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Lycophidion laterale HALLOWELL, 1857

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Lycophidion laterale »

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Higher TaxaLamprophiidae, Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
Common NamesE: Flat Wolf Snake 
SynonymLycophidion laterale HALLOWELL 1857: 58
Lycophidium laterale — BOULENGER 1893: 338
Lycophidium polylepis BOULENGER 1919: 21
Lycophidion laterale — SCHMIDT 1923: 67
Lycophidium laterale — WITTE 1933
Lycophidion laterale — GUIBÉ & ROUX-ESTÈVE 1972: 398
Lycophidion laterale — BROADLEY 1998
Lycophidion polylepis
Lycophidion laterale — CHIRIO & INEICH 2006
Lycophidion laterale — WALLACH et al. 2014: 409
Lycophidion laterale — SPAWLS et al. 2018: 398 
DistributionSenegal, Gambia, Guinea (Conakry), Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, Cameroon, W/C Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire), Congo (Brazzaville), Gabon (PAUWELS et al. 2002), Central African Republic, N Angola, W Uganda, Republic of South Sudan (RSS), Equatorial Guinea

Type locality: Gabon  
TypesHolotype: ANSP 10268 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Nostril pierced at the posterior edge of the nasal and bordered by a smaller postnasal which is in broad contact with the first supralabial. Dorsal scales with single apical pits in 15-15-15 rows; ventrals 144-165 in males, 150-174 in females; subcaudals 30-36 in males, 21-28 in females. Black, with a broad white band round the snout; each dorsal scale tipped with white and each ventral white bordered. Skull moderate with moderate parietal crests which are not confluent posteriorly (Broadley 1996: 11).

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CommentThys van den Audenaerde pointed out that L. polylepis was based on an aberrant L. laterale with 19 dorsal scale rows.

Distribution: Not reported from Benin according to ULLENBRUCH et al. 2010. Has been erroneously listed for Benin but has not been found there although it probably does occur there (Hughes 2013). For a map with localities in Equatorial Guinea see SÁNCHEZ-VIALAS et al. 2022. 
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  • Boulenger, G.A. 1893. Catalogue of the snakes in the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) I. London (Taylor & Francis), 448 pp. - get paper here
  • Boulenger,G.A. 1919. Batraciens et reptiles cecueillis par le Dr. C. Christy dans les districts de Stanleyville, Haut-Uelé et Ituri en 1912-1914. Rev. zool. afr., Bruxelles, 7 (1): 1-29
  • Broadley, D.G. 1996. A revision of the genus Lycophidion Fitzinger (Serpentes: Colubridae) in Africa south of the equator. Syntarsus 3: 1-33. - get paper here
  • Broadley, D.G. 1998. The reptilian fauna of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa). In: Schmidt, K.P. and Noble, G.K., Contributions to the Herpetology of the Belgian Congo... [reprint of the 1919 and 1923 papers]. SSAR Facsimile reprints in Herpetology, 780 pp.
  • Carlino, P. & Pauwels, O.S.G. 2015. An Updated Reptile List of Ivindo National Park, the Herpetofaunal Hotspot of Gabon. Bull. Chicago Herp. Soc. 50(3): 25-39 - get paper here
  • Chifundera, K. 1990. Snakes of Zaire and their bites. Afr. Stud. Monogr. (Kyoto) 10(3): 137-157.
  • Chippaux, Jean-Philippe & Kate Jackson 2019. Snakes of Central and Western Africa. Johns Hopkins University Press, 448 pp. [detaileld review in HR 51 (1): 161] - get paper here
  • Chirio, L. & Lebreton, M. 2007. Atlas des reptiles du Cameroun. MNHN, IRD, Paris 688 pp.
  • Chirio, Laurent and Ivan Ineich 2006. Biogeography of the reptiles of the Central African Republic. African Journal of Herpetology 55(1):23-59. - get paper here
  • Guibé, J. & ROUX-ESTÈVE, R. 1972. Les espèces ouest-Africains du genre Lycophidion (Serpentes, Colubridae), with the description of a new endemic species. Zoologische Mededelingen 47: 391-400 - get paper here
  • Hallowell,E. 1857. Notes of a collection of reptiles from the Gaboon country, West Africa, recently presented to the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, by Dr. Herny A. Ford. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 9: 48-72 - get paper here
  • Herrmann, H.W.; Böhme, W. & Herrmann, P. 2000. The ASLCO Cameroon herpetological expedition 1998: the sampling of a mountain rainforest. Bonner Zool. Monogr. 46: 95-104 - get paper here
  • Hughes, B. 2013. Snakes of Bénin, West Africa. Bull. Soc. Herp. France 144: 101-159
  • Marques, Mariana P.; Luis M. P. Ceríaco , David C. Blackburn , and Aaron M. Bauer 2018. Diversity and Distribution of the Amphibians and Terrestrial Reptiles of Angola -- Atlas of Historical and Bibliographic Records (1840–2017). Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. (Ser. 4) 65: 1-501 (Supplement II)
  • Pauwels, O.S.G. & Vande Weghe, J.P. 2008. Les reptiles du Gabon. Smithsonian Institution, Washington: 272 pp. - get paper here
  • Pauwels, O.S.G.; Kamdem Toham, A. & Chimsunchart, C. 2002. Recherches sur l’herpétofaune du Massif du Chaillu, Gabon. Bull. Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique (Biologie) 72: 47-57 - get paper here
  • SÁNCHEZ-VIALAS, A., CALVO-REVUELTA, M. & DE LA RIVA, I. 2022. Synopsis of the terrestrial Reptiles of Equatorial Guinea. Zootaxa 5202 (1): 1-197 - get paper here
  • Schmidt, K. P. 1923. Contributions to the herpetology of the Belgian Congo based on the collection of the American Museum Congo Expedition, 1909-1915. Part II. Snakes, with field notes by Herbert Lang and James P. Chapin. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. 49 (1): 1-146 - get paper here
  • Segniagbeto GLazcano. H., Trape J. F., David P., Ohler A., Dubois A. & Glitho I. A. 2011. The snake fauna of Togo: systematics, distribution and biogeography, with remarks on selected taxonomic problems. Zoosystema 33 (3): 325-360. DOI: 10.5252/z2011n3a4 - get paper here
  • Sinsin B, Bergmans W(eds) 1999. Rongeurs, ophidiens et relations avec l’environnement agricole du Bénin. Cotonou (Éd. Flamboyant), 199 pp.
  • Spawls, S.; Howell, K.; Drewes, R.C. & Ashe, J. 2002. A field guide to the reptiles of East Africa. Academic Press, 543 pp. [reviews in HR 34: 396 and Afr. J. Herp. 51; 147] - get paper here
  • Spawls, Steve; Kim Howell, Harald Hinkel, Michele Menegon 2018. Field Guide to East African Reptiles. Bloomsbury, 624 pp. - get paper here
  • Thys van den Audenaerde, D.F.E. 1965. Les serpents des environs de Leopoldville. Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr. (Brussels) 72 (3/4): 365-388
  • Trape, J.-F. 2023. Guide des serpents d’Afrique occidentale, centrale et d’Afrique du Nord. IRD Éditions, Marseille, 896 pp.
  • Trape, J.F. & R. ROUX-ESTÈVE 1995. Les serpents du Congo: liste commentée et clé de détermination. Journal of African Zoology 109 (1): 31-50
  • TRAPE, JEAN-FRANÇOIS & CELLOU BALDÉ 2014. A checklist of the snake fauna of Guinea, with taxonomic changes in the genera Philothamnus and Dipsadoboa (Colubridae) and a comparison with the snake fauna of some other West African countries. Zootaxa 3900 (3): 301–338 - get paper here
  • Wallach, Van; Kenneth L. Williams , Jeff Boundy 2014. Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species. [type catalogue] Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, 1237 pp.
  • Werner, F. 1899. Ueber Reptilien und Batrachier aus Togoland, Kamerun und Deutsch-Neu-Guinea grösstentheils aus dem k. Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 49: 132-157 - get paper here
  • Witte, G. F. de 1933. Reptiles récoltés au Conge Belge par le Dr. H. Schouteden et par M. G.-F. Witte. Ann. Mus. Conge belge Zool. Ser. 1 Tome III: 53-100.
  • Zassi-Boulou, Ange Ghislain; Joseph Goma Tchimbakala, Lise Bethy Mavoungou, and Kate Jackson 2020. A Survey of Snakes in the Patte d’Oie Forest Reserve (Brazzaville, Republic of Congo): an Urban Snake Community in Central Africa. Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 15 (1): - get paper here
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