Omoadiphas aurula KÖHLER, MCCRANIE & WILSON, 2001
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Higher Taxa | Colubridae (Dipsadinae), Colubroidea, Caenophidia, Alethinophidia, Serpentes, Squamata (snakes) |
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Synonym | Omoadiphas aurula KÖHLER, MCCRANIE & WILSON 2001 Omoadiphas aurula — MCCRANIE 2011: 351 Omoadiphas aurula — WALLACH et al. 2014: 505 |
Distribution | Honduras (Corés) Type locality: coffee finca near Buenos Aires (15°30.03'N 88°11.13'W, 1250 m elevation, Dep. Corés, Honduras |
Reproduction | oviparous |
Types | Holotype: SMF 78865, female |
Diagnosis | Diagnosis/Similar Species. “Omoadiphas aurula can be distinguished from all other Hon duran snakes, except O. cannula and O. texiguatensis, by the combination of having smooth dorsal scales in 17 rows throughout the body, no anterior temporal, a divided cloacal scute, and a uniformly brown dorsum or with an indistinct dark brown vertebral stripe. Omoadiphas cannula and O. texiguatensis have six supralabials, seven infralabials, a single postocular, the postnasal contacting the prefrontal, and dark brown to nearly black ventral surfaces (versus seven supralabials, eight infralabials, two postoculars, postnasal separated from prefrontal by loreal, and yellow ventral surfaces in O. aurula).” (McCranie 2011) |
Comment | Type species: Omoadiphas aurula KÖHLER, MCCRANIE & WILSON 2001 is the type species of the genus Omoadiphas KÖHLER, MCCRANIE & WILSON 2001. |
Etymology | From the Greek “aurula”, meaning “a gentle breeze”, in reference to the type locality, Buenos Aires, meaning “good wind”. |
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