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Lygodactylus ornatus PASTEUR, 1965

IUCN Red List - Lygodactylus ornatus - Endangered, EN

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Higher TaxaGekkonidae, Gekkota, Sauria, Squamata (lizards: geckos)
Common NamesE: Ornate Dwarf Gecko 
SynonymLygodactylus ornatus PASTEUR 1965
Lygodactylus ornatus — KLUGE 1993
Lygodactylus ornatus — GLAW & VENCES 1994: 284
Lygodactylus (Lygodactylus) ornatus — RÖSLER 2000: 94
Lygodactylus ornatus — PUENTE et al. 2009: 59
Lygodactylus ornatus — RÖLL et al. 2010 
DistributionMadagascar (Mount Mandritsara)

Type locality: Mont Mandritsara, N Madagascar  
TypesHolotype: MNHN-RA 1939.0048 
DiagnosisDiagnosis: Lygodactylus ornatus differs from all other Malagasy Lygodactylus by its transversally striped pattern on the throat (vs. no pattern, isolated or dense black spots, or longitudinal black lines in the other species). The species is further distinguished from species in the L. madagascariensis group by the semidivided mental and three postmentals (vs. undivided with two postmentals) and by the presence (vs. absence) of a claw on the first finger; from the species in the L. pictus group by having three postmental scales (vs. usually two); from the species in the L. mirabilis group by granular (vs. keeled or partially keeled) dorsal scales; and from the species in the L. verticillatus group by a non-whorled tail (vs. whorled). Further differences to unclassified species are as follows: L. ornatus differs from L. tolampyae by the indistinct (vs. broad and distinct) contact of the posterior part of the mental with first supralabial. (PUENTE et al. 2009) 
CommentHas been (erroneously ?) reported from Tanzania. PASTEUR’s paper was published only in 1965 although the journal was labeled “1964”.

Abundance: only known from the type locality (Meiri et al. 2017). 
Etymologyfrom Latin ornatus (ornamented), by implication referring to the pattern, ”7 lignes noires transversales, légèrement onduleuses. Deux paires de belles taches scapulaires à partie médiane noire et parties latérales blanches (une paire en avant du bras et l’autre en arrière)“ (according to the original description). 
  • Glaw ,F. & Vences, M. 1994. A Fieldguide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Madagascar. Vences & Glaw Verlag, Köln (ISBN 3-929449-01-3)
  • Krüger, Jens 2001. Die madagassischen Gekkoniden. Teil II: Die Geckos der Gattung Lygodactylus GRAY 1864 (Reptilia: Sauria: Gekkonidae). Gekkota 3: 3-28
  • Meiri, Shai; Aaron M. Bauer, Allen Allison, Fernando Castro-Herrera, Laurent Chirio, Guarino Colli, Indraneil Das, Tiffany M. Doan, Frank Glaw, Lee L. Grismer, Marinus Hoogmoed, Fred Kraus, Matthew LeBreton, Danny Meirte, Zoltán T. Nagy, Cristiano d 2017. Extinct, obscure or imaginary: the lizard species with the smallest ranges. Diversity and Distributions - get paper here
  • Pasteur, G. 1965. Notes préliminaires sur les lygodactyles (gekkonidés). IV. Diagnoses de quelques formes africaines et malgaches. Bulletin du Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 36: 311-314 [1964]
  • PUENTE, MARTA; FRANK GLAW, DAVID R. VIEITES & MIGUEL VENCES 2009. Review of the systematics, morphology and distribution of Malagasy dwarf geckos, genera Lygodactylus and Microscalabotes (Squamata: Gekkonidae). Zootaxa 2103: 1-76 - get paper here
  • Röll, Beate; Heike Pröhl, Klaus-Peter Hoffmann 2010. Multigene phylogenetic analysis of Lygodactylus dwarf geckos (Squamata: Gekkonidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 56 (1): 327-335 - get paper here
  • Rösler, H. 2000. Kommentierte Liste der rezent, subrezent und fossil bekannten Geckotaxa (Reptilia: Gekkonomorpha). Gekkota 2: 28-153
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