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Leptodeira nigrofasciata GÜNTHER, 1868

IUCN Red List - Leptodeira nigrofasciata - Least Concern, LC

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Higher TaxaColubridae (Dipsadinae), Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
Common NamesE: Black-banded Cat-eyed Snake
S: Escombrera Añillada 
SynonymLeptodeira nigrofasciata GÜNTHER 1868: 425
Leptodira mystacina COPE 1870: 151
Leptodira nigrofasciata — BOULENGER 1896
Leptodeira nigrofasciata — DUELLMAN 1958: 87
Leptodeira nigrofasciata — PETERS & OREJAS-MIRANDA 1970: 154
Leptodeira nigrofasciata — LINER 1994
Leptodeira nigrofasciata — LINER 2007
Leptodeira nigrofasciata — WALLACH et al. 2014
Leptodeira nigrofasciata — BARRIO-AMORÓS 2019
Leptodeira nigrofasciata — MARTÍNEZ-FONSECA et al. 2024 
DistributionMexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Guerrero), Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica

Type locality: Nicaragua.  
TypesHolotype: BMNH 1946.1.8.37
Syntypes: USNM 30339-30340 [mystacina] 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Leptodeira nigrofasciata can be distinguished from all other Honduran snakes, except Scaphiodontophis annulatus, S. venustissimus, and Oxyrhopus petola, in having smooth dorsal scales that are usually in 19-19-17 rows on the body (occasionally 17-17-15) and a banded dorsal pattern. Scaphiodontophis annulatus and S. venustissimus have red in the dorsal pattern (at least anteriorly in the former) and a long, thick, and fragile tail with more than 90 subcaudals when complete (versus no red in dorsal pattern and a gradu­ ally tapering tail with fewer than 80 subcaudals in L. nigrofasciata). Oxyrhopus petola has an entire cloacal scute and red in the body pattern (versus cloacal scute divided and dorsal body pattern black and grayish white or yellow in L. nigrofasciata) (McCranie 2011: 322). 
CommentDescription: black body with with yellow stripes which may extend dorsally only on one side, particularly in the latter two thirds of the body.

Distribution: not in Panama fide S. Lotzkat (pers. comm. 23 Dec 2015).

Envenomation: usually not dangerous, but one case of edema across the whole hand of a woman was reported after she was bitten in her hand (Ferreira-Cunha et al. 2024). 
EtymologyThe specific name nigrofasciata is formed from the Latin niger (black) and fasciatus (enveloped with bands), in reference to the dark bands on the dorsum of this snake (McCranie 2011: 322). 
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  • Barrio-Amorós, César L. 2019. On the taxonomy of snakes in the genus Leptodeira, with an emphasis on Costa Rican species. IRCF 26 (1): 1–15 - get paper here
  • Casas-Andreu, G., F.R. Méndez-De la Cruz and X. Aguilar-Miguel. 2004. Anfibios y Reptiles; pp. 375–390, in A.J.M. García-Mendoza, J. Ordoñez and M. Briones-Salas (ed.). Biodiversidad de Oaxaca. Instituto de Biología, UNAM-Fondo Oaxaqueño para la Conservación de la Naturaleza-World Wildlife Fund, México, D. F.
  • Cope, E.D. 1870. Seventh contribution to the herpetology of tropical America. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. 11: 147-169 [1869] - get paper here
  • Duellman, W.E. 1958. A monographic study of the colubrid snake genus Leptodeira. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 114 (1): 1-152 - get paper here
  • ELDEN, JUSTIN; SAUNDERS S. DRUKKER, ANDRES NOVALES-AGUIRREZABAL, DANE CONLEY & MYLES MASTERSON. 2021. LEPTODEIRA NIGROFASCIATA (Black-banded Cat-eyed Snake). DIET. Herpetological Review 52 (2): 426. - get paper here
  • Ferreira-Cunha, L., Fiszer, M., Periard Junior, W., & Pinna, P. H. 2024. First case of envenomation in humans caused by the banded cat-eyed snake Leptodeira annulata (Linnaeus, 1758)(Squamata: Dipsadidae) in Brazil. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, 57, e00803-2024 - get paper here
  • Golder, F. 1984. Haltung und Zucht von Leptodeira nigrofasciata GÜNTHER, 1868 (Serpentes: Colubridae). Salamandra 20 (1): 3-10 - get paper here
  • Golder, F. 1987. Haltung und Zucht von Leptodeira nigrofasciata. Litteratura Serpentium 7 (2): 94 - get paper here
  • Günther, A. 1868. Sixth account of new species of snakes in the collection of the British Museum. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (4) 1: 413-429 - get paper here
  • Heimes, P. 2016. Snakes of Mexico. Chimaira, Frankfurt, 572 pp
  • Hidalgo, H. N. 1980. Enyaliosaurus quinquecarinatus (Gray) and Leptodeira nigrofasciata Günther in El Salvador. Herpetological Review 11: 42-43 - get paper here
  • Jansen, M. & G. Koehler 2002. Biogeographische Analyse der Herpetofauna von ausgewählten Hochlandgebieten Nicaraguas. Salamandra 38 (4): 269-286 - get paper here
  • Johnson, Jerry D.; Vicente Mata-Silva, Elí García Padilla, and Larry David Wilson 2015. The Herpetofauna of Chiapas, Mexico: composition, distribution, and conservation. Mesoamerican Herpetology 2 (3): 272–329. - get paper here
  • Köhler, G. 2008. Reptiles of Central America. 2nd Ed. Herpeton-Verlag, 400 pp.
  • Lillywhite, Harvey B. 2014. How Snakes Work: Structure, Function and Behavior of the World's Snakes. Oxford University Press, New York, 256 pp
  • Liner, Ernest A. 2007. A CHECKLIST OF THE AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES OF MEXICO. Louisiana State University Occasional Papers of the Museum of Natural Science 80: 1-60 - get paper here
  • Martínez-Fonseca JG, Holmes IA, Sunyer J, Westeen EP, Grundler MR, Cerda PA, Fernández-Mena MA, Loza-Molina JC, Monagan IV Jr., Nondorf D, Pandelis GG, Rabosky ARD 2023. A collection and analysis of amphibians and reptiles from Nicaragua with new country and departmental records. Check List 20(1): 58-125 - get paper here
  • Mata-Silva, V., D. L. DeSantis, E. García-Padilla, A. Rocha, L. D. Wilson and A. Ramírez-Bautista. 2017. Leptodeira nigrofasciata Günther, 1868. Mexico, Oaxaca. Mesoamerican Herpetology 4(2): 471–472 - get paper here
  • Mata-Silva, Vicente, Jerry D. Johnson, Larry David Wilson and Elí García-Padilla. 2015. The herpetofauna of Oaxaca, Mexico: composition, physiographic distribution, and conservation status. Mesoamerican Herpetology 2 (1): 6–62 - get paper here
  • McCranie J R 2011. The snakes of Honduras. SSAR, Salt Lake City, 725 pp.
  • McCranie, James R. 2015. A checklist of the amphibians and reptiles of Honduras, with additions, comments on taxonomy, some recent taxonomic decisions, and areas of further studies needed. Zootaxa 3931 (3): 352–386 - get paper here
  • Mora, José Manuel; Jasdiel Ramírez-Alvarado, Jorge Alpízar-Rodríguez, Andy Rodríguez-Picado, Steven Gallo-Gutiérrez, and Luis José Alfaro-Rodríguez 2020. Predation by a Black-banded Cat-eyed Snake, Leptodeira nigrofasciata Günther 1868 (Squamata: Dipsadidae) on a Yellow-bellied Gecko, Phyllodactylus tuberculosus Wiegmann 1834 (Squamata: Phyllodactylidae) in northwestern Costa Rica. IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 27 (1): 96–97 - get paper here
  • Mulcahy, D.G. 2007. Molecular systematics of neotropical cat-eyed snakes: a test of the monophyly of Leptodeirini (Colubridae: Dipsadinae) with implications for character evolution and biogeography. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 92: 483–500 - get paper here
  • Palacios-Aguilar, Ricardo & OSCAR FLORES-VILLELA 2018. An updated checklist of the herpetofauna from Guerrero, Mexico. Zootaxa 4422 (1): 1-24 - get paper here
  • Peters, James A.; Donoso-Barros, Roberto & Orejas-Miranda, Braulio 1970. Catalogue of the Neotropical Squamata: Part I Snakes. Bull. US Natl. Mus. 297: 347 pp. - get paper here
  • Porras, L.W. 2006. Die Schlangen des costa-ricanischen Trockenwaldes. Reptilia (Münster) 11 (61): 32-37 - get paper here
  • Porras, L.W. & Solórzano, A. 2006. Costa Rica’s venomous snakes. Reptilia (GB) (48): 11-17 - get paper here
  • Savage, J.M. 2002. The Amphibians and Reptiles of Costa Rica: A Herpetofauna Between Two Continents, Between Two Seas. University of Chicago Press, 934 pp. [review in Copeia 2003 (1): 205]
  • Solís, J. M., L. D. Wilson, and J. H. Townsend. 2014. An updated list of the amphibians and reptiles of Honduras, with comments on their nomenclature. Mesoamerican Herpetology 1: 123–144 - get paper here
  • Solorzano, A. 2004. Serpientes de Costa Rica - Snakes of Costa Rica. Editorial INBio, Costa Rica, 792 pp.
  • Sunyer, Javier 2014. An updated checklist of the amphibians and reptiles of Nicaragua. Mesoamerican Herpetology 1 (2): 186–202. - get paper here
  • Sunyer, Javier & José́ Gabriel Martínez-Fonseca 2023. An updated country checklist to the amphibians and reptiles of Nicaragua. REVISTA NICARAGÜENSE DE BIODIVERSIDAD (100): 1-25 - get paper here
  • TABUG, MICHAEL A. & LEVY V. NECESITO. 2021. LEPTODEIRA NIGROFASCIATA (Black-banded Cat-eyed Snake). DIET. Herpetological Review 52 (2): 426–427. - get paper here
  • Téllez-Escalante, Ana Paulina, Ricardo Palacios-Aguilar and Louis W. Porras. 2016. Leptodeira nigrofasciata Günther, 1868. Mesoamerican Herpetology 3 (2): 516-517 - get paper here
  • Vences M., Franzen M., Flaschendräger A., Schmitt R. & Regös J. 1998. Beobachtungen zur Herpetofauna von Nicaragua: kommentierte Artenliste der Reptilien. Salamandra 34 (1): 17-42 - get paper here
  • Wallach, Van; Kenneth L. Williams , Jeff Boundy 2014. Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species. [type catalogue] Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, 1237 pp.
  • Wilson, L. D., & MEYER, J. R. 1985. The Snakes of Honduras. 2d ed. Milwaukee Publ. Mus. Contrib. Biol. & Geol. No. 6, 150 pp. - get paper here
  • Wilson, L.D., McCranie, J.R. & Porras, L. 1979. New departmental records of amphibians and reptiles from Honduras. Herpetological Review 10 (1): 25 - get paper here
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