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Higher Taxa | Scincidae, Sphenomorphinae (Sphenomorphini), Scincoidea, Sauria, Squamata (lizards) |
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Synonym | Lipinia vassilievi POYARKOV, GEISSLER, GORIN, DUNAYEV, HARTMANN & SUWANNAPOOM 2019: 385 Lipinia vassilievi — NGUYEN et al. 2024 |
Distribution | Vietnam (Kon Tum Province) Type locality: montane forest in Chu Mom Ray NP, Kon Tum Province, Vietnam (N14.49583°, E107.71947°; 810 m a.s.l.) |
Reproduction | |
Types | Holotype: ZMMU R14604, adult male (Figure 15), collected by Dimitry F. Fedorenko and Anna B. Vassilieva on 30 March 2015. |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis: Small (SVL to 39.4 mm) species of Lipinia, differentiated from congeners by the following combination of external traits: external ear opening present; lower eyelid bearing large transparent spectacle; 30 midbody scale rows; 56 middorsal scales between parietals and point above vent; 15/14 subdigital lamellae under finger IV; 21/19 lamellae under toe IV; prefrontals in broad contact; seven supralabials, seven infralabials; broad middorsal light stripe from snout tip to tail base; two paravertebral dark stripes from supraoculars toward tail, continuing on anterior part of tail; two distinct dorsolateral light stripes; lateral dark stripe from temporals to groin dissolving into row of irregular black spots; one lateral light stripe, separated from belly by row of large black spots between ear opening and groin. |
Comment | |
Etymology | The name of the new species is a Latinized patronymic adjective in genitive plural, possessive form of the family name Vassiliev. This species is named in honor of Prof. Boris D. Vassiliev, a professor of herpetology from the Department of Vertebrate Zoology of Lomonosov Moscow State University for the last 50 years; he has nurtured and educated several generations of Russian herpetologists, including three co-authors of the present paper. In the last 30 years, he has participated in several expeditions to central and southern Vietnam. |
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