Oedodera marmorata BAUER, JACKMAN, SADLIER & WHITHAKER, 2006
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Higher Taxa | Diplodactylidae, Gekkota, Sauria, Squamata (lizards: geckos) |
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Synonym | Oedodera marmorata BAUER, JACKMAN, SADLIER & WHITHAKER 2006 Oedodera marmorata — SKIPWITH et al. 2016 |
Distribution | NW New Caledonia Type locality: Creek à Paul, Sommet Noir, Paagoumène, 11 km NW Koumac, Province Nord, New Caledonia, 20°29’ 21.1’’ S, 164° 11’ 49.5’’ E, elevation 20 m. |
Reproduction | oviparous |
Types | Holotype: MNHN-RA 2004.0015 (formerly AMS R161256), collected by A. H. Whitaker and V. A. Whitaker, 19 October 2001. Paratypes: AMS R 161257, 161259, CAS 230934, same data as holotype; AMS R 161263, Ruisseau des Gaïacs, Paagoumène, 6 km NW Koumac, Province Nord, New Caledonia, 20° 31’ 16.2’’ S, 164° 14’ 40.6’’ E, 30 m, etc. |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis (genus). Oedodera may be distinguished from all other New Caledonian diplodactylid genera by the following combination of character states: body size small (to 61 mm SVL); head large, neck distinctly swollen, nearly as wide as the widest part of head; tail to 93% of SVL; dorsal scalation granular, homogeneous; body without extensive skin webs or flaps; expanded, undivided subdigital lamellae under all toes; reduced claw of digit I of manus and pes situated between an asymmetrical pair of apical scansors; digit I of pes only with a small rounded scale on medial side in gap between subdigital lamellae and apical scansors; medial apical scansor present on digit II of one or more feet (condition variable); precloacal pores in two or three short rows (fewer than 20 pores in total) not extending onto thighs, females with precloacal slits or pits without secretory material; dorsal pattern of marbled or reticulated brown; venter distinctly yellowish (BAUER et al. 2012). |
Comment | Type species: Oedodera marmorata BAUER, JACKMAN, SADLIER & WHITHAKER 2006 is the type species of the genus Oedodera BAUER, JACKMAN, SADLIER & WHITHAKER 2006. Diplodactylidae fide BAUER (pers. comm. 18 Feb 2011). Reference images: see Uetz et al. 2024 for high-resolution reference images for this species. |
Etymology | The species is named after the Latin “marmorata” for ‘‘marbled’’ and refers to the dorsal patterning of the species. It is feminine matching the generic name in gender. |
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