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Naja fuxi SHI, VOGEL, CHEN & DING, 2022

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Higher TaxaElapidae, Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes)
Common NamesE: Brown Banded Cobra
Chinese: 西南眼镜蛇 (Xī Nán Yˇan Jìng Shé) 
SynonymNaja fuxi SHI, VOGEL, CHEN & DING in SHI et al. 2022: 18
Naja naja kaouthia — ZHAO et al. 1998
Naja naja kaouthia — YANG & RAO 2008
Naja kaouthia — ZHAO 2003
Naja atra — LIN et al., 2012 (Clade C)
Naja kaouthia — HUANG 2021 
DistributionSW China at elevations between 1000–1400 m (SW Sichuan Province, probably W Guangxi, SW Guizhou), NE Myanmar, N Laos, N Thailand, NW Vietnam.

Type locality: Panzhihua, Sichuan, China.  
TypesHolotype: CIB DL2018053147, adult male.
Paratypes. (33 specimens) One adult female CIB DL2018081005 collected from Renhe District, Panzhihua, Sichuan Province, China (26.466293° N, 101.740758° E, 1248 m a.s.l.) on 10 August 2018, by Li Ding. One adult female CIB 101318; four adult males CIB 012303, CIB 012295, CIB 012288, CIB 012289; four juvenile females CIB 012290-012292, CIB 012294; and one juvenile male CIB 012293 were collected from Miyi Cunty, Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province in 1985. One adult male CIB 098874 and adult female CIB 098875 were collected from Longhua village, Caocang Town, Miyi Conty, Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province, China (26.5628° N, 102.0402° E, 1373 m a.s.l.) by Yueying Chen and Bo Cai on 19 December 2012. One unknown sex juvenile CIB DL0096 from Yanbian, Panzhihua, Sichuan, China. Six juveniles from Jiangcheng, Pu'er, Yunnan, China, including two females (CIB DL000070, CIB DL YNJC0068), three males (CIB DL000022, CIB DL000239, CIB DL000020) and one unknown sex (CIB DL R428). Two adults (male CIB 012296, female CIB 012297) and three female juveniles (CIB 012298-CIB 012300) from Lushui, Nujiang, Yunnan, China. Two adults from Yunnan, China (male CIB 012302, female CIB 012301) without accurate locality. One male juvenile KIZ 2020090301 from Menglian, Pu'er, Yunnan, China. One male juvenile KIZ 2020091201 from Ximeng, Pu’er, Yunnan, China. Three from Simao,20 of 31 Pu’er, Yunnan, China (male juvenile KIZ 20180801 and KIZ F20180066, male adult KIZ 090071). One male adult CIB 83796 from China without specific locality. 
DiagnosisAdditional details, e.g. a detailed description or comparisons (13857 characters), are available for collaborators and contributors. Please contact us for details. 
CommentDistribution: For a map see Shi et al. 2022: 3 (Fig. 1). 
EtymologyThe new species is named after Fuxi ( 伏羲), one of the human ancestors in Chinese mythologies, usually depicted in cultural relics as half‐man and half‐snake. The common postures of Fuxi resembles a cobra in reared status; this species is named for the impact that snake had in human culture. The specific nomen is a noun in apposition. 
  • Kwet, A. 2023. Liste der im Jahr 2022 neu beschriebenen Reptilien. Elaphe 2023 (3): 48-73
  • Ratnarathorn N, Nadolski B, Sumontha M, Hauser S, Suntrarachun S, Khunsap S, Laoungbua P, Radcliffe CA, Vasaruchapong T, Tawan T, Chanhome L 2023. An expanded description, natural history, and genetic variation of the recently described cobra species Naja fuxi Shi et al., 2022. Vertebrate Zoology 73: 257-276 - get paper here
  • Shi, S.‐C.; Vogel, G.; Ding, L.; Rao, D.‐Q.; Liu, S.; Zhang, L.; Wu, Z.‐J.; Chen, Z.‐N. 2022. Description of A New Cobra (Naja Laurenti, 1768; Squamata, Elapidae) from China with Designation of a Neotype for Naja atra. Animals 12, 3481
  • Wang, K., Yu, Z. B., Wu, Y. H., Hou, S. B., Gao, W., Duan, S. H., ... & Che, J. 2024. Herpetofauna diversity of the Gaoligong Mountain in China: Checklist, zoogeography, and conservation. Zoological Research: Diversity and Conservation - get paper here
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