon niger — TROOST 1836: 186
Heterodon annulatus — TROOST 1836: 188
Heterodon tigrinus — TROOST 1836: 189
Heterodon cognatus BAIRD & GIRARD 1853: 54
Heterodon platyrhinos — BAIRD & GIRARD 1853
Heterodon atmodes BAIRD & GIRARD 1853: 57
Heterodon platyrhinus [sic] — DUMÉRIL, BIBRON & DUMÉRIL 1854: 766
Heterodon niger — DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1854: 769 (fide WALLACH)
Heterodon platyrhinus — GARMAN 1884: 75
Heterodon platyrhinus var. niger — GARMAN 1884: 75
Heterodon platirhinus — COPE 1900: 761
Heterodon browni STEJNEGER 1903
Heterodon plathyrrinus — FALK 1925 (in error)
Heterodon contortrix LINNÉ — ALLEN 1932
Heterodon contortrix LINNÉ — BURT 1935
Heterodon contortrix — GRANT 1937
Heterodon contortrix browni — CARR 1940
Heterodon platirhinos — MEHRTENS 1987: 189
Heterodon platirhinos — CONANT & COLLINS 1991: 175
Heterodon platirhinos — CROTHER 2000: 62
Heterodon platyrhinos — PURSER 2003
Heterodon platirhinos — ERNST & ERNST 2003: 146
Heterodon platyrhinos — ZAPPLORTI 2012
Heterodon platirhinos — WALLACH et al. 2014: 329 
DistributionSE Canada (Ontario),
USA (Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Iowa, West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, SE New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, E Nebraska, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, SE South Dakota)

Type locality: "dans les environs de Philadelphie."  
TypesType: nondesignated, present location unknown (? MNHN). Unknown fide Platt, 1981: 282.1 (fide V. Wallach, pers. comm.)
Holotype: USNM 32089 [Heterodon browni]
Holotype: USNM 1158 [Heterodon atmodes] 
DiagnosisAdditional details, e.g. a detailed description or comparisons (2541 characters), are available for collaborators and contributors. Please contact us for details. 
CommentOriginally described by LINNAEUS 1766 as Coluber simus, but this name was later mistakenly associated with the southern hognose snake. The ICZN suspended the law of priority in this case because of the long history of usage (Platt 1985). “platirhinos” LATREILLE, 1801 was adopted as the next oldest name.

Type species: Heterodon platirhinos LATREILLE 1801: 32 is the type species of the genus Heterodon LATREILLE 1801. 
EtymologyNamed after Greek "platy" = broad, flat, and "rhinos" = nose, referring to the relatively flat, enlarged rostral scale. 
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  • Akresh, Michael E.; David I. King, Brad C. Timm, and Robert T. Brooks 2017. Fuels Management and Habitat Restoration Activities Benefit Eastern Hognose Snakes (Heterodon platirhinos) in a Disturbance-Dependent Ecosystem. Journal of Herpetology 51 (4): 468-476 - get paper here
  • Allen, Morrow J. 1932. A survey of the Amphibians and reptiles of Harrison County, Mississippi. American Museum Novitates (542): 1-20 - get paper here
  • Amanda T. J. Xuereb, James D. Austin, Stephen C. Lougheed 2014. New microsatellite loci for the threatened eastern hog-nosed snake (Heterodon platirhinos) in Ontario, Canada. Conservation Genetics Resources 6 (1): 69-71 - get paper here
  • Amos, William H 1965. The living sand. National Geographic 127(6):820-833
  • Axtell, Ralph W. 1983. Range portrayal and reality: Heterodon platirhinos distribution on the high plains of Texas and Oklahoma. Journal of Herpetology 17 (2): 191-193 - get paper here
  • Baird, S. F. and C. Girard. 1853. Catalogue of North American Reptiles in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. Part 1.-Serpents. Smithsonian Inst., Washington, xvi + 172 pp. - get paper here
  • Bakkegard, Kristin A. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Heterodon platirhinos (eastern hog-nosed snake). Herpetological Review 45 (1): 94 - get paper here
  • Beane, J C 2019. New geographic distribution records for reptiles from North Carolina, USA. Herpetological Review 50 (3): 538-542 - get paper here
  • Bell, Edwin L. 1993. Heterodon platirhinos (Eastern Hognose Snake). USA: Pennsylvania. Herpetological Review 24 (2): 67 - get paper here
  • Blem C R 1981. Heterodon platyrhinos Latreille. Eastern hognose snake. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles ( 282: 1-2 - get paper here
  • Buchanan, S. W., Timm, B. C., Cook, R. P. & Couse, R. 2012. Heterodon platirhinos (eastern hog-nosed snake) hibernacula site fidelity. Herpetological Review 43: 493-494 - get paper here
  • Buchanan, Scott W., Brad C. Timm, Robert P. Cook and Richard Couse. 2013. Heterodon platirhinos (eastern hog-nosed snake) reproduction. Herpetological Review 44 (4): 691-692 - get paper here
  • Buchanan, Scott W.; Brad C. Timm, Robert P. Cook, and Richard Couse, and Lisa C. Hazard 2016. Surface Activity and Body Temperature of Eastern Hognose Snakes (Heterodon platirhinos) at Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts USA. Journal of Herpetology 50 (1): 17-25. - get paper here
  • Burt, Charles E. 1933. A collection of amphibians and reptiles from southern Missouri. American Midland Naturalist 14 (2): 170-173 - get paper here
  • Burt, Charles E. 1935. Further records of the ecology and distribution of amphibians and reptiles in the middle west. American Midland Naturalist 16 (3): 311-336 - get paper here
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  • Carr, Archie Fairly 1940. A Contribution to the Herpetology of Florida. University of Florida Publication, Biological Science Series 3 (1): 1-118 - get paper here
  • Casper, Gary S.;Ames, Seth 1998. Geographic Distribution. Heterodon platirhinos. Herpetological Review 29 (1): 53 - get paper here
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  • Conolly, Jane W., Jeffrey C. Beane and J. Edward Corey, III. 2015. Heterodon platirhinos (eastern hog-nosed snake) predation. Herpetological Review 46 (3): 450-451 - get paper here
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  • Davis, D.R. 2018. Geographic Distribution: Heterodon platirhinos (Eastern Hog-nosed Snake). Herpetological Review 49 (1): 76. - get paper here
  • Dixon, James R. 2000. Amphibians and reptiles of Texas, second edition. Texas A&M University Press, 421 pp.
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  • Edgren, R.A. 1957. Melanism in Hog-Nosed Snakes Herpetologica 13 (2): 131-135. - get paper here
  • Edgren, R.A. 1961. A Simplified Method for Analysis of Clines; Geographic Variation in the Hognose Snake Heterodon platyrhinos Latreille. Copeia 1961 (2): 125-132 - get paper here
  • Edgren, Richard A. 1957. The status of Heterodon browni Stejneger. Copeia 1957 (4): 312-313 - get paper here
  • Enge, Kevin M. 2009. Venomous and non-venomous snakes of Florida. Publication of the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission. 16 pp.
  • Ernst, C.H. & Ernst, E.M. 2003. Snakes of the United States and Canada. Smithsonian Inst. Press, Washington, 668 pp.
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  • Eversole, C B; Koenig, A & Eversole, B A; 2019. Heterodon platirhinos (Eastern Hog-nosed Snake) Marine habitat use. Herpetological Review 50 (1): 157-158 - get paper here
  • Falk, K. 1925. Herpetologische Berichte aus Angola (Portugiesisch West-Afrika) [Herpetological reports from Angola (Portuguese West-Africa)] Blätter für Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde Stuttgart 36: 81
  • Felix, Zach I. 2013. Geographic Distribution: Heterodon platirhinos (eastern hognose snake). Herpetological Review 44 (2): 275 - get paper here
  • Filippi, F. de 1840. Catalogo Raggionato e Descrittivo ... Serpenti del Museo dell’ I. R. Universitá de Pavia. Bibliot. Ital. 99: 163-187, 306-343
  • Fogell, Daniel D. 2010. A FIELD GUIDE TO THE AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES OF NEBRASKA. University of Nebraska, vi + 158 pp. - get paper here
  • Forstner, Michael R. J. and James R. Dixon. 2010. Heterodon platirhinos: Oviposition. Herpetological Review 41 (3): 364-365 - get paper here
  • Garman, Samuel 1884. The reptiles and batrachians of North America. Mem. Mus. comp. Zool, Cambridge (Massachusetts), 8 (3): xxxiv + 185 pp. [1883] [CNAH reprint 10] - get paper here
  • Graham, Sean P. 2015. Geographic Distribution: Heterodon platirhinos (eastern hog-nosed snake). Herpetological Review 46 (4): 573 - get paper here
  • Grant, Chapman 1937. Herpetological notes from Central Kansas. American Midland Naturalist 18 (3): 370-372 - get paper here
  • Green, N.B., & Pauley, T.K. 1987. Amphibians and reptiles in West Virginia. Univ. of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, 241 pp.
  • Guyer, Craig; Mark A. Bailey, and Robert H. Mount 2018. Lizards and snakes of Alabama. University of Alabama Press, 397 pp. - get paper here
  • Hill, Robert L. 2011. Geographic Distribution: Heterodon platirhinos (eastern hog-nosed snake). Herpetological Review 42 (3): 394 - get paper here
  • Hnizdo, J. & N. Hagen 1996. Bemerkungen zur Herpetofauna der Südstaaten der USA. Sauria 18 (4): 3-10 - get paper here
  • Holt, B. D. and D. Whitehead 2016. Geographic Distribution: Heterodon platirhinos (Eastern Hog-nosed Snake). Herpetological Review 47(3): 426. - get paper here
  • Hopkins, Terry. 2014. Geographic Distribution: Heterodon platirhinos (eastern hog-nosed snake). Herpetological Review 45 (1): 94-95 - get paper here
  • Hudson, Bryan D., Zach I. Felix, Justin Oguni, Brad Wilson, Kira McEntire, Theresa Stratmann, Daniel D. Duff and Zack Seymour. 2015. New geographic distributional records of amphbians and reptiles in Georgia, USA. Herpetological Review 46 (4): 595-596 - get paper here
  • Irwin, Kelly J. 2004. Arkansas Snake Guide. Arkansas Game & Fish Commission, Little Rock, 50 pp.
  • Jensen, John B.; Carlos D. Camp, Whit Gibbons, & Matt J. Elliott 2008. Amphibians and reptiles of Georgia. University of Georgia Press, 575 pp.
  • Jones D, Foshee B, Fitzgerald L 2021. A herpetological survey of Edith L. Moore Nature Sanctuary. Check List 17(1): 27-38 - get paper here
  • Jones, L. 1976. Field Data on Heterodon p. platyrhinos in Prince George's county, Maryland Bull. Maryland Herpetol. Soc., 12(1): 29-32. - get paper here
  • Kapfer, Joshua M., Jeffrey M. Lorch, Erik R. Wild, Donald J. Brown, Lisa Mitchem, Nicholas Rudolph, Karl Rutzen and Richard C. Vogt. 2015. Distributional records for amphibians and reptiles from Wisconsin, USA. Herpetological Review 46 (4): 587-590 - get paper here
  • King, Richard B.; Oldham, Michael J.; Weller, Wayne F.; Wynn, Douglas. 1997. Historic and current amphibian and reptile distributions in the Island Region of Western Lake Erie. American Midland Naturalist 138(1):153-173 - get paper here
  • Kunz, K. 2010. Hooked on Hogs! Süchtig nach Hakennasennattern. Reptilia (Münster) 15 (81): 16-22 - get paper here
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  • Lattanzio, Matthew S. & Michael J. Buontempo 2021. Ecogeographic Divergence Linked to Dorsal Coloration in Eastern Hog-Nosed Snakes (Heterodon platirhinos). Herpetologica Jun 2021 Vol. 77, No. 2: 134-145 - get paper here
  • Lemos-Espinal, Julio A. (ed.) 2015. Amphibians and Reptiles of the US - Mexico Border States / Anfibios y Reptiles de los Estados de la Frontera México - Estados Unidos. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, Texas. x + 614 pp.; ISBN 978-1-62349-306-6. - get paper here
  • Linzey, D.W., & Clifford, M.J. 1981. Snakes of Virgina. Univ. Press of Virginia, Charlottesville 159 pp.
  • Lönnberg, Einar 1894. Notes on reptiles and batrachians collected in Florida in 1892 and 1893. Proc. US Natl. Mus. 17 (1003): 317-339 - get paper here
  • Lynch, J.D. 1985. Annotated checklist of the amphibians and reptiles of Nebraska. Nebraska Acad. of Sci., Lincoln, Trans. 13: 33-57.
  • Marcou, Zachary John 2018. Delineating Metrics of Diversity for a Snake Community in a Rare Ecosystem. MSc Thesis, Stephen F. Austin State University - get paper here
  • Mattison, Chris 2007. The New Encyclopedia of Snakes. Princeton University Press
  • Mays, Jonathan D. 2015. Geographic Distribution: Heterodon platirhinos (eastern hog-nosed snake). Herpetological Review 46 (3): 385 - get paper here
  • Mehrtens, J.M. 1987. Living snakes of the world in color. Sterling Publ. Co., hic., New York, NY: 480 pp.
  • Michener, Martin C.;Lazell, James D. 1989. Distribution and relative abundance of the hognose snake, Heterodon platirhinos, in Eastern New England. Journal of Herpetology 23 (1): 35-40 - get paper here
  • Mitchell, J.C. 1994. The reptiles of Virginia. Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, ca. 350 pp.
  • Mohammadi, S., McCoy, K. A., Hutchinson, D. A., Gauthier, D. T. and Savitzky, A. H. 2013. Independently evolved toad-eating snakes exhibit sexually dimorphic enlargement of adrenal glands. Journal of Zoology, 290: 237–245. doi: 10.1111/jzo.12038 - get paper here
  • Moore, Temple 2019. Heterodon platirhinos (Eastern Hognose Snake). Catesbeiana 39 (1): 32 - get paper here
  • Murrow, Daniel G. 2011. Heterodon platirhinos (Eastern Hognose Snake) Kansas. Journal of Kansas Herpetology (38): 7 - get paper here
  • Nemuras, K. & HARRIS, H.S. JR. 1966. Field Notes and a new County record. Bull. Maryland Herp. Soc. 2 (2): 5 - get paper here
  • Palmer, W.M. & Braswell, A.L. 1995. Reptiles of North Carolina. Univ. North Carolina Press
  • Petzing, John E.;Phillips, Christopher A. 1998. Geographic distribution. Heterodon platirhinos. Herpetological Review 29 (3): 177 - get paper here
  • Phillips, JG 2016. Updated Geographic Distributions of Michigan Herpetofauna: a Synthesis of Old and New Sources. The Journal of North American Herpetology 2016: 45–69 - get paper here
  • Pilliod, D., Jeffries, M., Arkle, R. and Olson, D. 2024. Climate Futures for Lizards and Snakes in Western North America May Result in New Species Management Issues. Ecol Evol, 14: e70379 - get paper here
  • Platt,D.W. 1985. History and spelling of the name Heterodon platirhinos. Journal of Herpetology 19 (2): 417-418 - get paper here
  • Plummer, M.V. & N.E. Mills 1996. Observations on Trailing and Mating Behaviors in Hognose Snakes (Heterodon platirhinos) Journal of Herpetology 30 (1): 80-82. - get paper here
  • Plummer, M.V. & N.E. Mills 2000. Spatial Ecology and Survivorship of Resident and Translocated Hognose Snakes (Heterodon platirhinos) Journal of Herpetology 34 (4): 565-575. - get paper here
  • Plummer, Michael V. 2000. Ecological aspects of shedding in free-ranging hognose snakes (Heterodon platirhinos). Herpetological Natural History 7(1): 91-94. - get paper here
  • Plummer, Michael V. and Nathan E. Mills 2010. Body Temperature Variation in Free-Ranging Hognose Snakes (Heterodon platirhinos). Journal of Herpetology 44 (3): 471–474 - get paper here
  • Purser, P.A. 2003. The American Puff Adder: a look at the eastern Hognose Snake. Reptilia (GB) (26): 43-47 - get paper here
  • Pyron, R.Alexander; Frank T. Burbrink 2009. Neogene diversification and taxonomic stability in the snake tribe Lampropeltini (Serpentes: Colubridae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 52 (2): 524-529 - get paper here
  • Rainwater, T R; Boylan, T; Pfeifer, A & Platt, S G; 2019. Heterodon platirhinos (Eastern Hog-nosed Snake) Behavior and habitat. Herpetological Review 50 (1): 158-159 - get paper here
  • RAY, J. D., AND M. G. SCHOENHALS 2020. Geographic Distribution: Heterodon platirhinos (Eastern Hog-Nosed Snake). USA: Texas: Carson Co. Herpetological Review 51: 545-546.
  • Reid, B.N. & Riddle, P.C. 2017. Geographic Distribution: Heterodon platirhinos (Eastern Hog-nosed Snake). Herpetological Review 48 (4): 814 - get paper here
  • Robertson, Mark B. and Kevin M. Enge. 2013. Heterodon platirhinos (eastern hog-nosed snake) diet. Herpetological Review 44 (4): 691 - get paper here
  • Robson, Laura E. and Gabriel Blouin-Demers 2013. Eastern Hognose Snakes (Heterodon platirhinos) Avoid Crossing Paved Roads, but Not Unpaved Roads. Copeia Sep 2013, Vol. 2013, No. 3: 507-511. - get paper here
  • Rouse, Jeremy D.; Robert J. Willson, Ron Black, and Ronald J. Brooks 2011. Movement and Spatial Dispersion of Sistrurus catenatus and Heterodon platirhinos: Implications for Interactions with Roads. Copeia 2011 (3): 443-456. - get paper here
  • Saul, David 1968. An Unusual Hognose Snake from Blount Island, Duvual County, Florida. Bull. Maryland Herp. Soc. 4 (1): 21 - get paper here
  • Scott, D. 1986. Notes on the eastern hognose snake, Heterodon platyrhinos Latreille (Squamata: Colubridae), on a Virginia Barrier Island. Brimleyana 12: 51-55 - get paper here
  • SMITH, DUSTIN C.; R. GRAHAM REYNOLDS; KATHERINE L. HAGEN 2021. Snakes on a Path: Ecology of a North Carolina Piedmont Snake Community. Herpetological Review 52 (3): 473–481
  • Smith, Hobart M.;Leonard, Arthur B. 1934. Distributional records of reptiles and amphibians in Oklahoma. American Midland Naturalist 15: 190-196 - get paper here
  • Spinner, L. 2010. Entfesselter Osten! Die Östliche Hakennasennatter, Heterodon platirhinos. Reptilia (Münster) 15 (81): 28-36 - get paper here
  • Spinner, Leo 2017. Auf Schlangensuche in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Terraria-Elaphe 2017 (1): 14-24 - get paper here
  • Steen, D. A., Geoffrey G. Sorrel, Nathan J. Paris, Kyle J. Paris, David D. Simpson and Lora J. Smith. 2010. Heterodon platirhinos: Predator/Prey Mass Ratio. Herpetological Review 41 (3): 365 - get paper here
  • Stejneger, L. 1903. A new hognose snake from Florida. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 21:123-124 - get paper here
  • Stovall, Randall H. and J. P. Kennedy 1979. Pupillary Responses in Certain Snakes (Colubridae). The Southwestern Naturalist 24 (4): 701-703 - get paper here
  • Tennant, A. 2003. Snakes of North America - Eastern and Central Regions, revised edition. Lone Star Books, 605 pp.
  • Tennant, A. & Bartlett, R.D. 2000. Snakes of North America - Eastern and Central Regions. Gulf Publishing, Houston, TX, 588 pp.
  • Terrell, Vanessa C., Jaimie L. Klemish, Nathan J. Engbecht, John A. May, Peter J. Lannoo, Rochelle M. Stiles, and Michael J. Lannoo. 2014. Amphibian and reptile colonization of reclaimed coal spoil grasslands. The Journal of North American Herpetology 2014(1):59-68 - get paper here
  • Thawley, Christopher J., Gail L. McCormick and Sean P. Graham. 2013. Geographic Distribution: Heterodon platirhinos (eastern hog-nosed snake). Herpetological Review 44 (3): 476 - get paper here
  • Troost, G. 1836. On a new genus of serpents, and two new species of the genus Heterodon, inhabiting Tennessee. Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. New York 3, p. 174-190 - get paper here
  • VanDeWalle, Terry 2022. The Natural History of the Snakes and Lizards of Iowa. University of Iowa Press, Iowa City, Iowa, 384 pp. ISBN: 978-1- 609388-37-9. [review in HR 54 (1): 151] - get paper here
  • Vanek, J. P. and Burke, R. L. 2020. Insular dwarfism in female Eastern hog-nosed snakes (Dipsadidae; Heterodon platirhinos) on a barrier island. Canadian Journal of Zoology 98: 157-164. - get paper here
  • Vanek, John P. 2016. Heterodon platirhinos (Eastern Hog-nosed Snake) Reproduction / Minimum size at sexual maturity. Herpetological Review 47 (4): 683-684 - get paper here
  • Vanek, John P. and Dennis K. Wasko 2017. Spatial Ecology of the Eastern Hog-nosed Snake (Heterodon platirhinos) at the Northeastern Limit of its Range. Herp. Cons. Biol. 12 (1): - get paper here
  • Vanek, John, Rebecca Mullins and Dennis Wasko. 2014. Heterodon platyrhinos (eastern hog-nosed snake) reproduction/nest site fidelity. Herpetological Review 45 (4): 710-711 - get paper here
  • Wallach, Van; Kenneth L. Williams , Jeff Boundy 2014. Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species. [type catalogue] Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, 1237 pp.
  • Walley, Harlan D. 1993. Heterodon platirhinos (eastern hognose snake). USA: Illinois. Herpetological Review 24 (3): 109 - get paper here
  • Watanabe, Akinobu; Anne-Claire Fabre, Ryan N. Felice, Jessica A. Maisano, Johannes Müller, Anthony Herrel, Anjali Goswami 2019. Ecomorphological diversification in squamates from conserved pattern of cranial integration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Jul 2019, 116 (29) 14688-14697; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1820967116 - get paper here
  • Weinstein, Scott A. 2017. Non-Front-Fanged Colubroid Snakes. In: J. Brent et al. (eds.), Critical Care Toxicology. Springer Verlag, pp. 2453-2492 - get paper here
  • Werler, John E. & James R. Dixon 2000. Texas Snakes. University of Texas Press, 544 pages
  • Willimon, Kirie;Collins, Joseph T. 1996. Geographic Distribution. Heterodon platirhinos. Herpetological Review 27 (2): 88 - get paper here
  • Zappalorti, R.T. 2012. Into the barrens. HerpNation 2.5 (8): 26-38 - get paper here
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