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Liolaemus victormoralesii »

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Higher TaxaLiolaemidae, Iguania, Sauria, Squamata (lizards)
Common Names 
Liolaemus “Abra Toccto” — AGUILAR et al. 2016
Liolaemus “Abra Toccto” — AGUILAR-PUNTRIANO et al. 2018 
DistributionPerú (Ayacucho)

Type locality: Abra Toccto, Huamanga Province, Ayacucho Department, Perú, 13.346 S, 74.184 W, elevation 4222 m.  
TypesHolotype. MUSM 31461: adult male collected on 01 June 2012 by César Aguilar, Víctor J. Vargas, Frank Huari and Elver Coronado.
Paratypes. MUSM 31371–31372, 31460: three adult males collected at Abra Toccto, Huamanga Province, Ayacucho Department, Perú, 13.298 S, 74.091 W, elevation 4193–4215 m on 3 December 2012 by Alfredo Guzmán and Víctor J. Vargas; MUSM 31460, 31468: two adult females, same data as holotype; MUSM 31463: juvenile collected at Abra Toccto, Huamanga Province, Ayacucho Department, Perú, 13.35 S, 74.187 W, elevation 4182m, on 04 June 2012 by César Aguilar, Víctor J. Vargas, Frank Huari and Elver Coronado. MUSM 25700, adult male collected at Chiara, Huamanga Province, Ayacucho Department, Perú, 13.341 S, 74.216 W, elevation 4145m, on 30 November 2006 by Margarita Medina. 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Liolaemus victormoralesii is identified as a member of the L. montanus group by the absence of a patch of enlarged scales on posterior thighs. Liolaemus victormoralesii forms a clade with L. evaristoi, L. melanogaster, L. polystictus, L. robustus and L. williamsi. It di
ers from closely related L. evaristoi by lacking blue scales on the dorsum and flanks, having a larger size (maximum SVL 88.9 mm in L. victormoralesii and 70.1 mm in L. evaristoi) and by lacking vestigial precloacal pores in females. Liolaemus victormoralesii di
ers from L. melanogaster by lacking black belly scales (gray scales in adult L. victormoralesii). Adult females of L. victormoralesii di
er from L. polystictus and L. williamsi females by having a darker dorsal background coloration and few large contrasting marks dorsally (L. polystictus and L. williamsi have a lighter dorsal background coloration and large number of small contrasting marks dorsally). Liolaemus victormoralesii further di
ers from L. williamsi by having a larger size (maximum SVL 74.9 mm in L. williamsi) and by lacking vestigial precloacal pores in females. Liolaemus victormoralesii di
ers from L. robustus by lacking dorsal yellow greenish scales. Adult males of Liolaemus victormoralesii di
ers from L. etheridgei by lacking light blue dorsolateral scales, from L. annectens by having a darker dorsum, and from L. signifer by lacking bright yellow and fewer maximum number of dorsal scales (57 vs. 129). Liolaemus victormoralesii di
ers from L. ortizi and L. thomasi by lacking strongly keeled and by having smaller dorsal scales. Liolaemus victormoralesii di
ers from L. aymararum by having more scales around midbody (51–64 vs. 48–52) and smaller dorsal scales. It di
ers from L. nazca sp. nov. by lacking emerald green spots surrounded by black and yellow scales laterally on body. It di
ers from L. chiribaya and L. poconchilensis by lacking a “phrynosauroid” head, and from L. poconchilensis by lacking well-developed ciliary scales (serrate “combs”) surrounding the eyes. It differs from L. insolitus by lacking dorsal and lateral blue spots. L. victormoralesii further differs from L. insolitus and L. poconchilensis by lacking dorsal smooth scales. Liolaemus victormoralesii also differs from L. chiribaya sp. nov., L. etheridgei, L. nazca sp. nov., L. ortizii and L. poconchilensis in having a larger SVL (88.9 mm versus 56–77 mm). Liolaemus victormoralesii females also differs from L. annectens, L. aymararum, L. chiribaya, L. etheridgei, L. insolitus and L. nazca sp. nov by lacking vestigial precloacal pores. 
CommentSympatry: Liolaemus wari, Tachymenis peruviana.

Diet: Araneae, Acari, Collembola, Scorpiones, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera, Orthoptera, Lepidoptera, insect larvae and pupae, and vegetal matter. 
EtymologyThe specific term victormoralesii is a noun in apposition and is given to honor our friend and colleague Víctor Morales for his contributions to herpetology. Víctor Morales passed away in December 2015. 
  • Aguilar, Cesar; Perry L. Wood Jr, Mark C. Belk, Mike H. Duff and Jack W. Sites Jr 2016. Different roads lead to Rome: Integrative taxonomic approaches lead to the discovery of two new lizard lineages in the Liolaemus montanus group (Squamata: Liolaemidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, DOI: 10.1111/bij.12890 - get paper here
  • Aguilar-Puntriano, C.; Avila, L.J.; De la Riva, I.; Johnson, L.; Morando, M.; Troncoso-Palacios, J.; Wood, P.L., Jr.; Sites, J.W., Jr. 2018. The shadow of the past: Convergence of young and old South American desert lizards as measured by head shape traits. Ecol. Evol. 8: 11399–11409 - get paper here
  • Aguilar-Puntriano, César, César Ramírez , Ernesto Castillo, Alejandro Mendoza, Victor J. Vargas and Jack W. Sites, Jr. 2019. Three New Lizard Species of the Liolaemus montanus Group from Perú. Diversity 11(9): 161 - get paper here
  • Chaparro JC, Quiroz AJ, Mamani L, Gutiérrez RC, Condori P, De la Riva I, Herrera-Juárez G, Cerdeña J, Arapa LP, Abdala CS. 2020. An endemic new species of Andean lizard of the genus Liolaemus from southern Peru (Iguania: Liolaemidae) and its phylogenetic position. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 14(2) [General Section]: 47–63 (e238)
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