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Ophisops elegans MÉNÉTRIES, 1832

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Higher TaxaLacertidae, Eremiadinae, Sauria, Lacertoidea, Squamata (lizards)
SubspeciesOphisops elegans basoglui BARAN & BUDAK 1978
Ophisops elegans blanfordi SCHMIDT 1939
Ophisops elegans budakibarani TOK, AFSAR, YAKIN, AYAZ & ÇİÇEK 2017
Ophisops elegans centralanatoliae BODENHEIMER 1944
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii (WIEGMANN 1835)
Ophisops elegans elegans MÉNÉTRIÉS 1832
Ophisops elegans macrodactylus BERTHOLD 1840
Ophisops elegans schlueteri BOETTGER 1880 
Common NamesE: Snake-eyed Lizard
G: (Europäische) Schlangenauge(neidechse)
Russian: Стройная змееголовка 
SynonymOphisops elegans MÉNÉTRIES 1832: 63
Amystes ehrenbergi WIEGMANN 1835
Ophisops elegans — DUMÉRIL & BIBRON 1839: 259
Ophiops [sic] elegans — BERTHOLD 1840
Gymnops meizolepis STOLICZKA 1872 (fide SMITH 1935)
Ophisops elegans — ANDERSON 1872
Ophiops elegans — BOETTGER 1880
Ophiops elegans — BOETTGER 1892: 146
Ophiops elegans var. persicus BOULENGER 1918: 160
Ophiops elegans var. mizolepis — BOULENGER 1920: 353
Ophiops elegans var. mizolepis — BOULENGER 1921 (fide SMITH 1935)
Ophisops elegans elegans — SMITH 1935: 379
Ophisops blanfordi SCHMIDT 1939
Ohisops [sic] elegans KHALAF 1961
Ophisops elegans — ENGELMANN et al 1993
Ophisops elegans — SCHLEICH, KÄSTLE & KABISCH 1996: 430
Ophisops elegans — ŠMÍD et al. 2014
Ophisops elegans — BAR et al. 2021

Ophisops elegans basoglui BARAN & BUDAK 1978
Ophisops elegans basoglui — SINDACO & JEREMČENKO 2008
Ophisops elegans basoglui — KUCHARZEWSKI 2016

Ophisops elegans blanfordi SCHMIDT 1939
Ophisops blanfordi SCHMIDT 1939
Ophisops blanfordi — HELLMICH 1959
Ophisops elegans blanfordi — SINDACO & JEREMČENKO 2008
Ophisops blanfordi — MOHAMMED et al. 2017

Ophisops elegans budakibarani TOK, AFSAR, YAKIN, AYAZ & ÇİÇEK 2017

Ophisops elegans centralanatoliae BODENHEIMER 1944: 33
Ophisops elegans centralanatoliae — SINDACO & JEREMČENKO 2008
Ophisops elegans centralanatoliae — TAYHAN et al. 2016

Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii (WIEGMANN 1835)
Amystes Ehrenbergii WIEGMANN 1835
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergi — WERNER 1935: 106
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii — BIRD 1936
Ophisops elegans erhenbergii [sic] — ANGEL 1936: 111
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii — SCHMIDT 1939
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii — BISCHOFF 1991
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii — SINDACO & JEREMČENKO 2008
Ophisops elegans cf. ehrenbergii — SINDACO et al. 2014
Ophisops elegans ehrenbergii — MOHAMMED et al. 2017

Ophisops elegans macrodactylus BERTHOLD 1840
Ophisops macrodactylus BERTHOLD 1840: 58
Ophisops macrodactylus — BERTHOLD 1846: 15
Ophisops elegans macrodactylus — ÇEVIK 1999
Ophisops elegans macrodactylus — SCHLÜTER 2004
Ophisops elegans macrodactylus — SINDACO & JEREMČENKO 2008
Ophisops elegans macrodactylus — SCHLÜTER 2010
Ophisops elegans macrodactylus — DEICHSEL 2013
Ophisops macrodactylus — BÖHME 2014: 151
Ophisops elegans macrodactylus — KWET & TRAPP 2014
Ophisops elegans macrodactylus — BAMANN et al. 2021

Ophisops elegans schlueteri BOETTGER 1880
Ophiops [sic] elegans schlueteri BOETTGER 1880: 176
Ophisops elegans schlueteri — SCHMIDT 1939
Ophisops elegans schlueteri — ESTERBAUER 1985
Ophisops elegans schlueteri — SINDACO & JEREMČENKO 2008
Ophisops elegans schlueteri — SCHNEIDER 2020 
DistributionE Republic of Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan,
SE Bulgaria, NE Greece (Lesbos, Limnos, Chios, Samos, Samothraki, Agathonisi, Psara, Kalymnos), Cyprus, Turkey,
Algeria, Egypt, W Syria, Lebanon, Israel, W Jordan,
Iraq, Iran (Kavir desert), Russia (Chechnya and Dagestan)

basoglui: Turkey (S Anatolia, Alanya area)

blanfordi: Mesopotamia, SE Iraq, SW Iran.

centralanatoliae: C/E/S Turkey (C Anatolia)

ehrenbergi: Levant, Greece (Kalymnos, Lesbos etc.), S Turkey (incl Anatolia); N Syria, Iraq

elegans: Turkey (incl Anatolia); Russia (Chechnya and Dagestan), N Iraq, N/C Iran, N Pakistan; Type locality: Baku, Azerbaijan

macrodactylus: W Turkey (Anatolia), Greece (Lesbos, Samos, Rhodes etc.); Type locality: Constantinopel [= Istanbul]

schlueteri: Cyprus  
TypesSyntype: USNM 21396
Holotype: ZDEU (also given as SZE) 167/1975.1, Turkey, Alanya [basoglui]
Holotype: FMNH 19721, paratypes: MSNG [blanfordi]
Holotype: COMU-ZDEU 2017/10 (COMU = Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, which is different from ZDEU) [budakibarani]
Holotype: ZMB [ehrenbergii]
Holotype: ZFMK 21219, cited erroneously as ZDFMK by Böhme 2010 [macrodactylus]
Syntypes: ZMUI ("Zoological Institutes at Istanbul University and Ankara (Y.Z.E.)", BMNH (123+ specimens) [centralanatoliae]
Syntypes: BMNH [persicus]
Lectotype: SMF 13841 [schlueteri] 
DiagnosisDiagnosis (genus): Lower eyelid fused with upper, with large transparent disc (Fig. 123); ventral plates smooth; collar weakly defined, or absent in middle; subdigital lamellae keeled; dorsal scales rhombic, imbricate, strongly keeled; femoral pores present (Anderson 1999: 254).

Additional details (2963 characters) are available for collaborators and contributors. Please contact us for details. 
CommentSynonymy: O. e. persicus was considered a synonym of O. elegans elegans, e.g. by Anderson 1999: 254, who rejects subspecies in O. elegans in general.

Subspecies: the current subspecies classification of O. elegans does not match the molecular clades found by Montgelard et al. 2021 and may need to be revised.

Distribution: Not listed for India by DAS 1997. Not in Libya fide Bauer et al. 2017. Distribution: See map in SMID et al. 2014 for distribution in Iran. See map in SMID et al. 2014 for distribution in Iran. See for maps of subspecies. For a map of type localities of subspecies see Montgelard et al. 2021: Fig. 1b. See Bar et al. 2021 for a map.

Type species: Ophisops elegans MÉNÉTRIES 1832: 63 is the type species of the genus Ophisops MÉNÉTRIES 1832.

Comparisons: Patel & Vyas 2020 presented a comparison of characters in Indian Ophisops. 
EtymologyThe name elegans (Latin) means tasteful, choice, fine, select or elegant and appears to refer to the color pattern or body shape. 
  • Akman, B., Çakmak, M., & Yıldız, M.Z. 2020. On the Herpetofauna of the Central Anatolian Province of Kırıkkale (Turkey) (Amphibia; Reptilia). Acta Biologica Turcica, 33(2): 70-79
  • Akman, B.; M. Z. Yildiz et al. 2018. On the herpetofauna of the East Anatolian Province of Bitlis (Turkey) (Amphibia; Reptilia). Herpetozoa 31 (1/2): 69 - 82 - get paper here
  • Al-Quran, S. 2009. The Herpetofauna of the Southern Jordan. American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 6 (4): 385-391 [this journal has a dubious record, see]
  • Anderson, J. 1872. On some Persian, Himalayan, and other Reptiles. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1872: 371-404 - get paper here
  • Anderson, S.C. 1963. Amphibians and Reptiles from Iran. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. Ser. 4, 31(16): 417-498 - get paper here
  • Anderson, Steven C 1999. The lizards of Iran. Contributions to Herpetology Volume 15, Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Saint Louis, Missouri: i-vii, 1-442 [review in Copeia 2000 (4): 1144] - get paper here
  • Andrea Villa, Massimo Delfino 2019. A comparative atlas of the skull osteology of European lizards (Reptilia: Squamata). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 187 (3): 829–928 - get paper here
  • Arakelyan, Marine S.; Felix D. Danielyan, Claudia Corti, Roberto Sindaco, and Alan E. Leviton 2011. The Herpetofauna of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. SSAR, Salt Lake City, 154 pp. [ISBN: 978-0-916984-84-7.]
  • Avcı, Aziz; Nazan Üzüm, Emin Bozkurt, Kurtuluş Olgun 2018. The Herpetofauna of Poorly Known Tunceli Province (Turkey). Russ. J. Herpetol. 25 (1): 17-24 - get paper here
  • BADER, T. & KOPECZKY, R. & RIEGLER, C. & WIELAND, F. 2016. Die Eidechsen Armeniens – Teil 2: Die Gattungen Lacerta, Ophisops, Parvilacerta und Eremias. Die Eidechse 27 (2): 33-46. - get paper here
  • Baha el Din, S. 2006. A guide to the reptiles and amphibians of Egypt. The American University in Cairo Press, Cairo. xvi + 359 pp.
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  • Bar, Aviad and Guy Haimovitch 2012. A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of Israel. Pazbar LTD, 246 pp. - get paper here
  • Baran, I. & Budak, A. 1978. A new form of Ophisops elegans (Lacertidae, Rept.) from Anatolia. Ege Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Dergisi, Bornova-Izmir (Ser.B), C II (S. 2): 185-192 - get paper here
  • Baran, I.; Kumlutas, Y.; Olgun, K.; Ilgaz, C. & Kaska, Y. 2001. The Herpetofauna of the Vicinity of Silifke. Turkish Journal of Zoology 25: 245-249 - get paper here
  • Bauer, Aaron M.; Jonathan C. DeBoer , Dylan J. Taylor 2017. Atlas of the Reptiles of Libya. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. 64 (8): 155-318 - get paper here
  • Berger-Dell'mour, H. 1986. Zur Herpetofauna des Golan [Syria]. Ann. Naturhist. Mus. in Wien (Ser. B) 87: 59-67. - get paper here
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  • Bischoff, W. 1974. Echsen des Kaukasus, Teil 7. Die Europäische Schlangenaugen-Eidechse Ophisops elegans Menetries 1832. Aquar. Terr. B21, 340-343.
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  • BISCHOFF, W. 2003. Die Eidechsenfauna Georgiens - Teil I: Allgemeine Bemerkungen, sowie die Gattungen Eremias, Ophisops und Lacerta. Die Eidechse 14 (2): 44-60 - get paper here
  • Bischoff, W. 2005. Die echten Eidechsen der Familie Lacertidae - eine Übersicht. Draco 5 (21): 4-27 - get paper here
  • Boettger, O. 1879. Reptilien und Amphibien aus Syrien. Ber. Senck. Naturf. Ges. naturf. Ges. 1878-1879: 57-84 - get paper here
  • Boettger, O. 1885. Liste der von Hrn. Dr. med. W. Kobelt in Algerien und Tunisien gesammelten Kriechtiere. In W. Kobelt (editor), Reiseerinnerungen aus Algerien und Tunis. Berichte der Senckenbergischen Naturforschungs Gesellschaft 1885: 452–475 - get paper here
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  • Böhme, Wolfgang 2014. Herpetology in Bonn. Mertensiella 21. vi + 256 pp. - get paper here
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  • Boulenger, G.A. 1920. A list of Lizards from Mesopotamia collected by Members of the Mesopotamian Expeditionary Force 1915-1919. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 27: 351-353 - get paper here
  • Boyan Petrov; Pavel Stoev; Vladimir Beshkov 2001. A review on the species composition and distribution of the amphibians (Amphibia) and reptiles (Reptilia) in the Eastern Rhodopes Mountain, Bulgaria [in Russian] Hist. Nat. Bulgarica 13: 127-153 - get paper here
  • Bozkurt, E., Ürker, O., & Elverici, M. 2022. An assessment of the herpetofauna of the Oriental Sweetgum forests in southwestern Anatolia, Turkey. Phyllomedusa 21(2): 125-139 - get paper here
  • Broggi, Mario F. 1978. Herpetologische Beobachtungen auf der Insel Lesbos (Griechenland). Salamandra 14 (4): 161-171 - get paper here
  • BUDAK, Abidin; Cemal Varol TOK & Ahmet MERMER 1998. A Report on Reptiles Collected from Kumluca-Kalkan (Antalya), Turkey. Tr. J. of Zoology 22: 185-189
  • Cattaneo, Augusto; Cristina Cattaneo & Mauro Grano 2020. Update on the herpetofauna of the Dodecanese Archipelago (Greece). Biodiversity Journal 11 (1): 69–84 - get paper here
  • ÇEVIK, I.E. 1999. Trakya’da Yasayan Kertenkele Türlerinin Taksonomik Durumu (Lacertilia: Anguidae, Lacertidae, Scincidae). Tr. J. of Zoology 23 (1): 23–35
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  • Clark, Richard 2000. Herpetological notes on the islands of Lipsi and Agathonisi, Dodecanse, Greece. Herpetological Bulletin (74): 6-7. - get paper here
  • Damadi, Ehsan; Rasoul Karamiani; Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani; Ali Gholamifard 2017. A checklist of lizards from southeastern part of the Sistan and Baluchestan Province in southeastern Iran. Iranian Journal of Animal Biosystematics, DOI: 10.22067/ijab.v13i1.50398 - get paper here
  • Damhoureyeh, S.A.; Qarqaz, M.A.; Baker, M.A.; Himdan, N.; Eid, E. & Amr, Z.S. 2009. Reptiles and Amphibians in Dibbeen Nature Reserve, Jordan. Vertebrate Zoology 59 (2): 169 – 177
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  • Disi, A.M.; Modry, D.; Nečas, P. & Rifai, L. 2001. Amphibians and reptiles of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt, 408 pp.
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  • Duméril, A. M. C. and G. Bibron. 1839. Erpétologie Générale on Histoire Naturelle Complète des Reptiles. Vol. 5. Roret/Fain et Thunot, Paris, 871 pp. - get paper here
  • Dunaev E.A., Orlova V.F. 2017. Amphibians and reptiles of Russia. Atlas and determination. 2nd. ed. Moscow: Phyton XXI, 328 p
  • Ebrahimipour, Farnaz; Eskandar Rastegar-Pouyani, Batoul Ghorbani 2016. A Preliminary Study of the Reptile’s Fauna in Northwestern Yazd Province, Iran. Russ. J. Herpetol. 23 (4): 243-248 - get paper here
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  • Ghaffari, Seyed Mahmood; Mosa Mahmoudi, Hasan Salehi and Ali Reza Sari 2023. Karyological analyses of four species of the families Lacertidae and Scincidae (Sauria) from Iran. Journal of Animal Diversity 5 (2): 57-62
  • Gharzi, Ahmad and Afsaneh Yari 2013. Age determination in the Snake-eyed Lizard, Ophisops elegans, by means of skeletochronology (Reptilia: Lacertidae). Zoology in the Middle East 59 (1): - get paper here
  • GÜLER, HABIBE & N. ÜZÜM. 2022. Age Determination of Ophisops elegans (Ménétriés, 1832) (Squamata: Lacertidae) Populations from Different Altitudes in Turkey. Russian Journal of Herpetology 29 (5): 255–261. - get paper here
  • Hamzeh Oraie, Hassan Rahimian, Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani, Eskandar Rastegar-Pouyani, Gentile Francesco Ficetola, Seyyed Saeed Hosseinian Yousefkhani, and Azar Khosravani 2014. Distribution pattern of the Snake-eyed Lizard, Ophisops elegans Ménétriés, 1832 (Squamata: Lacertidae), in Iran. Zoology in the Middle East 60 (2): - get paper here
  • Hellmich, W. 1959. Bemerkungen zu einer kleinen Sammlung von Amphibien und Reptilien aus Süd-Persien. Opuscula Zoologica 35: 1-9 - get paper here
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  • Montgelard, C., Behrooz, R., Arnal, V., Asadi, A., Geniez, P. and Kaboli, M. 2020. Diversification and cryptic diversity of Ophisops elegans (Sauria, Lacertidae). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research - get paper here
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  • Nassar, F. and Hraoui-Bloquet, S. 2020. Female reproductive cycle of the snaked-eyed lizard Ophisops elegans Menetries, 1832 (Reptilia: Lacertidae) from Lebanon. Basic and Applied Herpetology 34: - get paper here
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  • Olgun, Kurtulus; Tok, Cemal Varol 1999. Ihlara Vadisi (Aksaray)'nden toplanan Ophisops elegans (Sauria: Lacertidae) ornekleri hakkinda. Turkish Journal of Zoology 23 (Turkish Supplement 3): 807-810 - get paper here
  • Oraie, Hamzeh; Hassan Rahimian, Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani, Azar Khosravani, and Eskandar Rastegar-Pouyani 2013. Sexual size dimorphism in Ophisops elegans (Squamata: Lacertidae) in Iran. Zoology in the Middle East 59 (4), DOI:10.1080/09397140.2013.868131 - get paper here
  • ÖZDEMÜR, Adem & Übrahim BARAN 2002. Research on the Herpetofauna of Murat Mountain (Kütahya-Usak). Turkish Journal of Zoology 26: 189-195 - get paper here
  • Özgül, C. N., & Gül, Ç. 2024. Mapping of Amphibian and Reptile species living in Bozcaada (Tenedos) Island, Türkiye, according to habitat and environ-mental changes. Biodiversity Journal 15 (1): 3–18 - get paper here
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  • YILDIZ, Mehmet Zülfü;, Bahadır AKMAN, Bayram GÖÇMEN 2012. New locality records of the snake-eyed lizard, Ophisops elegans Ménétriés, 1832 (Squamata: Lacertidae), in the western Black Sea region of Anatolia. Turk J Zool 36(2): 259-265 - get paper here
  • Zadhoush, B., Mousavi, S., Mousavi, S. J., & Rajabizadeh, M. 2022. A preliminary study of the lizard fauna (Reptilia: Squamata: Lacertilia) and their habitats in Bafq Protected Area and Darreh-Anjir Wildlife Refuge, Yazd Province, Central Iran. Journal of Wildlife and Biodiversity, 6(X) - get paper here
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